24 SEND TODAY FOR THIS Free Book The Auto Owners9 Friend Hanley-Morris Carbon Remover Removes Carbon from your car in 1 5 minutes at small cost— 7 Cents per Cylinder You do the work yourself, very simple. Will positively not injure your motor. Sure Way For More Power Why let carbon kill the efficiency of your motor. Radiator Cement Guaranteed to mend any leaking radiator in 10 minutes. Lustre-Lite Polish Removes grease and oil. Contains no oily matter to pick up dust. Also cleans metal, glass, furniture, etc. Fill in This Coupon TODAY Hanley-Morris Co., s 1001 Irwin Aye., N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Gentlemen: Please send me without cost your booklet telling me how I can keep my motor free of Carbon. Sender’s address: AlOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Big Legion Frolics in Men’s ■ Legion assemble later with their families for a big dance and general good time. This idea of interesting more people in the activities of the local legion is very valuable and will be promoted during the coming winter also. Although the Legion has made a big growth in membership during the past several months, the coming Fall and Winter will see the strength of this organization almost doubled. Already plans have been made by several districts for a “double the membership” campaign, all •of which are practically assured of success. The Second Degree is desired by all Moose but inasmuch as the Regents of the Legion have not been able to arrange conditions so that all could have it, conditions are now being• evolved so that all may continue on to this degree with less difficulty. All members ofthis fraternity are _ anxious to associate themselves with this great philanthropic Order which is putting forth every effort to do something more for Mooseheart which will increase the opportunities of the children of the Moose who are now at Mooseheart. The Frolics held by the different districts of the Men’s Legion recently have been produced on a larger and more extensive scale. In order to reason that the responsibility rests is necessary that the Legion have a big class of candidates which has been true in most cases. All of the Legions are working under one of two systems in their organization work, namely, to have a committee on organization or to appoint a Master of Work whose duty it is to bring in the candidates and prepare the details of the Frolic. Both of these methods have proved satisfactory with the latter being in favor for the reason that the responsibility rests upon one person who will produce the desired results in a most successful manner. During this Summer open air Frolics, have been predominant and will be during the Fall. These open air Frolics have taken the form of a general Moose gathering which has included all members and their families. The Legionaires hold their business sessions including the ritualistic work and burlesque initiation and then all <»:Н1ШШШ1ШШШ1Ш£:1Ш11ШШ1и1Ш1ШШ1НШ1ШШ11И!НШ111Н1Н1Ш1Ш1Ш[ЗШШШШНШ11ШШ1НПШШ1тНШШ1Ш11Н1Ш!1111111П1ШШ.■♦« EE — I [0^ Every Moose Should Read This | I IF YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, ASK 1 = YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT- | | ING COMMITTEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE, g | IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY H. S | BRANDON, MOOSEHEART, ILL., AND HE WILL. | _ — —23—24— — i— —81— — —112— — I n 125— — — — — *—159—173— i— — — | s 204— '—218— —238—246— —260—270—.- — — I I —327—׳־ T- 349— —1 -366— —385 — — 390 5 I 392—394 — — 405 — 407 — —415— i—427— > — 432—436 | n — 442 — —453 — — —487—- 1 — — ׳— - = _ 531—532—533— —540—r ,— — —567—569—580—581 g 1 —629— —623—«1־־— —612—605 — 603— )—598—594— | i —647— 1—655— —662— > — —666— —676—687— 1 1 s 690 — 691—t — —i — >- — 708—709—711—712 — 715—717—722 n 1 775 — —773 — 772—771—770 —756— — — < —733 — ׳ s g — — —793—794— ־'־— — —801—797— '־׳■'! = 814 — — — 824 — 827 — 829 — — — 840 — 846 — 851— — -867— _— -877 — 879— 1— 919 —Г -« ־־- — 941—, - 977—i ' -992— — 1007 — 1007 — 10ri8 ) 1 — 1015 — 1016 — 1030 — — 1034 — — 1039 — 1047 — 1048 — r — — 1065 — — 1072 — 1075 — 1101 — 1104 — —_ — 1111 — 1122 — 1130 — 1138 — 1143 — 1148 — — ‘ — 1174 — 1181 1184 1186 — 1188 — 1189 — 1196 — — — 1.209 — •A 1223 — 1226 — 1228 — 1232 — 1233 — — — *... — 1 1258 . 1275 — 1276 — 1279 — 1290 — 1293 — — 1302 — 1314 1316 — 1319 — 1324 — — — 1333 — 1334 — 1340 1342 — 1348 — 1360 - 1 — — 1365 — — - — — 1378 — 1379 — — 1385• — — — 1390 1395 — 1397 — 1399 — 1403 — 1405 — • ** 1410 — 1433 — — ' «•— — 1441 — 1443 — 1449 1459 1466 — , — ’ — 1472• — 1479 — — — 1484- — -1491- — 1493 — 1497 — 1503 — — 1511 1517 * — — 1527 — 1549 — — • **. — 1558 — 1559 — 1562 — 1573 — — 1578 ' 1582 1588 — — — — — 1623 — 1624 - -4 — — 1640 — 1643 — 1644 — < A — 1653 — 1654 — 1655 I 1656 — 1658. g *lilllNHIlllW............................................................................................ Northern California, Oregon and Washington lodges are beginning to show signs of life, some showing a nice increase in membership on the June quarter. Evidently Brothers Millspaugh and Long are stirring them up. Garden City, Kansas, No. 1099, was considered a dead one about six months ago by the Supreme Lodge. They now have a membership of 173, initiating 37 this quarter. This demonstrates what a few can do when it is put up to them. The Supreme Lodge wishes you a larger membership and success. Elizabeth, Pa. lodge No. 142, has just paid off the balance of the indebtedness on their $8500 home. That’s the way to do it. No reason why Elizabeth Lodge shouldn’t double their membership between now and the end of the year. Pittsburg, Kansas, No. 621, initiated 600 members during the first six months of 1919, more than doubling its membership. Topeka, Kansas, No. 524, added 400 new members during the same period, and in fact all Kansas lodges are showing a nice increase in thoir momborihip. INFORMATION WANTED Mrs. Mary Davis, 928 Bachert St., Canton, Ohio, wants information as to the whereabouts of her husband who is a member of Canton Lodge. Last heard from at Pittsburgh and Brownsville, Pa. MID-SUMMER TIRE SALE! SERVICEABLE DOUBLE TREAD TIRES “The Tire with the Extra Mileage״ Guaranteed 4,000 miles (standard guarantee). This sale means a saving of 60% to 75%. We defy competition in both price and quality. Serviceable tires are satisfactory, reliable and ־ strong. They give the mileage and we guarantee it. NOTE OUR LOW PRICES New, Fresh Stock, Standard Tubes Size 30x3__ 30x3%_ 32x3%— 31x4__ Tire Tube Size Tire Tube $1.75 31x1% — _$10.75 $3.25 . 6.50 2.00 35x4% — _ 11.00 3.49 . 7.00 2.25 36x4 %__ _ 11.50 3.50 . 8.00 2.50 37x4%__ _ 12.00 3.65 . 8.25 2.65 35x5 _ 12.25 3.75 . 8.50 . 8.75 2.75 2.85 37x5 _ 12.75 4.00 RELINER FREE WITH EACH TIRE Send $2.00 deposit for each tire ordered, balance C. O. D., subject to examination. By sending full amount with order, we allow a discount of 5 per cent. Send in your order to-day and avoid disappointment. SERVICEABLE TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 2415 INDIANA AVENUE, DEPT./*!, CHICAGO. ILL. Mooseheart Magazine Classified Department Wanted—Agents AGENTS—200% profit. Wonderful lit+le article. Something new; sells like wildfire. Carry right in pocket. Write at once for free sample. Albert Mills, Mgr., 1529 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS: Reversible Raincoat. Two coats in one. One side dress coat, other side storm overcoat. Guaranteed waterproof or money back. Not sold in stores. Big commission. Sample furnished. Parker Mfg. Co., 164 Rue St., Dayton, Ohio. SALESMEN—City or Traveling. Experience Unnecessary. Send for list of openings and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year. Free Employment Service for Members. Address Nat’l Salesmen’s Tr. Assn., Dept. 137-M, Chicago, 111. IV/IEN OR WOMEN—Make $50-$75 week selling Joas Crystal Compound Washes clothes quickly without rubbing or boiling. Wonderful, repeat seller. Write for free sample and our big profit plan. Utility Mfg. Co., Box N., Chippewa, Wis. Wanted—Female Help I ADIES to Sew at Home for a large Phila-delphia firm. Good pay; nice work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. j; Song Writers Wanted WRITE THE WORDS for a song. We write music, guarantee publisher’s acceptance. Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 920 So. Michigan Ave., Room 105, Chicago. Write Picture Plays !!/,RITE PHOTOPLAYS; $50 each. Experi-* * ence unnecessary; details free to beginners. Producers League, 385, St. Louis, Mo. Ilf ANTED—Stories, Articles, Poems for new ** magazine. We pay on acceptance. Typed or handwritten MSS. acceptable. Send MS. to Woman’s National Magazine, Desk 825, Washington, D. C. Wanted—Old False Teeth CASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH (Broken or not) We pay $2.00 to $35.00 per set. Also actual value for Diamonds, Watches, Bridgework, Crowns, Old Gold, Silver and Platinum. Send at once and receive cash by return mail. Your goods returned if price is unsatisfactory. Mazer Bros., Dept. 231-2007 S. 5th Street, Phila., Pa. CASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH—We pay up to $35.00 pe? set, (broken or not). Also buy discarded gold jewelry, gold crowns, bridges, platinum, diamonds, watches and silver. Send now. Cash by return mail. Packages held 5 to 10 days for sender’s approval of our offer. U. S. Smelting Works, Dept. 76, Chicago, 111. Inventions INVENTIONS WANTED. Cash or royalty for ideas. Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 190 St. Louis, Mo. Miscellaneous BELGIAN HARES. Pedigreed stock for sale. R. & S. Rabbit Farm, Milford, Pa. ST-STU-T-T-TERING and Stammering cured at home. Instructive booklet free. Walter McDonnell, 122 Potomac Bank Bldg., Washington, D. C.