22 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Director General Davis MOOSEHEART FOUNDATION The majority of the membership know about Mooseheart Endowment or Foundation which was authorized by the 30th Annual Convention and approved by the 31st Annual Convention. There is no limit either to the source or the amount that may be subscribed, and there is no minimum. The purpose is to complete MOOSEHEART just as soon as possible. All contributions or payments should be addressed to James J. Davis, Director General, Mooseheart, 111. Reported at Convention........$850.00 A. C. Ball, Alliance, 0........ 50.00 Jno. W. Brophy, New York City ....................... 10.00 Total ......................$910.00 TOLEDO LODGE MAKES BIG CONTRIBUTION TO THE HOUSE OF GOD Since the Convention, Toledo Lodge No. 713 has paid to “House of God Fund” the sum of $1,255.25, as fol- lows: Toledo Lodge No. 713.......$1,000.00 C. M. Foster, P. D........... 100.00 H. W. Clapp................... 50.00 Mrs. H. W. Clapp.............. 50.00 Wm. Baxendale ................ 50.00 Arthur Grubbs ................. 5.00 Norton Welton................... .25 Total ................................$1,255.25 T'Viic« ic< o oomnlo r»־P ־tVia <l ori spirit” and is an indication of the sentiment that will be extended to all visitors who attended the 33rd Annual Convention at Toledo, in 1921. PROGRESS IN ILLINOIS The State of Illinois is making plans to step into the first place of the Loyal Order of Moose within the next few years. The consolidation of the offices of District Supervisors Rucker and Provol under a partnership of that name with headquarters in Chicago combines in one office two of the prominent District Supervisors of the Order. Two of the Legions in the State have professional Herders employed devoting their entire time to Conservation work and the up-building of the Legion and the third has most of the time of its Herder. The program provides for the placing of a professional Herder in Illinois Legion No. 119 which will give four men devoting practically their entire time to Conservation work in addition to the ordinary methods employed. Ben Mayes, former secretary of Kansas City Lodge, is working with the Mississippi Valley Legion No. 117 and Rudy Hungleman is succeeding Jess Siler in the Mecca Legion District. HOW TO KILL A LODGE 1. Don’t come. 2. If you do go, go late. 3. If too wet or too dry, too hot or too cold, don’t think of going. 4. Kick if you are not appointed to a committee, and if you are appointed, never attend committee meetings. 5. Don’t have anything to say when you are called upon. 6. If you attend a meeting, find fault with the proceedings and the work done by other members. 7. Hold back your dues or don’t pay them at all. 8. Never ask a friend you think might join the Lodge. 9. Don’t do anything to further the Lodge’s interests; then when a few take off their coats and do things, howl that the Lodge is run by a clique. 10. If a brother recommends something showing that his vision is broader than yours. Call him a nut. Special Funds—By James J. THE HOUSE OF GOD, SCHOOL AND ASSEMBLY HALL FUND. The House of God, School and Assembly Hall Fund was started by me, with the permission of the Supreme Council, more than a year ago. Its purpose was to raise funds to build a school-house, assembly hall, and House of God. We have completed the School-house, and assembly hall. This fund was given an impetus at the Thirty-first Annual Convention held at Mooseheart, by Brother Lev, the representative of Seattle Lodge, and was joined in by all present. AGED BROTHERS’ DORMITORY FUND The building for the aged men who come to Mooseheart was started at the Thirty-first Annual Convention by representatives and Past Dictators from the various states and provinces, who believed that a building for that purpose should be erected by voluntary contributions. Judge Morrow of Portland, Oregon, in a very quiet way made the motion at the convention and the general opinion seems to he that the brothers who started the movement will carry it through to a successful termination. THE MOOSEHEART FOUNDATION The Mooseheart Foundation was created by the Thirtieth Annual Convention, and unanimously ratified at the 31st Annual Convention. The object is to create a permanent fund of at least $10,000,000 as for the benefit of Mooseheart. That is, the interest from this fund will go a long way toward permanently supporting Mooseheart. Contributions to this fund are purely voluntary. MOOSEHEART REVOLVING FUND This fund was created for the purpose of assisting the graduating students at Mooseheart who desire to take a higher college course, or special training. Members of the Order who believe that the graduates of the Mooseheart High School should have the benefit of a higher education may make voluntary contributions to this fund. THE MOOSEHEART PERMANENT BUILDING FUND This fund is a creation of the Thirty-first Annual Convention, and was unanimously adopted by the representatives and Past Dictators. It is_ to be used for the purpose of increasing the housing facilities at Mooseheart for children; to pay for the buildings now under construction, as well as other buildings to be erected later. This is all due to the demand made upon us on account of the ravages of war and the influenza epidemic. All contributions, except the Permanent Building Fund, which is payable to the Secretary of your Lodge, should be sent to James J. Davis, Director General, Loyal Order of Moose, Mooseheart, Illinois. MOOSEHEART MUSIC LESSONS The various musical