MOOSEHEART /ЛЛСЛZINE 28 Will Be an Engineer—The Graduating Essay of Lawrence Arthur Hower, Oil City, (Pa.) Lodge No. 48 Illinois as being a competent school, the graduates of which can enter college without examination. In pursuance of my vocation, I spent my time between the carpenter shop, drafting class and cement plant. I have taken a rather complete course in plaster model and mold making, which not only gives me a fine trade, but also will make me a more efficient concrete man. I have become so pro-ffieient in the model and mold making, that the large- granite fire-place you see in the living room at the South end of the new Assembly Hall, is my. work. As to my concrete work, I can look at it from both the ditch digger’s and the engineer’s point of view, as I have dug ditches and. studied the theory of concrete. With a few months more of training along the line of designing concrete members, wihch I will get at Lewis Institute, I feel that I can qualify as a Concrete Engineer. ; Our life here has not been entirely school and work. We have a baseball and a football team every year, and 1 have only missed two games in the four years I have been here. As we have an excellent physical director we students understand these two great American games. We have a lake which means swimming and boating in the summer, and ice skating in the winter. The most profitable recreation that I have had is my membership in the band. I have been playing for about three years and believe I am qualified to go out into the world with the assured financial help that my playing in a musical organization would give me. In closing, I wish to say that I can never recompense MOOSEHEART for the education and care that I have had here and will live with Mooseheart always in my mind and always ready to serve it, as the 500,000 members of the Loyal Order of Moose living for and loving Mooseheart, do today. (The following Essay was delivered by Lawrence Arthur Hower on June 24, 1919, at Roosevelt Auditorium in the Assembly Building, before the Delegates to the Thirty-First Annual Convention and invted guests. It is the intention of The Mooseheart Magazine to print the Essay of each of the five members of the ’19 Graduating Class in succeding issues.) My sister Lottie and I arrived at Mooseheart on July 16th, 1915. I can’t say .impressions of. Mooseheart were. It was just full of fresh air and spacious grounds. There were but few buildings then, but enough to indicate that there would be many more. As all newcomers went direct to Dean Rondthaler’s office, we went there and found the Assembly committee writing to the San Diego Convention. Our Band was on its way there at that time. We were cordially welcomed and made to feel that we were at home. We did not have to go in detention as at present. Lottie, my sister, was shown to Purity Hall which was to be her home up to last Thanksgiving when, through influenza, her spirit left this earth to enter heaven. I was taken to Camp Mahlon Garland and shown in which tent I was to sleep. I was then shown all over Mooseheart. We attended out first Assembly that day and were started on our course in parliamentary practice. A few days later I entered the drafting class for the first part of my course in concrete work. As there was no High School then, I entered the Eighth Grade—although I had left the second year of my home High School. However, we soon had a High School and I profited lay the review I had in the Grammer grades. We have had the best teachers and a few months ago our High School was accredited by the University of Vineland, N. J. Lodge Adopts a French Orphan General Joseph A. Jenkins, enclosing a photograph of little Andre Carroulle who has been adopted by Vineland Lodge No. 434, Vineland, New Jersey. It is an historic picture. Brother Jenkins representing the Vineland Lodge holding the hand of little eight year old Andre Carroulle with the Moose headquarters and the beautiful church of the Madeline in the rear, uniting in their benediction of good will and with best wishes for the lad on his voyage to his foster fathers in far off Vineland. What a precious example of “Aid” this is in Vineland Lodge. It is the spirit, of Mooseheart carried out beyond the formal confines of the Order of Moose, and'embracing in its love and care the little French Waif. What does it mean to the boy ? What a noble future for him! What a treasure to that Lodge! How the years of boy and Lodge will merge in sacred care, protection and mighty love! What an inspiration for other