25 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Legm Auto and Tractor Business^ Earn $100 to $400 a Month , , Right in your own neighborhood. You need only let it be known that you are a Rah© Trained Motor Mechanic, r and you will get into a good paying business at once. Learn in 6 to 8 Weeks Daily practice on up-to-date Automobiles, Trucks and Tractors — The Greatest Training Equip° ment in America. Thousands of success* ful graduates — many from your own section. (״Jo colored applications.) Free NOW Write today for 7-Day ■ * Trial Offer and 68- Page Illustrated Opportunity Book. State age and occupation. RAHE AUTO & TRACTOR SCHOOL , Dept. 2714 Kansae City, Mo. er choice of 44 styles, colors and sizes in thefamons Ranger lino ©f bicycles for you to keep and use for a month as your own. m mmr then agree to show your bicycle to ten M/milif WtTUBB or more of your friends and tell them ■"the ridiculously low factory price, easy terms, unusual conditions and exceptional offers I would make, all or which I will explain to you if within ten days of seeing this you will say in a letter or on a postal, “Send particu• lara of Bicycle Offer” and address your postal card or letter* Personal for G. L. LEWIS, Manager MEAP CYCLE CO.,_______________1 11 Mead Block. Chicago An astonishing offer. Seize It quickly. MUSIC WITHOUT NOTES! A sensational success Over 800,000 people now play piano by this wonderful new EASY FORM MUSIC; even young children learn quickly. Here Is your opportunity. Don’l miss It. «pr V™ One Hour Simple as a-b-c. No teacher required. No correspondence lessons by mall. No knowledge of note music required. This remarkable book, sent FREE on trial, contains ONE HUNDRED of the world’s most famous vocal and instrumental selections printed In EASY FORM MUSIC. Send no money. PLAY PIANO NEW? WAY If you don’t learn in five days to play not merely one but SEVERAL popular pieces, send it back:no obligations whatsoever. Or, if you wish to keep the book, pay only 6^c each for the selections—special half price offer to those who write at once. No extra charges of any kind. Complete course of easy instructions free with the book. Be sure to tell us how many white keys on your piano or organ. Send a postal NOW. EASY METHOD MUSIC CO849 ״ ClarksonBlda.,Chlcaco.ll(. A Trip Through Minnesota—By Rodney H. Brandon, Supreme Secretary on over to Ely and were entertained by that live-wire bunch of good fellows. An automobile was in waiting and after we had gotten about all the fish in White Iron Lake we trekked over to Birch Lake Dam where the boys pulled twenty-five pounds of bass, pickerel and pike out of the swirling waters of that outlet in a few minutes. That night we had a fine meeting of Ely Lodge. The next morning saw us back on our way to Birch Lake Dam where we took it easy until noon with the bass, pickeral and pike. Any member of the Loyal Order of Moose who wishes a delightful outing with real natural conditions for fishing, where the fish are not yet frightened at he lure, should get in touch with Secretary John Mier of Tower or Secretary John Johnson of Ely. No better fellows will be encountered in a day’s march, and Johnson in particular is an unbeatable guide. The boys came hack full of enthusiasm at the fine reception accorded by the various commitees. The Champion fisher was E. M. Oswalt, of the Press, who proved to be a wonder with the casting tools. The Loyal Order of Moose may well be proud of its fine representation in the cities of the iron range. I had the pleasure in the middle of July to spend a few days in the beautiful lake country of the iron range of Minnesota. This was a combination trip of work and pleasure; the work being to row a boat all day while some of the good brothers fished in the beautiful waters of these lakes, and the pleasure being to speak to Lodges and Legions in the evening. Our first meeting was in Virginia, where District Supervisor Gerahty had arranged a class of 125 of the best fellows of all the lodges in the range and where we instituted Mesaba Legion in a most enthusiastic all night session. Old Squirtum was on the job and enthusiasm ran high. About four o’clock in the morning, when the Legion meeting was about at an end, we drove over to Tower, where the day was spent on an outing on wonderful Lake Vermillion. The Tower boys have built a beautiful bungalow on the shores of the lake where they served us a fish “bullion”. After this treat we spent the afternoon cruising in a motor boat and lifting out a few pike and similar finny life. Later we went into the city of Tower and had an enthusiastic lodge meeting between 10:00 P. M. and 2:00 A. M. After sleeping a few hours we went Honors Come After Death—Brother Sergeant Adrean a Good Soldier members of his command who had pushed far to the front he was again hit in the shoulder and severaly wounded. His heroic and voluntary disregard of self in order to save his comrades set a splendid exampl to all ranks. He has since died of wounds received in this action. The Quartermaster General of the Army has been directed to have the cross sent to you and it is believed that you will receive same in good time. Very respectfully, (Signed) C. M. THIELE, Adjutant General. Brother Adrean was a good soldier, having been active in military service since 1898. He served with Co. E, 102nd N. Y., during the Span-ish-American war. He continued his connection with the N. Y. State Guard. Served with the 27th and 29th Divisions in France where he made the great sacrifice after a heroic career. Peace be with the loved ones who mourn him. The following letter was received by