departments are now giving to the students more than two hundred lessons a week. The musical departments are—Band, reed, and brass instruments; Orchestra, string instruments, Piano and Vocal. This gives a small idea of what kind of education the students receive at MOOSEHEART. REAL FRATERNAL SPIRIT The “Eagle Magazine” for August carries an editorial which exemplifies the true spirit of the real frater-nalist. It represents the sentiment of progressive Eagles toward the efforts put forth by a sister-fraternity. The commendation of Mooseheart is much appreciated by those charged with the management of “The School that Trains for Life” and will be read with satisfaction and pleasure by the thousands of “Eagles” who are also “Loyal Moose”. I Earned *220052 FourMonths Is the way Richard A. Oldham tells of his success, repairing, rebuilding, reconstructing old automobile tires, by the new scientific method of TIRE SURGERY. Many other successes—some as big, others greater. We teach you TIRE SURGERY at Indianapolis or by mail. A new profession, an unusual opportunity. Write TODAY for BIG BOOK, that tells everything. Sent FREE. Address Haywood Tiro and Equipment Co. 621 N. Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. he day I your reque.t a fasclnat-•how to repair them by the Hoywfnxl ineas—how to build up trade—what to I have ready to mail you i insr book--all about tires- TIRES LIKE THESE Be a TIRE SURGEON ¡Make $2500to $4000Per Year 1 Giving New Life to Old Tires | A Haywood Tiro Surseon cangive £״ ״®Sd have ¿¡£ 5 thrown on the j unk pile. - GE0 ___________________ ________>N simply wonderful. .8®״S T.od.?? , charge. Send for it. It’s free. M. HAYWOOD, Pres. 62! «JSBKSS T,RE * EQUIPMENT.^־PÆ.־״.*״] Sworn Statement Nuxated Iron Helps Make Red Blood. The Kind That Puts Roses into The Cheeks of Women and Force, Strength and Courage Into the Veins of Men. Watch the People You Meet On The Street You Can Tell Those Who Have Plenty Of Iron In Their Blood —Strong, Healthy, Vigorous Folks iron in the form of iron peptonate, of a special specific standard, which in our opinion possesses superior qualities to any other known for mof iron. By using other makes of Iron Peptonate we could have put he same quantity of actual iron in the tablets at less than one-fourth the cost to us, and by using metallic iron we could have accomplished the same thing at less than one-twelfth the cost; but by so doing we must have most certainly impaired their therapeutic efficacy. Glycerophosphates used in Nuxated Iron is one of the most expensive tonic ingredients known. It is especially recommended to build up the nerve force and thereby increase brain power, as glycerophosphates are said to contain phosphorous in that particular state so similar to that in which it is found in the nerve and brain cells of men. As will be seen from the above, two important ingredients of Nuxated Iron (Iron Peptonate and Glycerophosphates) are very expensive products as compared with most other tonics. Under such circumstances the temptation to adulteration and substitution by unscrupulous persons, is very great and the public is hereby warned to be careful and see every bottle is plainly labeled “Nuxated Iron” by the Dae Health Laboratories, Paris, London and Detroit, U- S. A., as this is the only genuine article. If you have taken other forms of iron without success, this does not prove Nuxated Iron will not help you. Manufacturers* Note—Nuxated Iron is not a secret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Unlike the older inorganic products, it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach. Nuxated Iron is not recommended for use in cases of acute illness, but only as a tonic, strength and blood builder. (In case of illness always consult your family physician and be guided by his advice.) If in doubt as to whether or not you need a tonic, ask your doctor, as we do not wish to sell you Nuxated Iron if you do not require it. If you should use it and it does not help you, notify us •and we will return your money. It is sold by all druggists. of the Composition of the FORMULA of Nuxated Iron # It is conservatively estimated that this remarkable formula is now being used by over three million people annually. Among those who have used and strongly endorse it are many physiciaus who have been connected with the best hospitals and medical societies, former United States Senator and Vice-Presidential nominee, Chas. A. Towne, of Minnesota; U. S. Commissioner of Immigration, Hon. Anthony Caminetti; Judge Atkinson of the United Staes Court of Claims at Washington ; Wm. L. Chambers, Commissioner of the United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation at Washington, and former Health Commissioner Wm. R. Kerr, of Chicago. Newspapers everywhere are invited to copy this statement for the benefit of their readers. It is suggested that physicians make a record of it and keep it in their offices so that they may intelligently answer questions of patients concerning it. Everybody is advised to cut it out and keep it. A copy of the actual sworn staement will he sent to anyone who desires such. It is as follows: Iron Pep- tonate (Special specific Standard) Quantity given below. Sodium Glycerophosphates U. S. P. (Monsanto). Calcium Glycerophosphates U. S. P. (Monsanto). P. E. Nux Vomica U. S. P. Cascarine Bitter, Magnesium Carbonate Po. Ginger U. S. P. Oil Cassia Cinnamon Precip. U. S. P. Calcium Carbonate Precip. U. S. P. Each dose of two tablets of Nuxated Iron contains one and one-half grains of organic