MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 14 RUSH THE COUPON NOW! FOR YOUR COPY OF THE HISTORY OF THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE ÄND MOOSEHEART Only a Few Copies Left—No Other Editions Will Be Printed 240 PAGES-920״ ILLUSTRATIONS — CLOTH BOUND Every Loyal Moose With The Full Interests of the Order at Heart Should at Once Possess Himself of a Copy of This History Complete up to the Present Date. BOOK MAILED THE DAY WE RECEIVE ORDER-ORDER TODAY, BE SURE OF YOUR COPY the Loyal Order of Moose and Mooseheart”—every reading table in every Moose Lodge room should display this wonderful work. Months of time have been spent in the collecting and the editing of the material that has gone into the 240 pages of this beautiful souvenir of the Order. The finest work of its kind ever produced by any fraternal organization in the world. Director General James J. Davis and Supreme Dictator John W. Ford have pronounced this HISTORY OF THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE AND MOOSEHEART as the grandest single accomplishment in this line in years. The endorsement of two such men is in itself sufficient a guarantee as to the beauty and value of the book. No mere printed words could possibly picture the beauty and value of this History. We cannot adequately describe this wonderful work because it must be seen to be appreciated. There are two hundred and forty pages of well written, well printed reading. Each page is 9 by 12 inches in size and as you turn the leaves' you will be amazed at the mass of handsome and interesting illustrations—more than 900 pictures of Mooseheart, its buildings, the faculty, the students at school, work and play. Then there are the intensely interesting photographic reproductions of the Moose War Commission in France and Italy. Every Loyal Moose should own a copy of “The History of This Big Cloth Bound Book Contains a Full and Complete Report (Illustrated) of the Moose War Emergency Commission and Their European Trip. How to Figure Parcel Post Cost on Your Book For your convenience the following table of postage rates has been arranged. The book weighs 4 lbs., and the amounts given are for the postage in full and the amount should be added to your dollar. 111., Ind., Ohio, Mich., Wis., Iowa 22c W. Va., Ky., Tenn., Mo., Kansas, Minn.__________:___________26e New England, New York, Penn., Va., No. and So. Car., Ga., Ala., Miss., Ark., La., Texas; Okla., Colo., N. and S. Dak., 30c New Mex., Ariz., Utah, Idaho, Wyo. and Mont._____________37c Nevada, Calif., Ore., Wash_____42c Alaska, Canada_________________55c You Must Include Postage With Remittance graphs of the members of your War Commission not in Paris—not in Versailles, but right out on the battlefield, you begin to realize—yes, you must feel that you are doing something for your Brothers over there on the 450 mile Red-White-and-Blue Battle Line of Liberty. We can truly and unreservedly recommend this book to you. We can guarantee it will be the most prized book in your entire library. You wall be indeed proud to show it to your wife, daughters, sons and friends. The report of your Moose War Emergency Commission occupies a number of pages. It is complete—tells in both words and photographs what has been accomplished and what is to be accomplished for the comfort care and entertainment for your Brothers who are making history for you by their heroic conduct and unprecedened fearlessness and bravery on the River Marne and on the plains of Picardy. The most versatile pen could not do justice to the story these war photographs can and do tell you at a glance. As you look at the photo- .YOU GET A BIG $4.00 BOOK FOR $1.00 The first edition of the HISTORY OF THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE AND MOOSEHEART came out of the bindery during Convention Week. The Delegates admitted it to be beyond their fondest dreams, and every single copy was disposed of within two days. This is the highest testimonial to be offered to any LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE literature. It was the hit of the Convention—the most talked of thing on the Mooseheart grounds. The price is the actual cost of production, so we are forced to ask you to include the postage with your dollar. The book weighs four pounds packed and wrapped. You can by a glance at the table herewith learn the exact amount of postage you should send. Order at once—delivery in three to four weeks. SEND THE COUPON NOW, so as to guarantee your getting one of the first copies to be mailed out. Address all orders to MOOSEHEART PRESS ERNEST M. OSWALT, Manager MOOSEHEART, ILLINOIS MOOSEHEART PRESS E. M. OSWALT, Manager Mooseheart, Illinois Gentlemen: I enclose herewith $........ which is to pay the postage for a cloth bound copy of “The History of the Loyal Order of Moose and Mooseheart” which is to be sent to jne all charges prepaid. I agree to pay the postman $1.00 for the book when it arrives. Name Street Town State .