MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 36 WONDERFUL CHANCE Furnishings at wholesale rates, or make $10 daily starting real business. GOO DELL CO., 87 I'uratex Bldg:., New York Moose Head Made of pure aluminum, finished in natural brown, six and one-half inch spread .of antlers. Just the right size for an ornament for your home, den or office. Price, each, $2.50 charges prepaid when remittance in full accompanies the order. Send All Orders to RODNEY H. BRANDON Supreme Secretary Loyal Order of Moose Mooseheart, 111. J Mooseheart Magazine S l Classified Department f AGENTS CALESMEN—City or Traveling. Experience Unnecessary. Send for list of openings and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year. Free Employment Service for Members. Address Nat’l Salesmen’s Tr. Assn., Dert. 137-H, Chicago, 111. Write Picture Plays WRITE PHOTOPLAYS; $50 each. Experi-*״ ence unnecessary; details free to beginners. Producers League, 385, St. Louis, Mo. I ADIES to Sew at Home for a large Phila־ ■ delphia firm. Good pay ; nice work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope, for prices paid. Universal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. \^RITE THE WORDS for a song. We write ** music, guarantee publisher’s acceptance. Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 920 So. M.chigan Ave., Room 105, Chicago. ANTED—stories, Articles, Poems for new ** magazine. We pay on acceptance. Typed or handwritten MSS. acceptable. Send MS. to Woman’s National Magazine, Desk 747, Washington, D. C. ?LffIRACLE MOTOR-GAS amazes motorists. A 3c worth equals gallon gasoline. Eliminates carbon 300% profit. Isom, Idaho, writes: “Ship 500 packages. Made $70 yesterday.” Sample Free. Chas. A. Butler, Sec’y, Dept. 173, Toledo, Ohio. pASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH (Broken ^ or not) We pay $2.00 to $35.00 per set. Also actual value for Diamonds, Watches, Bridgework, Crowns, Old Gold, Silver and Platinum. Send at once and receive cash by return mail. Your goods returned if price is unsatisfactory. Mazer Bros., Dept. 2312007־ S. 5th Street, Phila., Pa. ,WONDERFUL CHANCE—Men’s Shirts and ”* Furnishings at wholesale rates, or make $10 daily spare time starting real business. Must send 15c for pocket outfit. Goodell Co , 87 Duratex Bldg., New York. Livingston, Mont. ]MOOSE—If you have sore and stinking feet * ־ and it is worth a dollar send it for recipe which I guarantee to heal and stop odor, save shoes, stockings and make you agreeable to others, or refund money. Lewis Burchard, Member Lodge No. 244, 119 E. Vermigo St., Colorado Springs, Colo. A GENTS—Cash in on prohibition. $27 to $36 weekly. New, fast selling articles— going like wildfire. Agents cleaning up. Write Today for particulars. American Products Co., 579 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. jLJOW TO COMPILE and sell names by mail * * to advertisers. Complete course. Description free. Globe Publishing Co., 108 Syracuse. N. Y. “WHEN DO WE ALL GO HOME?” (Words and Music by Hal Geer, 88th Div. Show “Who Can Tell?”) There’s a burning question on the lips of every soldier boy Who came to France to finish up the Hun. It’s a question that is asked by every officer and man, Who waits for just a word from Washington. We left our homes in Kansas, in Maine and Tennessee, We came from every city in the land To fight for Liberty and preserve Democracy And to stand by Uncle Sam. CHORUS: We love our mothers, wives and sweethearts true, We love the U. S. A. We’ve done our duty to the Stars and Stripes, Our debt to France we’ve paid. Now that the war is done and vict-’ry won, We want to cross the briny foam, Here’s the question we are asking, and we want an answer soon, WHEN DO WE ALLGOHOME? Fraternally yours, HAL GEER, Champaign, 111., Lodge No. 1288. WILL MARK GRAVES Moose Will Hunt Out Places of Fallen Moose. The following resolution was passed looking to the identification and Ideation of all graves of Moose in France:- “Be it resolved by the 31st Annual Convention of the Loyal Order of Moose in session at Mooseheart, Illinois, during the week of June 22nd, 1919, that Director General James J. Davis be and is hereby requested through his representative in France, to make a systematic investigation so as to locate the graves of all soldier Moose who have been buried in France. That such information as to location and time of burial be properly recorded and transmitted to the Lodge of which the deceased brother was a member so that the Lodge in turn may give such information to the families of the deceased. And to further mark the said graves with the official grave-marker of the Loyal Order of Moose.” FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA The Editor, Mooseheart Magazine. Dear Sir and Bro.: We are pleased to say a number of our boys are returning from France and they all speak highly of the great benefits they received from the Moose home in Paris. It was just like going home. They also assure us the dollar we spent, was well spent and appreciated by the boys while over there. Our latest arrivals are Bros. H. E. Uilliken, J. McDill and P. D. Bro. David Boyle, every one of them looking good and have come back with the good intention of boosting the Moose. WM. W. CALLANDER, Secy. fortunate that there were not more such places throughout France for our men. Thought I should tell you about the good work the Paris Club House did. With warmest regards and all good wishes until I have the pleasure of clasping your hand in dear old Philly soon. Sincerely yours, THOS. F. ME KHAN. Lt.-Colonel, U. S. A. Member Philadelphia Lodge No. 54. LETTERS FROM OVER THE SEA Paris, May 16th, 1919. