MOOSEHE/1RT MSiuSJZINE Send Only Doww Order Now People all over the country will be rushing in orders for this coat. Don’t be 190 late. Send the coupon now. First come, first served. Just mail the coupon with $1.00 P. O. order, or a dollar bill. Coat materials are scarcer than ever. So get your order in now. This is a very special offer that we can make fora limited time only. Send the coupon NOW. Elmer Richards Co. Dept. 3007 West 35th Street Chicago, Illinois ■nnnnuiHuiuiun»HinuuHuiinuuiIUIUIUIIaulInJIII"¡ Elmer Richards Co., Dept. 3007, W. 35th Street, Chicago, III. I enclose $1.00. Send Smart Velour Plush Coat, No. E-25. (Extra the, order No.E-26). Color................. ' Size...... If I am not satisfied with the coat, I can return it and get my payment back. Otherwise, I will pay the advertised price, $23.95 (extra sizes, $3.00 extra), on your terms of $1.00 with coupon, balance $3.85 monthly. Name............... Address.. Post Office................................................State................................. If JOB want our Freo Book of Me«’•, Woven’• and Children’» Wear inf Apparel, put X here Q 6 Months to Fay Order this bargain on our liberal credit terms. No need to pay all down to get the very latest styles and amazing values in anything you want to wear. We trust honest people, no matter where they live. You don’t take the slightest risk in ordering. If you are not delighted when you receive the coat, send it back and your payment will be returned immediately. Open a Charge Account Send today for this offering and see for yourself what a big advantage it is to buy on credit from us. Our credit plan makes it easy for you to pay. No discount for cash. Not one penny extra for credit. Just a small monthly payment. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. for This Smart Velour Plush Coat Here is a splendid bargain that can be offered only for a limited time. Don t delay foi all kinds of clothing material is getting harder and harder to obtain at any price. Send today for this beautiful, warm, fashionable coat. The supply is limited. Act NOW. This attractive winter coat is made of a fine grade of mercerized velour plush, which is one of the season's newest and most attractive fall coatings. The collar, cuffs and pockets are of rich beavertex crushed plush in striking contrast. Collar may be worn as illustrated or in open lapel effect as shown below. Coat has all-around belt of self material trimmed with buckles. The back of the coat is cut in newest style, with fullness above the waistline and loose tabs of self material, ornamented with buttons. The entire coat is lined throughout with a fine grade of fancy pattern mercerized lining. Coat is furnished in Burgundy, Navy Blue, Green or Victory Blue. Length 48 inches. Sizes 34 to 44. Mention size and color wanted. Order by No. E-25. Price $23.95. $1.00 with order. $3.85 monthly. For large women, bust size 45 to 51, allow $3.00 more. Order by No. E-26. Price $26.95.