37 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE C*QITI7 DIAMOND I n C_ C. RING OFFER Just !»¡advertise our famous Hawaiian fm. diamonds—the greatest discovery the world has ever known. We will _ id absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.38 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept. 11 Masonic Temple, Chicago Earn $35.« SI00.WEEKLY ALL OR SPARE TIME I have made thousands of dollars for thousands of men. I can do the same for Work whenever you have time-days or evenings, all time or part time. My Folding Bath Tub has been used successf ul 1 y for 15 years. They make full sized bath tub. Can be used in any room. Self emptying—■Non-1 eakable— fold in small roll. Can be stored in corner of closet. Easy to handle. Guaranteed for 10 years. Not an experiment. Not sold in stores. Sold only by agents. Everybody likesthem. Sell on sight. Sample easily carried. Both men and women make big money. Exclusive territory. We do the advertising, send agents the inquiries. Combination Cot and Tub Sells readily to Army Officers, A ........... ‘ ' id: full sized bath tub and roomy com fortablecot combined. Foldsinto small roll 89 in. x 7 in. x 8 in. Has container with carrying handle. Agents Make Money From Start Four in one afternoon—“Have sold now over five dozen. The tubs meet with success wherever introduced. I have sold as high as four in one afternoon." Frank Meythaler, wis. Sold over 100 tubs—“As you know I have sold over 100 tubs for vou and have this town pretty well supplied. Will soon tell you the next territory I expect to work.” L. A. Suer, Iowa. . Sold 32’Jn 16 hours— I sold 32tubsinl6hours. Asa rule I sell four out of five I call on.” E.B.Hunt, Iowa. Sold 12 in 3 days— I took orders for 12 tubs m three days.” George Dehut, Nebr. Seven calls, six sales—“I went out yesterday afternoon for the first time and made seven calls and six sales.” Frank Nachtwey, Wis. FREE DEMONSTRATOR I will give every new Agent a demonstration tub FREE with first order for H. S. Robinson, Pres. ROBINSON CABINET MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4993 Factories Building Toledo, Ohio, U. S.A. DONT WEAR A TRUSS! After Thirty Years Experience I Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. I Send It On Trial. If you have tried most everything: else, come to me. Where others fail is where I have my greatest success. Send attached coupon today The above is C. E. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance, who cured himself and who is nowf . giving others the benefit of his experience. If ruptured, write him today, at Marshall, Mich. and I will send you free my illustrated book on Rupture and its cure, showing my Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It gives instant relief when all others fail. Remember, I use no salves, no harness, no lies. I send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are the judge and once having seen my illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It’s well worth your time whether you try my Appliance or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON Mr. C. E. Brooks, I30H State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name ....................... Address ..................... City................... State Fancy Work Department (Instructions continued from page 20) gr, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into last st, 1 d C into next d c, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into same st, 1 sp, 1 d c into next d c, 4 ch sts, turn. Nineteenth Row: 1 s c into d c, 3 ch sts, skip 2 ch sts, 2 gr, * 5 ch sts, 1 s c over ch, repeat *, 5 ch sts, 2 gr, 2 sp, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into last st, 5 ch sts, turn. Twentieth Row: 1 d c into 1st d c, 2 sp, 1 gr, 2 sp, 1 gr, 5 ch sts, 1 s c, 5 ch sts, 1 gr, 1 sp, 1 d c into last st, 4 ch sts, turn. Twenty-first Row: 2 gr, 1 sp, 2 gr, 2 sp, 2 gr, 2 sp, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into last st, 7 ch sts, turn. Twenty-second Row: 1 d c, 2 sp, 1 gr, 2 sp, 2 gr, 2 sp, 1 gr, 1 d c into last st, 4 ch sts. Twenty-third Row: 1 d c into 4th d c, 1 sp, 1 gr, 2 sp, 2 gr, 2 sp, 1 gr, 2 sp, 2eh sts, 1 d c into last st, 4 ch sts, turn. Twenty-fourth Row: Skip 1 sp, 2 sp, 2 gr, 2 sp, 2 gr, 1 d c, 4 ch sts, turn. Twenty-fifth Row: Skip 3 sts, 1 gr, 2 sp, 1 gr, 2 sp, 1־ d c, into next d c, 3 ch sts, turn. Twenty-sixth Row: 2 sp, 2 gr, 1 d c, 4 ch sts, turn. Twenty-seventh Row: Skip 3 sts, 2 sp, 