21 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE LODGES Doni Send a Penny purchased the $8300 home, also bought $1,000 worth of Victory Bonds. Just write stating s _____ _____ ___ all. We'll send the shoes promptly. We want you to see these shoes at our risk. Examine them, try them on—and then decide as to whether or not you wish to keep them. Our special bargain price is only S3.95 per pair while they last. Season's greatest bargain. We send them to you, not a cent in advance, so that you can compare them with any $5.00 or $6.00 shoes. If you don't think this the biggest shoe bargain you can get anywhere, send the shoe back at our expense. You won’t , be out a cent. We takeall therisk. j Stylish and Durable Made of genuine leather in gun I metal, popular style, Manhattan > last. Blucher style. Comfortable, substantial,long wearing a genuine oak leather soles— j reinforced shank and cap. Military heel. Best exper־׳ * workmanship. Black LaPorte, Ind., Lodge recently initiated a class of 100. The initiation was preceeded by a street parade. Pay Pittsburgh, Pa. Lodge No. 46 heir’ a big carnival during July. A “Wild West Show” was included in the pro-grame. Fond du Lac, Wis. Lodge is conducting a drive for 1200 members. Option on a splendid property for a new home has been taken. 25־3* «2 for shoes at*■▼“!• if on examina* tion you don’t find riem the greatest shoe bargain of the year, return them to us and back goes yourmoney. Np obligation, no risk to you. But you must send at once. A sale like this soon sells the stock. END NOW money now. Wait until they come. J when shoes arrive. Keep them only if satisfactory in every way. Give and order by No. A1510. Send no money. LE0HARD-M0RT0H & CQ0״epi.4H4 New lodges in Arkansas this quarter: Fort Smith, No. 633; Kensett, Np. 886; Prescott, No. 1008; Van Buren, No. 1039; McRae, No. 1044; Hartford, No. 1279, and Brinkley, No. 1586. Gloucester, Mass. Lodge conducted a Victory Carnival the last week in July which was a success from every view point. Lester W. Bloch, Supreme Trustee, has been elected dictator of Albany Lodge No. 909. Now for a thousand members by the end of the year. Freedom, Pa. Lodge No. 575 just bought $6,000 home and have it three-fourths paid for.,, Those “Freedom’ boys must surely feel good. Chicago Massillon, Ohio Lodge No. 481, is doing good work. They initiated 223 candidates during the last year and now have a membership of 65Q. Sellersville, Pa. Lodge No.'1539, increased their membership 75% last quarter, initiating 130 candidates. Go to it boys, the more the merrier. Herminie, Pa. Lodge No. 981, bought $1,000 worth of Victory Bonds. Some showing for a new lodge of only 136 members. Secretary Brother R. K. Harrison, Colorado Springs, No. 254, reports 180 new members this quarter. This is a good showing. Keep it up, boys. Kay Ross, Secretary Bisbee, Ariz., Lodge No. 718, reports for the June quarter 100%, and it is some Lodge, too. Brother T. M. Stodder of Butte, Mont., Lodge No. 431, was recently elected Mayor of Butte, Mont. Here’s success, Brother. The New York State Field Day Association will meet at Ilion in 1920. This lodge is one of the progressive lodges of the state arid a good time is looked forward to. ¡III! 7 Down 7 Down On Free Trial This beautiful Mahogany Cabinet Thie.yola Bent anywhere on trial and only ONE DOLLAR as first" payment AFTER free trial and test. And twelve new selections of music included FREE OF COST. Thieryolas play all makes of disc records. Come completely equipped. 5000 Thieryolas Bold direct to homes in the past 12 months. A dozen different Styles to choose from, in Mahogany, Golden and Fumed Oak Cases Distinctive, original design, with all steel double spring motors and patented vertical filing cabinets for records. 15 CENTS A DAY pays for a large cabinet Thieryola as shown above—other models for less. Records included FREE. Payments so small you can have no excuse for not having a phonograph. Special discounts if you pay cash after trial or send cash with order. The benefit-dance given by Women of Mooseheart Legion No. 243 and Missoula, Mont. Lodge No. 556 on June 17 increased the fund being raised for a swimming pool by the sum of $300. Cohoes, N. Y. Lodge No. 1332 must be preparing for another drive for new members. A year ago they made !a jump and trebled their membership in six months. Watch for some good news from Cohoes. SEND COUPON T^J ^־V ¥¥T ft Send today for the most amazing ar-^_|F % ray of phonograph value ever offered direct to phonograph buyers. A dozen handsome new styles of Thieryolas, beautifully illustrated in the new Thieryola Phonograph Catalog, free with Order Blanks, Prices, etc., if you just mail this coupon or send a postal card. Northumberland, Pa. Lodge No. 897, v/ith a membership of only 264, bought $1,000 worth of Victory Bonds. They also own a nice home valued at $11,-250, all paid for. Their net assets are $19,000. J. B. THIERY CO., Dept. 59, Milwaukee, Wis. Send me free postpaid, new Thieryola Catalog. Order Blanks and full particulars of Thieryola Phonographs and Records. Name Address Visalia, Calif., No. 546, shows in the receipts of the June quarterly report from entertainments and dances $2,200.00. They are striving to pay for their home. Will they make? WE SAY SO! One of the most active chapters Women of Mooseehart Legion is Chapter No. 157 which meets at Norfolk, Va. The meetings are held every Thursday afternoon at 3:30. NEWS FROM THE Galesburg, 111. Lodge recently closed a very successful carnival held at the 'District Fair Grounds. Norfolk, Va. Lodge No. 39 has organized a base-ball team under the management of Brother Hosier. Colorado Springs Lodge is entertaining the members at a series of smokes. Allegheny, Pa. Lodge No. 47, paid off $5,000 on their home last quarter. Columbia, Pa. Lodge No. 307 has a nice $15,000 home all paid for. New Lodges in Kansas: Peabody, No. 1084, and Arma, No. 1240. Weekly entertainments are enlivening the meetings of Memphis, Tenn. Lodge No. 153. e ring within ten days and we will refund any pa This offer is limited. Send while it bolds good. Make $5 to $10 a Day-No Experience Needed! I MUST have 100 more new agents im- mediately to supply goods to my customers— and if you are willing to work I will show you how to make big money. This is an opportunity not often encountered, and even beginners start right out making real money although they never earned a cent before in their lives. Our attractive assortments of toilet articles, snaps, etc., are whirlwind sellers at all times at a big profit. Our famous leader “ LUCKY *LEVEN *׳ is making as high a3 $100 a week for some of our agents. Here it is $3.35 Worth to Sell for $1 Cornell, N. Y. Lodge No. 210 took in 53 candidates last quarter, increasing their membership 16%. Washington, Pa. Lodge No. 22, initiated 120 candidates last quarter. Secretary Cline is right on the job. Coraopolis, Pa. Lodge No. 696, just Mooseheart’s Torn Sawyer !ite6Gem rings to wear for iamond, send it back. No. 3. Solid gold six-prongr -tooth mounting, j Guaranteed genuineTif-nite Gem, almost a carat in size. ~ jnd no money. Just ask ns____ wonderful, dazzling, genuine Tifnite_ 10 days. If you can tell it from a diamond No. 2. Solid gold Ladies’ newes t mounting. Has a guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem, almost a carat. f you can t No. 1. Solid gold ’ mounting. Eight-claw design flat wideband. Almost a carat, guar an teed Tifnite gem, iding, send strip of paper fitting around second joint If satisfied upon arrival send $4.50—then $3 monthly price, $16.50, is paid for either one. Otherwise re- Dept. 479 Chicago, III. made. The Tifnite Gem Co., WANTED 10Q Âmbltioa s Men and Women This is William Thomas from Wat-erbury, Conn., Lodge No. 703. “Bill” is a “regular fellow”. Here he is seen in his camping outfit. He has been out for_ two weeks, with some other boys doing their own cooking; fishing in the Fox River, and in general having a good time. “Bill” never explained how he happened to have his right toe done up. Perhaps he stepped on a clam shell and got it cut. “Bill” is 15 years old and is in Grade 8A in school. He plays a cornet in the band. “LUCKY ׳LEVEN” combination in display case. Each article full drug store size. Actual size of box 6x13^ inches. This is merely one example of our 37 ־ Varieties'’— all money makers. The extremely low price of our products really amazes people!when you show them, and every moment’s delay in writing for our proposition means money lost for you. Learn how to get This Outfit Free A red-hot seller. “ •'«*■** m rw 11 articles,S3.35value, oil sold for $1 or $1.25. Wall buys $200, $300. $600 worth at a time, and Newcome has been making big money with this package for eight years. Start now as*a Partner With Davis and vmake 1919 . . . . your banner year. Act quick. The oig rush is on. You should be making $5 to $10 a day a week from now. Don’t overlook this splendid opportunity of becoming one of Davis’ well paid agents It costs you nothing to get the details. Send for them today, E. M. DAVIS PRODUCTS CO. 4 J1 Davis Building Chicago, Illinois SOLVE THIS PUZZLE AND CET FREE SURPRISE PRESENT This picture shows one of our friends driving an automobile. In the scenery and *round the automobile are six partly hidden faces which it will be lots of fun for you to find. Can you find them? Try it. It will pay you. When you have found four of the faces, mark each with a cross (X), cut out the advertisement and mail it to us and inclose four cents in stamps for packing, postage, mailing, etc., and a beautiful free surprise present will be sent you. You will delight in owning this present. AUTOMOBILE GIVEN AWAY We will also make you a present of a Certificate good for 2,000 free auto votes and tell you all about this splendid touring car ,which we are going to give away free. ____ MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS—You can also win an automobile in addition to splen• cna prizes, such as phonographs, jewelry, silverware, bicycles, watches, cameras, and other tilings you like. We will also send you a copy of two great national publications worth ten cents. Write your name and address plainly, and inclose the four cents in stamps for packing, mailing, etc., of the free surprise present. AUTO PUZZLE DEPT. 920 W. D. BOYCE CO., 500 N. Dearborn St., Chicago,-111.