MO OS EH ЕЛ R T MAGAZINE Of Interest to Legionaires AND CHAPTERS Springfield, Ohio, Lodge has been placed in Miami Legion and they say -that they are planning on making every member of the Lodge a Legion-aire. That would make some Legion in that district. Deputy Grand Regent Norman C. Heyd of Toronto, Canada, claims that the Legions in the United States had better keep their eye on Ontario No. 187 because they intend to go some on a membership campaign this Fall. This holds true in both Canadian Legions because the boys in Canada— Northwest No. 24, have sent warning that they expect to have one of the biggest Legions in that part of the country. Both of these Canadian Legions were instituted about the same time and are experiencing a wonderful growth. Deputy Grand Regent• W. J. Arrowsmith is devoting his time to Canada-Northwest. Philadelphia, Pa., Legion No. 3 held a cracking big Frolic at Atlantic City, N. J., on Sept. 5, 6, 7. This session was known as the Second Annual Ceremonial and Frolic, and represented a three-day celebration for all Legions east of the Mississippi from Maine to the Mason and Dixon line. A record breaking class was initiated and Legionaires and candidates from far and wide were in attendance. The Legionaires in Philadelphia district always^ have something new and entertaining for the candidates and visitors.^ Oh, yes, and they eat in that district, too! Bro. A1 Ladner says that Legionaires live on the fat of the land. Herder Bill Ford needed a lot of food during the Frolic because they had the old boy tearing out receipts day and night until his arms got lame. The big parade on Atlantic Avenue on Saturday afternoon with Past Supreme Dictator John W. Ford as chief marshal was a great success. Three thousand marched including the degree team of Philadelphia Chapter W. O. M. L.. Director General James J. Davis reviewed the parade. North Moose Ladner is original and a hustler. The Sturgis, Michigan, Chapter has maintained a good strong membership and expects to make a big increase this Fall. There are now 51 members and Senior Regent Swihart says that they are going after the 100 mark. Legionaire Karriger visited MOOSEHEART during the Convention. Portland, Ore., Chapter has a big-membership which was increased during the membership campaign held by the Chapter during the Spring. The Chapter expects to hold some big social functions with the Lodge in Portland this Fall. Philadelphia Chapter No. 4 surprised the boys on !;he MOOSE-HEART Athletic teams during Convention by donating $100.00 to them to be used in purchasing big red woollen blankets for the football team, etc. The boys are very enthusiastic about the gift and can hardly wait until this Fall to wear them. Thank you, Philadelphia, you have made a lot of happy faces here. Don’t forget that the Women’s Legion is on its way to the 75,000 mark within a year. Every Chapter should begin arrangements now for the membership drive this Fall and winter, so that you will get an early start. Now is the time to set the date for your coming social functions so that every detail will be complete when the time arrives. Too many social functions are failures only because the plans were not laid early in the (Continued on page 31) Western Reserve Legion No. 7 is growing. Dr. A. C. Ball of Alliance, Ohio, is North Moose, and Rich Sheppard of Collinwood, Herder. It is expected that a professional herder will be employed in the near future, and an extra effort made to make this one of the biggest Legions in the East. There is plenty of Moose material to draw from, and with one man making it his duty to build the membership, there is no reason why the Legion should not reach several thousand. Get busy, boys; MOOSEHEART needs your help, and wants your active effort. Reinhart Stetter, Herder of Ft. Wayne, Ind., Legion No. 18, says that there is going to be something doing in that district this Winter. We believe it because the Legionaires in No. 18 believe in having a good time and they have it. The State of California is still after them in the Legion. New districts are being instituted throughout the State and the coming months will see a big-membership in the land of sunshine. A. Vander Naillen, Jr., and Frank Monahan have been busy Legionaires since Convention telling the boys how they did it at MOOSEHEART. Zeb Knott has also been relating a big-story about MOOSEHEART. LEGIONS man’s Chapter which has been lagging. Brother Brown is well and favorably known in his city, and he has made up his mind to do three things before he assumes the Chair as Supreme Dictator, i. e. to add 5,000 to Kansas City Lodge, 1,000 to Legion No. 4, and 500 to the Woman’s Chapter. As he usually does as he promises, we may look for results soon. He has the confidence and co-operation of the local members, and this in itself means success. John Haldren and A. •J. O’Neill of Bluefield are surely doing good work for the Legion in that section. The recent Frolic was a big success, though they had quite a lot of trouble to get a speaker at their meeting. Keep up the good work, boys, and remember that though we could not be with you in person we were with you in spirit, and wish you all success. Mountain Top Legion No. 69 was recently instituted at Johnsonburg, Pa:, and bids fair to become one of the real live wire Legions in the Hill country. They have a number of hustlers who are interested in the work, and will, we are sure, during the^ coming Winter not only add materially to their membership, but will have a number of enjoyable frolics. Keep ’er going, boys. New York Legion No. 13 is taking-on the aspect of a real live institution and Ed Theis, John Brophy, W. C. Butler, Herder, and P. D. Shanor, Dictator, of New York Lodge say they are going to make Philadelphia No. 3 sit up and take notice. Under the consolidation New York is hitting on all four cylinders, and the boys say that before the winter passes, they are going to add 1,000 to the Legion membership. The enthusiasm shown at a recent meeting is evidence they mean business. Go to it, boys; Boost for MOOSEHEART. Doc Thayer and Jerome Roberts say if New York Legion thinks that they car, put anything over on Brooklyn No. 20 they have another guess coming. Brooklyn is going to give them a met-ry chase for first honors in this section, and have a big surprise in store to spring when the season opens. There is a big Legion meeting arranged for the near future, and a big time is promised. Get into the fun, boys; there will be lots of it this Winter. Bill Bennett says New York and Brooklyn may blow about the Legion, but they will not be one, two, three with Newark, N. J., No. 2. Bill says the boys are working up a lot of new stunts that will cause a riot. Bill always modest, usually means what he says. The recent Legion meeting of Mo-nongahala Valley Legion No. 52 at Clarksburg, W. Va., was a big success. The Legion meeting was combined with a picnic at the local park, after some, addresses on the work, a ball game was played between two rival local teams which made a lot of excitement. Following this was dancing and other sports. A big crowd was in attendance, and the Legion is making good progress in the valley. We are looking for a big increase in membership by the end of the year. The recent Frolic and outing of John Stevens Legion held at a local park at Galion, O., was a success. Brother John Stevens who had come on from Chicago for the occasion, took occasion to remark that while he liked the open air, he was opposed to trying to put on the work to the accompany-ment of a Jazz band; and while he was still fond of dancing, he preferred to keep them separate. No. 36 is making good progress, and is gaining steadily in membership. Fred Judd is Herder and Carl Monat Great North Moose. The cornerstone laying at Ponca City, Okla., Aug. 26th, was a big time. Supreme Vice Dictator Brown of Kansas City made the address. After the ceremonies there was a Legion meeting at the Club House. Quite a number of candidates were put thru, and a general good time was had. This Legion is going to expand and grow, the New Lodge Temple is going to help and the Bi-State Convention scheduled for next May is going to give an added incentive to hustle. This is a live bunch. Ged Gahan was on the job, and says that he is going to put Oklahoma right on the map. He predicts a big Legion gain for his territory next winter. Heart of America Legion No. 4 at Kansas City, Mo., is experiencing a new lease of life. Supreme Vice Dictator Darius Brown is the active Dictator of Kansas City Lodge, and he is doing fine work, some of the very best men in Kansas City have joined within the past two months, and Brother Brown says “He will not be satisfied until every one of them have joined the Legion and are helping in the good work.” He has also agreed to help stimulate a new interest in the Wo- DELINQUENT LIST If any Legionaire finds below the number of his or her Chapter or Legion, let him ask the Recorder or Herder what is wrong. If he or she can not tell, write and ask the Grand Regent. WOMEN OF MOOSEHEART LEGION —■154—159—165— — 232—235—278—288 -74—89— —118— 218—219—222—230 -23—25—33—66-_ 198— —211 - 179 -294. MOOSEHEART LEGION OF THE WORLD 3 — 7 — 10 — 28 — 41 — 46 — 59 — 115 — 134 — 143 — 150 — 164 — 166 — 168 — 174 WORCESTER, (MASS.) CHAPTER NO. 197