1 d c, 4 ch sts, turn. Twenty-eighth Row: 1 d c into each of 2 d c, forming center of corner, 7 ch sts. Twenty-ninth Row: 1 d c into d c, 2 ch sts, 1 s c into d c of 27th row, 4 ch sts, 1 s c into d c of 26th row, 2 ch sts, turn, repeat 27th row, then continue backward, following pattern. Scallop: 3 ch sts, * 4 d c, 3 ch sts, forming a p, 4 d c all into d c, 1 s c into next d c, repeat *. PIN CUSHION Twelfth Row: 8 sp, 2 gr, 3 sp, 2 gr, 8sp, 6 ch sts; turn. Thirteenth Row: 7 sp, 1 gr, 3 sp, 4 gr, 8 sp, 6 ch sts; turn. Fourteenth Row: 10 sp, 6 gr, 7 sp, 6 ch sts; turn. Fifteenth Row: 9 sp, 3 gr, 11 sp, 6 ch sts; turn. Sixteenth Row: 23 sp, completes one squirrel, repeat from 5 th row 3 times, then 4 rows of sps; break thread. Make back of sps, si st to front on 3 sides. For the edge make 11 ch sts, skip 3 sp, 1 sc; repeat making 1 extra loop at each corner. Second Row: * 11 ch sts, 1 s c into 6th st of preceding loop, repeat *. Third Row: * 5 ch sts, 1 p, 5 ch sts, 1 s c over s c repeat * making 1 extra loop at each corner. DAINTY CAP OF WHITE WITH COLORED TRIM, NO. 5. Repeat 4th row for 4 rows or more if needed. Ninteenth Row: 8 ch sts, * 1 t c between p, 3 ch sts; repeat *, join. Twentieth Row: 1 d c into each st. Twenty-first Row: 1 d c into each st for 5 sts, 7 d c into next st, join by si st to first of 7 sts, forming 1 popcorn st, * 25 d c, 1 popcorn st, repeat *; break thread. Join color, repeat 21st row, making popcorn st come 8 sts from white popeorn st, break thread. Join white and repeat 22nd row; break thread. Twenty-fourth Row: Join color, make 1 d c into each d c of previous row; break thread. Twenty-fifth Row: Join white, * 1 p loop, skip 4 sts, 1 s c; repeat *; make white and color alternately for 4 rows. LACE FOR TRAY COVER NO. 25 2 ch sts, 1 gr, 3 ch sts, 1 s c between d c, 3 ch sts, 1 d c over ch, 3 ch sts, 1 s c between d c, 3 ch sts, 1 d c into 2 nd d c of fan, 2 d c over ch, 1 d c between d c, 2 d c over ch, 1 d c into d c, forming 2 gr, 2 ch sts, skip 2 sts, 2 gr, 2 sp, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into last st, 7 ch sts, turn. Fourth Row: 1 d c into last st, 3 sp, 1 gr, 5 ch sts, 1 s c over ch, 5 ch sts, skip 3 sts, 1 gr, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into same st, fan, 1 d c into next d c, 2 ch sts, 4 gr, 3 ch sts, turn. Fifth Row: * 1 gr, 3 ch sts, 1 s c, 3 ch sts, repeat *, 2 gr, * 5 ch sts, 1 s c over ch, repeat *, 5 ch sts, 2 gr, 2 sp, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into last st, 7 ch sts, turn. Sixth Row: 1 d c into last st, 2 sp, 1 gr, 2 sp. 1 gr, 5 ch sts, 1 s c over ch, 5 ch sts, 1 d c into 4th ch st, 2 d c over next ch st, 1 d c into 1st d c, forming gr, * 3 ch sts, 1 s c, 3 ch sts, 1 d c, repeat *, 1 gr, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into same st, 1 d c into next d c, 2 ch sts, 1 gr,3־ ch sts, turn. Seventh Row: 4׳ gr, 2 ch sts, 1 d c into last st, fan, 1 d c into next־ d c, 2 ch sts, gr over gr, 3 d c into 3 ch sts, 2 ch sts, 3 d c into 3 ch sts, gr over gr, 2 sp, 2 gr, 3 sp, 6 ch sts, turn. Eighth Row: 1 d c, 1 sp, 1 gr, 2 sp, 2 gr, 2 sp, 1 gr, * 3 ch sts, 1 s c, 3 ch sts, 1 d c, repeat * twice, 1 gr, 3 ch sts, 1 s c, 3 ch sts, 1 gr, 3 ch sts, turn, completing half of pattern, repeat backward, decreasing at edge instead of increasing, make 17th row complete. Eighteenth Row: 1 d c into 1st d c, 3 sp, 1 gr, 5ch sts, 1 s c, 5 ch sts, 1 An astonishing offer. Seize It quickly. MUSIC WITHOUT NOTES! A sensational success Over 800,000 people now play piano by this wonderful new EASY FORM MUSIC; even young children learn quickly. Here Is your opportunity. Don’f MIS One Hour Simple as a-b-c. No teacher required. No correspondence lessons by mall. No knowledge of note music required. This remarkable book, sent FREE on trial, contains ONE HUNDRED of the world’s most famous vocal and Instrumental selections printed In EASY FORM MUSIC. Send no money. PLAY PIANO NEW- WA Y If you don’t learn in five days to play not merely one but SEVERAL popularpieces.sendit backmo obligations whatsoever. Or, if you wish to keep the book, pay only 6^ceach for the selections—special half price offer to those who write at once. No extra charges of any kind. Complete course of easy, instructions free with the book. Be sure to tell us how many white keys on your piano or organ. Send a postal NOW. EASY METHOD MUSIC CO., 849 ClarksonBldo,,Chlcago.il!. |;Л1Ш1111Ш[Л1||||||||||[Л1Ш11Ш11П111111|11111Н|111Ш11111ШШ111|||1ЕЛ11Ш111111НШ11111Ш1[Л1111111Ш1ЕЛ1|1Ш11ШН11ШШ111|[Л1Ш11111|1Н1Ш11|••:♦ j Send Your Name and We’ll Send You a Lachnite 1 TNON'T send a penny. Just send your name and say. “Send mo a Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial.” We will send it prepaid right to your home. When It 1 comes merely deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ! ring for 10 full days. If you, or if any of your friends can tell it from a diamond, send it back. But if you decide to buy It г —send us $2.5C a month until $18.75 haa been paid. P Writ» TnililV Send your name now. Tell us which of the , 5 ” * * Wtiej׳ solid gold rings illustrated above you w»ab ' £ (ladies’ or men's). Be sure to send finger size j g Harold Lachman Co., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept; B300Chicago, S GetaBuicK FREE Without a Dollar o! Cost You don’t have to I pay for It—not , even the freight. Positively no money required. The man . shown in the car answered our ad. Now he s ridinf in the Buick we gave him. You can get one too. Don't send a cent—just your name and address—־ that's all. Do it now. A post card will do. I want to send you a dandy auto also. D. K. Austin. Mor., 781 Capital Bids„ Topeka, Kan. j Be a Mooseheart Patriot ANY HOUSEWIFE >Jror Distributing 10 Doz. Bxs. WASHING Tablets ...............................................................................inilllllllllllUlllllllllllinilllllllllllti RESOLUTION. Covington, Ky., June 6, 1919. the spread of the insidious propaganda now being circulated by the enemies of our Beloved Country, and: Be it further resolved: That we as individuals hereby declare ourselves members of the “Loyalty League of America”, our By-laws being the Constitution of the U. S. and our Emblems, the Stars and Stripes, the flag that has ever taken the lead in defense of the right of free people of the world, to govern themselves as they see fit. It is further• resolved: That our Secretary be instructed to furnish copies of this Resolution to the press, our Congressman and Senator, to the Supreme Secretary, and Editor of Mooseheart Magazine with a request that it be run in their next issue. Resolutions drawn and presented by: W. D. Meader, Chairman Rodney G. Bryson L. H. Adams John A. Herold, Secretary. The reign of murder, rapine and lawlessness that has spread over Russia, Germany and other Countries yhere the seed of Bolshevism and other forms of Anarchy has taken root leads us to believe that the recent activities of these sworn enemies of the law and order in this country may become a menace to the Flag We Jove, therefore: Be it hereby resolved: That the members of Old Ky. Lodge No. 1359, Loyal Order of Moose, do as liberty-loving 100 per cent Americans, unanimously place themeselves on record as being unalterably opposed to Bolshevism and all other forms of Un-americanism, and: Be it further resolved: That each member of Old Ky. Lodge No. 1359, Loyal Order of Moose shall be a loyal, law-abiding American citizen, consider himself a committee of one to co-operate with the United States Government in their efforts to stop _,.™ mis beautiful fabricord ir ׳-”־ - ■e&ther; selected hardwood \ , fnOe; b»»cuit tufted; 23 eteel *SB®״"'“ spring 0$rW couch; over 6 ft. long ____ by 2 ft. 8 in. wide, free for districting only 10 dozen boxes of oar wonderful New-Way Washing Tablets SrnoCy ?our friends and neighbors to introduce. No money or experience n«»?ded. Act quick, before this offer expires. Write today for Free sample Outfit. NEW-WAY PRODUCTS CO., 2134 Clybourn Ave., CHICAv?, ILL. We Are Giving Away Large Sums of Money Every Month O ARE YOU GETTING O ! YOUR SHARE f To th© person who is interested in making extra money without interfering with their regular occupation, and in fact without doing much of anything at all, we have the greatest plan that was ever offered you. It is a plan whereby you do not have to buy anything, neither do you have to sell anything, nor invest one cent of money, with the exception of a 3-cent stamp which we ask you to send us for full particulars and material. This is the greatest opportunity you ever had to make extra money easy, regardless of where you live, or what your occupation is. If you follow out our instructions, within one week after we send you particulars and material you will have money coming to you on almost every mail. This is a great opportunity. Don't let it pass. Address THEO. W 31ESSI0K, Dept. MO, 612 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa.