æ&ZZZZZZZ fH£ MILLI O At aOLl^Gf AUTOMOBILE cmû TRACTOR SCHOOL, 4׳,! in. KAN5AS CITY MISSOURI SCHOOL* OF AUTO'TRACTOR-AVIATIOH 713[ SWEENEY BLOG. KANSAS CITY. MO. "Start Right—Send for My Big Free Catolog Today” “I want every young man mechanically inclined to prepare himself to earn from $150 to $400 a month in the Auto and Tractor business. If you like machinery you can become an expert by the Sweeney System of Practical Training in a few weeks.”—Emory J. Sweeney, President. Sweeney Graduates are eligible for the following positions: Motor Expert $125 andi up Tire Vulcanizers $125 and up Chauffeurs $100 end up Welding Expert $150 and up Repair Men $1.25 per hour Truck Driver $35 a week Taxicab Driver $25 a week Trouble Shooter $3.00 an hour Salesman $3500 a year Tractor Engineer $8 a day Demonstrator $150 a month Garage Manager $3000 a year There are hundreds of jobs open. Sweeney men are top notchers, in demand everywhere. Thousands of letters from the boys tell their actual experiences in stepping into Big Paying dobs right away. The Sweeney Schooms recognized as the leading technical and trade school. At the same time there is no school in the world where men have more opportunities for recreation and enjoymentt where there is all the enthusiam and spirit of the old universities like Harvard and Yale, Now is the time, when prices have shot to the sky, when people are spending■ money as never before, that a young man must get into a money making business. What is there better than the auto and tractor business? This is a mechanical age, and the expert commands not only big pay but unlimited opportunities. Why be content with less than you are entitled to and less than you can obtain? Over 20,000 graduates tell the story of success attained by this Million Dollar trade school. In a few short weeks by the marvelous Sweeney System, that you can get no place else, you can become an expert. But 11 you are afraid ol bonest grease and grime don't come here, because we teach with tools, not books, in overalls not silk shirts, by actual work not by listening to lectures. Learn by doing, by training hand and eye. Our building covers 12 acres floor space. Our equipment is the most complete, up-to-date, unlimited money can buy. We even own a magnificent tractor farm, a real farm, where every condition the farm mechanic will meet is reproduced. All based on the idea of ‘ ‘actual experience. ’ From your first day to tke last you work on all types of gas en- gines from a stationary engine to an airplane motor and from a 1-cylinder to a 12-cylinder. You do the actual work yourself. You get the actual experience on the finest and latest equipment and you find real pleasure in your work because each day you can see your progress. By the Sweeney System, you can learn the business in 8 weeks. Don’t say — it can’t be learned in that time. 5,000 U. S. Army Students were trained in that time for the Government at the Sweeney School. You work on the same wonderful equipment and under the same expert instructors as the soldiers did. If you are made of the right stuff, you can learn it too. This Catalog is Like a Moving Picture Show. It Doesn*t Merely Tell You. It Shows You. Clip •the coupon in the corner, fill it out and mail it to me at once. I will gladly send you my 72-page illustrated catalog free. Also a free copy of the Sweeney School News, a most interesting monthly school paper published here. You will enjoy them. Bead the worth while stones of men like yourself who climbed out of the rut, came to Sweeney’s and found success. Bead how Frank Powel and Harry Wilson built up a $20,000 business in about two years after graduating. Read how George Stevens rose from a cowboy to an Auto expert in six weeks and how Elbert A. Pence built up a $25,000 yearly garage business at Clearmont, Mo. These stories and many more are told by Sweeney Students. Also I want you to learn how my students enjoy themselves after work in the heated Swimming Pool, the Club and Reading Rooms, Gymnasium, etc. Send the coupon right now — this minute. *•! got my startpp says this successful Sweeney graduate *4by sending for the catalog. This is the first and most important step. Mail this coupon NOIV.״״ LEARN A TRADE EMORY J. SWEENEY, President, 713 Sweeney Bldg., Union Station Plaza, Kansas City, Mo. Please send me free, without any obligation on my part, your big 72-page catalog and your Sweeney School News. Tell me of the opportunities in the Auto and Tractor Business. Name...................... Postoffice................ State...............,.....