MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 20 Learn Electricity in the Great Shops of Earn $125 to $300 a Month in 3 12־ Months. No need of taking from 1 to 4 years to become a master electrician. Come to COYNE, the country’s oldest, largest and 1 est equipped Trade School we’ll make you a Master Electrician in 3}•׳* months, train you to earn from $122■ to $300 a month just as we have trained 11,283 other ambitious- mm. No books or theory go here. You learn in our great shops under actual working conditions just as you will do out on the job. lome now, the greatest period of electrical construe-ticn in history is here. Simplest Instruction Known. We have no class work here. . Each man works individually. Ex-ports stand beside you to guide and instruct you while you do the actual work with your own hands. Here you learn everything from the simplest door hell to the mighty generators, - 1110• tors, switchboards, electric locomotives, engineer-ing, plan reading, everything so you can handle the big jobs that, are offered ־ to our graduates. All mastered-quickly, easily and at small expense. LEARN DRAFTING Practical instruction in large drafting rooms in־ big shops .with experts standing beside you. Learn Mechanical Drafting and Machine Design, including Automobile׳• Design, with actual machinery around you. Take Builders’ Course or Architectural Drafting with Bricklaying students actually carrying out your plans. Coyne graduates' in demand. We have been able to place every graduate in good positions. One firm asked , for all mir mp.11. -A PLUMBING Learn; everything from joint wiping to, designing, plan reading, estimating and contracting in big shops with . complete equipment. Experts save you years of needlessly wasted time by quickly training you to pass all City and State Plumbing Examinations, handle biggest jobs, or go into business for yourself. Motion Picture Operating During the past eleven years we have trained hundreds of men for positions as Chief Operators at $25 to $50 per week through practical instruction by experts in modern Projection Rooms with all types of machines. Complete course, taught thoroughly yet quickly, at small cost. EARN YOUR WAY Our Free Employment Bureau will help you obtain a position if necessary so you can earn all or part of your expenses while learning This bureau also places graduates in good paying positions. Get this book of Opportunity! Tells about our great shops! Covers many jobs open for Coyne trained men! Tells of great success of Coyne graduates. Get this book by all means! It’s free. Merely fill in the coupon, stating which trade you are interested in, and mail it now— at once! BENNETT W. COOKE, President C#yne Trade and Engineering• Schools Dept. 130 3951־ E. Illinois Street, Chicago F. W. COOKE President, Coyne Trade and Engineering Schools, Dept. 130, 39-51 E. Illinois St Chicago Please send at once your big Free Book of Opportunity. I am interested in— | []Electricity []Plumbing I []Drafting []Motion Picture Operating I I Name ״------------------------------------------ Address--------------------------- Town________________________State I I I I Teach Your Boy a Trade (Continued, from page ,) MOOSEHEART would enlarge its scope and give to the boys outside of these grounds the opportunity to learn a trade in their High School days by supplying books and writing letters and making suggestions and passing on examination papers. But really there is no such great need in that line of developing because it would only be duplicating the opportunities that are so splendidly offered by institutions that are offering the MOOSEHEART ideas, in giving the youth every facility to step out into a trade, craft, vocation, business on the day the High School gives him its diploma. Why wait until the last year of the boy’s High School course to discuss with him his future career? In thousands of cases that results in putting the boy on the front school steps on graduation day with his ribbon-bedecked diploma in hand, looking out into the vacancy for a job, no definite purpose, no aim, practically no turn for anything,— just standing, looking and waiting for something to turn up that will begin his earning period of life. Why not Drafting■ Lesson. put him in love with something three or four years earlier? Why not introduce him to MOOSEHEART method as early as ten years ? That is not too early for a boy to try things, and find out what he would like to be and do when he gets to be a man. Then when he gets to be fourteen or fifteen years, and has been playing with wheels and wires and hammers and saws and hoes and rakes get him to think definitely along the line of the things he loves to do. Do not neglect his play time but keep in his mind the great power of love or liking in a man’s life. What he loves or likes to do, in that will he be a success. The man who does only what he must because nothing else offers may no doubt do good work, but at best it will only be drudgery and the man who stays in drudgery is never the man who works toward success. It is the man who likes his job that is on the high grade. Get your boy early interested in something definite then give him every opportunity to develop that liking and \vh en you have reached the limit of your educational boost for him, he will step down from the High School stairs and walk into a job that has been calling for him and is reaching out its arms to embrace him. A BROKEN DOWN MINISTER Talking of ministers a few paragraphs back reminds of another incident in the line of vocational suggestions. A minister in Chicago after thirteen years of service broke down towards nervous prostration. He resigned his charge and went to Indiana and rented a home with a nice yard and garden possibility attached. It happened that the church of his denomination in the town was without a pastor. So this man engaged himself to fill the gap on Sundays and prayer meeting nights while he /־'~V BE AN EXPERT Wonderful, new device, guides your hand; corrects your writing in few days. Big improvement¡ n three hours. No failures. Complete outline FREE. Write C. J. Ozment, Dept.•37 St. Louis, Mo. FREE MOVIE MACHINE Have Your Own “Movie’׳ at home. Wonderful moving picture machine ' complete with gas generator and 3 sets reels! .all different (96 views). Powerful lens, showing large, clear pictures. Given for selling 20 large colored pictures, or 20 packages beautiful poet cards at 15c each. Order choice today. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 836 CHICAGO m₪₪SiW^Be VlP^a TIRE SURGEON \ ¡Make $2500to $4000 Per Year 11 Giving New Life to Old Tires If A Haywood Tiro Surgeon can give i #4,000 to 5,000 more miles of new life ■M to a tire, that two years ago would have been |i thrown on the junk pile. ■ I Earned *2200^ FourMonths Wf stations Are Needed Everywhere So.OOO,oootlraswaarlne down •vereday. Cuts,gashes, mm&Wie&rs« braises, broken fabric, every kind.of an accident illfiliSy ®hat Cltt happen to any tire, inside or out, you can repair ■f and •BV0 f“Tn*Service. ,The chance to make money is W *‘“,‘*״Xid Tod־, For My Free Book :haigi Send for It. It’s free. M. HAYWOOD, Pres. - HAYWOOD TIRE & EQUIPMENT COMPANY Is the way Richard A. Oldham tells of his success, repairing, rebuilding, reconstructing old automobile tires, by the new scientific method of TIRE SURGERY. Many other successes—some as big, others greater. We teach you TIRE SURGERY at Indianapolis or by mail. A new profession, an unusual opportunity. Write TODAY for BIG BOOK, that tells everything. Sent FREE. Address Haywood Tire and Equipment Co. 621 N. Capitol Ave. Udianapolia, lod. Capitol Avenue Earn *100 to *400 a Month Right in your own neighborhood. You need only to let it be known that you are a Rabe Trained Motor Mechanic and you will get into a good paying business at once. Immense increase in production and use of Automobiles, Trucks, Tractors, Farm Lighting־ Plants, Gas and Oil Engines, and Power Farming Equipment makes an unpre- there bee״ so to 3 Weeks y MAIL THIS COUPON / TODAY tor 7-Day Trial Offer, wonderful Story of Opportunities and new. big 68■ Every man, 16 years and older, who will apply himself, can learn easily and quickly by the Rabe Practical Method-the same method by which we trained thousands of Soldier Mechanics in 60-day courses. Daily practice on scores of up-to-date Automobiles, Trucks, Tractors, block-mounted Motors, Electric Aparatus for starting and lighting. Farm Lighting Plants, Farm and Shop engines — the greatest mass of equipment assembled and organ- Proof of Success We immediately refer you to thousands tn ¡MOO n mnnih . of Kahe graduates who are earning up Kn^ta 5rWnin,8 garages.making• much more - many from *t® c.ountry. Our immense equipment and long ex-the Itart* JYoSuen№,1C!i״nlC 1?sY"c,tor,s train y״״ for success right from simplyrbri״g°theewflinto8*Xe^ntbynDoing0׳’€^UCat^0ria* requ*reme״ts Free A/flu/ Write today for 7-Day Trial Offer and 68-page rrw /«UW finely illustrated Opportunity Book־ — all free State age and occupation. RAHE AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL Dept. 2718 Kansas City, Mo. 4 “ lzed for training purposes. Numerous Master Mechanics help you make progress. Acres of floor space with flood daylight on all floors. Modern fire-proof construction. Comfortable and pleasant living accomodations in reputable homes close to school — all under daily supervision of our own Welfare Department. Plenty of opportunity to earn part living expenses while here. Only additional cost to be trained here is difference in railroad fare. FREE e illus- Name Address............... Age............Occupat.on.