I want men and women in every cour y in America. I’ll make you exactly the same offer I made Purvience of Ohio, *iis -let profit his first seven days was $207.48. All I want you to do is call on our customers in your neighborhood and take their orders for the most wonderful, stylish, well-made line_ of raincoats, raincapes, waterproof aprons and caps that you ever saw—at prices that cannot be met by any store. C. E. Wilson of South Carolina made $87.60 in 48 hours. H. O. Nissen of Connecticut made a clear profit of $19.00 in 2% hours. H. D. Partridge of Indiana cleared $81.90 in five days. Mourfield of Florida made $38.63 his first day and you can do as well as any of them. Your income can be bigger than a Banker, Lawyer, Merchant or Doctor Millions of dollars are going to be spent within the next few months for raincoats. Thousands of orders are waiting for some one to come and get them. I want YOU to HELP in getting those orders. Think what an OPPORTUNITY this is. J. E. Gault just wrote “I sold $72 50 worth of coats today in five and a half hours, which is pretty good for a beginning.״ G. W. Miller writes: ‘,How is.-this for one hour’s work? After supper I made a net profit of $16.8;>.” You don’t have to be a smooth-tongued salesman. You don’t need experience. This is a grand and glorious opportunity. Three, four, five thousand dollars a yeai• is waiting for you to simply ask for it. On every call you have a chance to make from $2.00 to $20.00 profit. Nothing ever was like it. . If vou take four average orders a day you will make $2,500 a year, and it isn t hard to take 597in June Maher of Maine made a clear profit of $597 in June and June is the poorest raincoat month in the year. If you are making less write now. I’ll make you the same offer. The great success of this business is due to the way that wo stand back of our agents. We HELP you. We SHOW you EXACTLY WHAT TO DO in order to make BIG PROFITS FOR YOURSELF. WE FURNISH EVERYTHING—and we FINANCE you Full equipment free to you I give all of my agents a beautiful raincoat so that they can show their customers the fine workmanship, wonderful style and the great values. I will give you your choice of the coat that you want to wear. I will also furnish you with dozens of samples of material used in these coats, and everything you need to start this prosperous and profitable business. If Maher made $597.00 in one month, which is at the rate of $7,000 a year, and Cooper averages over $4,000 a year—and if Purvience cleans up $207.48 in seven days— then THINK what an OPPORTUNITY this presents to YOU. I am the originator and the pioneer of this great industry. I own my own fac-\ tory, and make my own coats. Thou- ft sands of people know they always get §» a square deal from Comer. If you §gk have CONFIDENCE in yourself Sami there is no LIMIT to what §*gl|L YOU CAN MAKF Don’t send any money. I don’t want you to tie yourself up to do anything. I want you to simply MAIL this coupon, and I will send you all the details of this wonderful proposition. It is worth thousands of dollars to you. More raincoats will be bought within the next few months then has ever been bought in a similar period before. PRICES on overcoats will be sky-high this year. So the minute people know you have the agency they will flock to you for raincoats. There is no chance of failure. Hundreds are successful, and you can be just as successful asany of them. Just WRITE your name and address on th:s coupon with a pen or pencil— tear it off and mail it at once. That was Cooper’s last year profits. This year will ge much bigger. He made $60.00 in one morning And he only works from four to six hours a day. Act Right NOW. The Comer Mfg. Co. Dept. V-110 Dayton, Ohio MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE ГВИЬ POWERFUL AIR GUN _ AND 500 BUCK SHOTS '*’Bis? 31-inch lever-action rifle, fine walnut stock, free for aelliner 20 largre. colored Pictures or 20 pkgs. Post Cards at I5e. Order your choice. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 436 CHICAGO Greenville, Pa. S. SUPPLY COMPANY, Box 347 Cal. _______________________________ 5.00 W. A. Stewart, Keokuk, la--------- 5.00 P. Warimont, Chicago, 111------------- 5.00 Wm. F. Platt, Spencer. Idaho (Member Chicago No. 43)------------ 5.00 Ab. C. Jones, P. S. D., Plainfield, Ind. _______________________________ 5.00 Charles Louprett, New London, Conn. ____________________________ 4.00 Ira M. McClintock, Johnsonburg, Pa. ________________________________ 2.50 Mrs. Sophia Durbin, Mooseheart. 2.00 Mrs. Abbie Freyling, Bethlehem, Pa. ______________________________ 2.00 Charles Lapides, Rochester, N. Y. 1.00 E. J. Di'eyer, Rochester, N. Y---- 1.00 Herbert Tucker, Baltimore, Md._ 1.00 W. R. Wilson, Warren, Ohio-------- 1.00 Wm. Fowler, Toledo, Ohio______________ 1.00 Mrs. N. W. Reeves, Weils burg, W. Va. _____________________________ 1.00 $40479.63 Catherine Sauer, Mooseheart------- 7.25 Thomas A. Maholm, Indianapolis 5.00 Jack Oliva, New York, N. Y-------- 5.00 Ft. Wayne Legion No. 18,' Fort Wayne, Ind. ------------------------ 5.00 W. H. Jones, Negaunee, Mich.___ 5.00 Morris Greenfield, Columbus, Ohio 5.00 Albert Greenfield, Columbus, Ohio 5.00 Fred Odgers, Globe, Ariz-------------- 5.00 L. M. Jacobs, Jr., Globe, Ariz.--- 5.00 R. H. Dymond, Globe, Ariz--------- 5.00 J. J. Gahagan, Baltimore, Md------ 5.00 Thomas A. Pilker, Baltimore, Md. 5.00 H. R. Clifton. Baltimore, Md------ 5.00 James J. Keough, Baltimore, Md._ 5.00 Earl Layton Carey, Baltimore, Md 5.00 M. C. Angelmeier, Baltimore, Md. 5.00 Albert L. League, Baltimore, Md. 5.00 A. W. Dilworth, Baltimore, Md— 5.00 Fred Friedmann, Baltimore, Md._ 5.00 G. E. Millard, St. Joseph, Mo 5.00 Harry A. Georgi, Dayton. O 5.00 George F. Sauer, San Francisco, ■peV eW Poughkeepsie. Legion No. 190, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 100.00 Davenport Lodge No. 28, Davenport, Iowa ........... 100.00 Verona Lodge No. 250, Verona, Pa.................. 72.89 Harvey Lodge No. 1203, Harvey, 111................. 50.00 Negaunee Lodge No. 231, Negaunee, Mich.............. 50.00 F. J. Monahan, San Francisco Lodge No. 26.......... 50.00 Simon A. Merkel, Pittsburgh Lodge No. 46................ 50.00 IV. A. Maher, Trenton, N. J. (Liberty Bond).............. 50.00 B’airsville Lodge No. 187, Blairsville, Pa............. 50.00 RYhwood Lodge No. 770, Richwood, W. Va............. 50.00 G״een Bay Lodge No. 359, Green Bay, Wis.............. 50.00 Cornell Schreiber, Mayor of Toledo ..................... 50.00 Sumy side Lodge , No. 1457, Sunnyside, Utah ............ 50.00 John W. Osborn,Middletown, N. Y. (Liberty Pond(... 50.00 Portsmouth Lodge No. 444, Portsmouth, N. H............ 50.00 F. H. Neimeyer, Little Rock, Ark. (Liberty Bond)..... 50.00 Miami Legion No. 103, Day- ton, Ohio .................. 50.00 P. J. Fitzgerald, Supervisor (Liberty Bond) ............. 50.00 Ellwood Lodge No. 219, Ell- wood, Ind................... 50.00 Granite Lodge No. 1056, Berlin, N. H................ 50.00 Moline Lodge No. 235, Moline, 111................... 50.00 Burlington Lodge No. 579, Burlington, Iowa ........... 50.00 B ittle Creek Lodge No. 326, Battle Creek, Mich....... 50.00 Mrs. J. M. Buck, Mrs. F. J. Kammerer, Mrs. E. G. Glass, Mrs. C. J. Hogue, Cresson, Penn............... 50.00 Port Angeles Lodge No. 991, Port Angeles, Wish...... 35.00 James F. Griffin, Supreme Prelate .................... 25.00 Frederick Lodge No. 327, Frederick, Md............... 25.00 Hamburg Lodge No. 523, Hamburg, Pa................. 25.00 Warren Lodge No. 109, Warren, Pa..................... 25.00 Anaconda Lodge No. 557, Anaconda, Mont.............. 25.00 Eureko Lodge No. 636, Eureka, Cal................... 25.00 Mrs. Sophia M. Banks, Portland,׳ Ore.................. 21.00 Globe Lodge No. 787, Globe, Ariz........................ 20.90 George P. Rutledge, Baltimore, Md.................... 20.00 Samuel House, Baltimore, Md.......................... 20.00 Orange Valley Lodge No. 597, Riverside, Cal..... 15.00 Center of U. S. Lodge No. 398, Columbus, Ind...... 13.75 George N. Taylor, Streator, 111...................... 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hauser, Pittsburgh, Pa... 10.00 A. A. Miller, Evansville, Ind. ....................... 10.00 Mrs. A .A. Miller, Evansville, Ind.................. 10.00 Howard Henry, Mooseheart, 111...................... 10.00 Peter E. King, Baltimore, Md.......................... 10.00 Doc Waddell, Columbus, O. 10.00 Franklin Lodge No. 83, Franklin, Pa................ 10.00 Julius Morris, Batavia, 111. 10.00 John Rees, Anaconda, Mont. 10.00 Nu Mine Lodge No. 528, Nu Mine, Pa.................... 10.00 A. E. Moore, Keokuk, Iowa 10.00 H. E. Levitt, New London, Conn........................ 10.00 Humboldt Park Chapter No. 129, W. M. L., Chicago, 111. 10.00 Sydney K. Freelove, Pawtucket, R. 1................ 10.00 M. N. Hansen, Duluth, Minn. 10.00 Frank G. Kunz, Rochester, New York ................... 10.00 Lorenzo Dow, Tacoma, Wash. . ..................... 8.00 »oil« cup Ties lint I h 5 c t als cap; I plate as a I «ine |- L St