the wife of our late Brother Adrean who was a member of Utica, N. Y., Lodge No. 450: War Department The Adjutant General’s Office Washington February 13, 1919. Mrs. Mary Regina Adrean, 1006 Rudolph Place, Utica, N. Y. Dear Madam: This office has been advised by the Commanding General, American Expeditionary Forces (cable 1920) that he has awarded the distinguished service cross posthumously to your husband, Sergeant Charles H. Adrean, 107th. Infantry, for extraordinary heroism in action east of Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. While commanding part of his company he was wounded in the head but continued to direct his men, reorganizing a detachment of soldiers and establishing a line of defense in a trench. Later while going to the assistance of some ЦЦЩЦу1|111г” A Classy $250.00 ДиТ0 With » Real I W This classy racer will do anything■ a full-sized car will do be-f cause it is built like a real automobile. It will even go where a big car can’t go. For it it has a narrow tread so you can drive anywhere—thru forest—up lanes—-anywhere you could ride a bicycle. Yet you need not take the dust from anyone—for it will run 25 miles an hour on good roads. This Classy Car Can Be Yours i n the picture. Don’t they look like they were ready for a real time perhaps off on an errand for Mother or a jaunt to the postoffice or fishing pond? Wouldn’t you like to be with them? You can own a Cul-ver Racer and be a young Barney Oldfield if you send me your name and follow my ^ instructions. When I tell you this auto is to be given free—I mean free—it won’t cost ' you one cent of your own money. Built Like the Bigr Racers—Capacity—Carry two 15 yr-old boys or three 10 yr-old. Steering Gear—wood with metal spider. Wheels—wire inter, ball bearing. Speeds — 3 for., 2 reverse. Brake---Foot and hand. Engine—Air cooled, 6 horse power. Speed—Up to 25 miles. SUPREME VICE-DICTATOR BRINGS VISITORS Accompanied with Supreme Vice-Dictaor Brother Darius Brown, a delegation of prominent citizens of Kansas City, Mo., visited MOOSEHEART on July 30. The delegation comprised of Mrs. Jennie Green, Judges Porterfield and Thomas and Messers Hood and Moorehead. The visitors were taken to all the points of interest and finally to the meeting of the Assembly. Then called upon (as visitors usually are) each of them expressed surprise and pleasure with what they had seen and complemented the students upon the splendid home-life and happiness which was every where apparent. HELP YOUR SECRETARY The secretary of your lodge is a busy man especially during the last 15 days of a quarter and the first 15 days of the new quarter. Lighten his burden by paying your dues and the Mooseheart Permanent Building Fund Dollar before the end of September. Help your secretary and be a Mooseheart Patriot at the same time. TEN BOOKS FOR 10 CENTS I l—Leg Jokc Book. 2-Book on iiagic. ¿-Look on Toy Making. 4-Book on Courtship. 5-Base Ball Book. fr-Dream Book & Fortune Teller. 7-Book Letter Writer. 8-Cook Book. 9-Home Entertainer. 10-White Slave Story Book. All the above by mail for 10 cent3. Address, Mays Co. 162 B Morton St..Batavia. HB te High power air rifle for selling 6 boxes Mentho-Nova Salve at 25c. U. s. company. Dept¿ a6 Greenville. Pa. Agents: $40 a Week Make quick, sure, easy sales in every home selling new line of guaranteed hosiery for men, won- All styles, colors and finest line of silk hose. Guaranteed One Year"“‘ Pleasant work. Handsome profits. Sell every day the year. Often sell dozen pairs to one family. Make permanent customers. Steady income. Everybody Needs Hosiery Whether you devote full time or spare time, this will pay yon better than anythinj ha,Ye ever done. Any man or woman sell this new line of guaranteed hosiery Act quick. This Is the best season o״ the whole year. Write for Agency and samples. sei I Gold solid I Send Your Name and We’ll Send Yon a Lachnite I! TVDN’T send a penny. Just send your name and say־. “Send me j a Lachnite mounted In a Bolid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial.’׳ We will send it prepaid right to your home. When it 1 comes merely deposit ?4.75 with the postman and then wear the WntP Tftriav Send your name now. Tell us which of the *■.*•*״ * solid gold rings illustrated above you wish Cadies’ or men’s). Be sure to send finger size !.Harold LachmanCo., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept. gQQgChicago. FREE THIS 7-PIECE WATER SET /your own initial in sterling silver\ ON EVERY PIECE Set consists of six one-half pint tumblers and a three-pint pitcher. Around the top of every piece is a Sterling silver edge. On the side a Sterling silver wreath with your initial, also silver. Just the thing for summer. How to Get It FREE Just send the coupon below and state initial you want on set. I will send you only six 16x20 inches beautiful patriotic and scenic pictures. Distribute them among your friends and relatives, on our greatest, most liberal introductory offer, free. You can do it in fifteen minutes to an hour. When you distribute the pictures the Water Set is yours, free. Don’t Delay Send Coupon Mow We must appoint some one in your locality at once. “First come, first served.’׳ Send your name and address on the coupon and state what initial you select on the seven-piece set. COUPON M. M. SIDDALL, Dept. 613 512 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Dear Sir: I want the handsome seven- piece, silver mounted, initialed Water Set. Send m• the six pictures, free, to distribute and details of your profit-sharing plan. Name........ P. O., R. F. D. or St. No. .. Town...................... State Initial wanted