Look! 21 Ruby and Sapphire Jewels— Adjusted to the second — Adjusted to temperature — Adjusted to isochronism— Adjusted to positions — 25-year gold strata case — Genuine Montgomery Railroad Dial — New Ideas in Thin Cases A Month All of this for $3,50—only $3.50 per month—a great reduction in watch prices — direct to you — positively the exact prices the wholesale dealer would have to pay. Think of the high grade, guaranteed watch we offer here at such a remarkable price. And if you wish, you may pay this price at the rate of $3.50 a month. Indeed, the days of exorbitant watch prices have passed. Write now. CpA If- piv*of You don’t pay il. я. a cent to any- body until you see the watch. You don’t buy a Burlington Watch without seeing it. Look at the splendid beauty of the watch itself. Thin model, handsomely shaped — aristocratic in every line. Then look at the works. There you will see the masterpiece of the watch makers skill, a perfect timepiece adjusted to positions, temperature and isochronism. Practically every vessel in the U. S. Navy has many Burlington Watches aboard. Some have over 100 Bur ling-tons. The victory of the Burlington among the men in the U. S. Navy is testimony of Burlington superiority. Send Your Name On This Free Coupon Get the Burlington Watch m Book by sending this coupon You will know a lot more about watch buying when you read it. You will be able to “steer clear” of over-priced watches which are no better. Send the coupon today for the watch book and our offer. now. Burlington Watch Company 19th St. and Marshall Blvd. Dept. 3006 Chicago, Illinoie Canadian Office : 355 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. \ Burlington Watch Co. \ J9th Street and Marshall Blvd. \ 1ept. 3006 Chicago, 111. V Please send me (without obligations \ and prepaid) your free book on watches with full explanation of your cash or $3.50 a month offer on the Burlington Watch. Name. Address..