MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Your Choice Fob4 Qbbby Send Only * 122 for This Smart Velour Plush Coat This attractive winter coat is made of a fine grade of mercerized velour plush, one of the season's newest and most attractive coatings. Collar, cuffs and pockets are of rich beavertex crushed plush in striking contrast. ־& ׳] Collar may be worn as illustrated or > M‘ In open lapel effect as shown in circle. ^ .-JK All-around belt of self material trim- £8&j||r med with buckles. Back of coat cut in newest style with fullness above WW waistline and loose tailored folds be- mr low belt. On either side are loose tabs of self material ornamented with buttons. Coat lined throughout with fine grade of fancy pattern mercerized lining. Colors: Burgundy. Navy Blue, Green or Victory Blue Length 48 inches. Sizes 84 to 44. Mention Bize and color wanted. Order by No. E-25. Send Sl.OO With the Coupon; Terms $3.85 Monthly. Total Price $23.95. For large women, bust size 45 to 51, allow S3 more. Order by Not. E-26, price $26.95. THE BOY’S 8-PIECE OUTFIT CONSISTS OF One Two-Way Norfolk Suit 1 Percale Waist 1 Poplin Tie 1 Pair Stylish Shoes 1 Nobby Golf Cap 2 Pair Stockings 1 Fancy Handkerchief Dressy Percale Waist in neat striped patterns. Attached collar. Four-in-Hand Silk Poplin Tie. Handsome colorings. English Lace Shoes of selected leather. Solid leather soles. Well made. Sizes up to 6. Soft Lawn Handkerchief with fancy border. Two Pairs of Fast Black Stockings, Reinforced knee, heel and toe. Think of it “~8 pieces in all. Dress your boy from head to foot. Send the coupon today—now! Order by No. E-3. Only $1 down, $2.85 monthly. Total price, $17.95. Latest “Two-Way״ Norfolk Suit has popular waist seam, also detachable belt. Yoke back with box plaits. Coat splendidly lined. Knickers cut full and lined throughout. Made of fancy cassimere. Colors — blue, brown or green. Sizes 7 to 17. Nobby Golf Cap. All wool navy blue serge. Inner fur band. Sizes 6% to IX. Order Now! Down ONLY $1.00 is all you need to send to get your choice of these wonderful special bargains. Don’t delay. These wonderful values can be offered at this price only for a limited time. Prices are going higher and higher. Send for your choice of these big bargains at once—NOW. 6 Months To Pay You don’t take the slightest risk in ordering, because, if you are not satisfied, you can send the articles back and your money will be returned immediately. If you are satisfied your small monthly payments only amount to a few cents a day. We don’t charge you a penny for credit. There is no discount for cash. Order from us on our credit plan. There is no need to pay all down to get the latest styles and amazing values in anything you want to wear. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. So order now while these offers are open. Send the coupon below. Send Only *122 for This Stunning Silk Satin Dress An atractive frock made of a very good grade of silk satin. The shapely collar is of white satin cut in uniqoe effect n back with a silk tassel. The vestee si-fect is of silk georgette crepe, elaoo-rately embroidered Below the waistline extend tabs of self material beautifully embroidered with multi-color sd silk. The all-around belt of self material terminates in front In hanging sash e8ect also finished with silk tassels. Skirt is a plain flaring style about 70 inches wide. Sleeves are of silk georgette crepe with cuffs of satin. Furnished in Navy Blue, Plum, Taupe Gray or Black. Sizes 84 to 44 and Misses 16 to 20. . Give color wantod. also Bust, Belt, Hip and Length measurements. Order by No. E-20. Total price $21.95. Send only $1.00 wirh coupon. Terms $3.50 monthly. For sizes larger thonAA bust order by No. E*21. i Total price $23.95. Order Now Send this coupon now. Thousands will be sending fo. these bargains.First come first served. Mail the coupon with a $1.00 P. O. order or a dollar bill. Prices on everything are going up. These offers can be kept open only for a limited time, Don’t delay. Send the coupon today. | Elmer Richards Co. 3006 W. 35th St., Chicago ^ I enclose $................ as first payment. Please send: f Ladies’ Stunning Silk Satin Dress, No. E-20. Color.......... | Size Bust.........Belt........Hip...........Length.......... I (Terms: $1.00 with coupon, $3.50 monthly. Total price, $21.95.) (Sizes larger than 44— Total price, $23.95) [ Ladies’ Velour Plush Coat No. E-25. Color......*.Size Bust.. I (Terms: $1.00 with coupon, $3.85 monthly. Total price, $23.95.) (Sizes larger thnn A A—Total price, $26.95) I Boy’s 8-Piece Outfit No. E-3. Color of Suit................. | Size of Suit.........Size Cap...........Size Shoes.......... £ (Terms: $1.00 with coupon, $2.85 monthly. Total price, $17.95.) If I am not satisfied when I receive my order I may send it !' ,pack and my payment will be returned immediately. Otherwise I will send you the monthly payment every month until the full price is paid. (For Boy’s Outfit, Father or Mother Must Sign) Elmer Richards Co. wSlíhlt. Chicago Post Office.............................State............. If you want our free book of bargains in men's, women's and children's wearing apparel, put X here