Lodges, Societies, Clubs, Churches and Associations to do likewise! Director General Davis received a letter from Brother Vice-Director Joseph A. Jenkins, Vice Director General for France, and Vineland Lodge orphan standing in front the Moose Club in Paris. vicissitudes of the parentless child. He formed the ideal of one day establishing a home for orphans which would be different, and in subsequent years, becoming enriched through investments in the famous Hercules mine in the Coeur d’Alene district, was able to put his ideals into effect. A fine farm and a beautiful set of buildings with all the possible comforts of a modern home have been reared, a half million dollar monument to an orphan lad’s boyish ambition. RESOLUTION Spokane, Wash., July 20—Spokane Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, has unanimously passed a resolution commending in terms of warm enconium the philanthrophy of L. W. Hutton, Spokane mining millionaire, in establishing the Hutton Settlement on the outskirts of Spokane. The institution is a half million dollar orphans home. The donor was left an orphan at six years of age, and suffered the “The spirit of education is that a man may benefit himself by serving others.” Boys and Girls Also Save Your Body and Efficiency First «I Would Not Part With It For $10,000” So writes an enthusiastic, grateful customer. “Worth more than a farm” says another. In like manner testify over 100,000 people who have worn it. The Natural Body Brace Overcomes WEAKNESS and ORGANIC AILMENTS of MEN and WOMEN. Develops.erect, graceful figure. Brings restful relief, comfort, ability to do things, health and strength. 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Everything a Woman Wears Sent Prepaid On Approval My new book is a great deal bigger than ever before. Many new departments have been added. More things are shown in actual colors. Nothing has been overlooked. I will send any selection prepaid on approval. If you return it, I pay the cost back tome and immediately refund your payment. I Show Below a Small List of Departments Aprons Chemises Underwear Lingerie Baby Needs Coatees Dresses Children's Ladies’ Coats Furs Clothes Combinations ־' Bath Robes Corset Bloomers Covers Brassieres Corsets Capes Corset Caps Waists Slippers Stockings Suits Sweaters Veils Vestees Waists Gloves Hats Hosiery Kimonos Millinery Muffs WRITE ME TODAY-A PENNY POSTAL CARD WILL DO. I allow you to pay just about as you please. You don’t even need to ask for credit. I take care of all that in advance. You can have theloveliert things without waiting. Look your prettiest at all times and take months to pay. But my Credit Plan alone would not make many women want to have my Style Book. Style, quality and value must come first. The credit can be considered simply as something extra. Write for my Style Book because of its beautiful fashions. Get it because of its splendid bargains. Your copy is waiting your request Be Posted On the New Styles My new Style Book will tell the new width and length of skirts; the right height and design of shoes; the newest clothes; the latest weaves; the smartest trimmings. You will learn from it the most popular modes in dresses; the fashionable colors; the correct ideas in millinery, lingerie or children’s wear. Having it in your home is like chumming with a famous style authority. Why not write for it today ? Martha Lane Adams 3823 Mosprat St., Chicago Hi Inch High Walking Boot igh lace style with fancy waved top and snappy all leather high military heel. Velour finished leather of fine quality, soft and pliable. Will not stretch or run over. Delightfully comfortable. Medium weight extension sole. Season’s most popular sensibly pointed toe. Perforation around vamp, at toe and at sides of eyelet stays. Popular Colors : Havana Brown, Field Mouse* Gray or Black. Sizes ; 2M to 8; all widths. $1.00 with order—$1.00 a month H/IDQ19 Price, with pair of stockings QC Lf**Iwl¿ to match, prepaid.............ipO.lJO Inch High Dress Boot Stunning new shape with smartly turned high Louis heel. Fine finish kid leather, glossy glove ־ like smoothness and. long wearing. Medium weight sole, close edped dress style. Sensibly pointed toe. Fancy perforation around vamp, at sides of eyelet stays, toe and daintily waved top. High lace model. Alu- 7■ minum heel plate. Colors : Havana Brown, Field Mouse, Gray or Black. Sizes: 2M to 8; all widths. $1.00 with order—$1.00 a month Till P Q 1 A Price, with pair of stock- d* £ QC U4Rj1U jngs to match, prepaid, *P'*•*'*^ Delivery Sent on Trial Prepaid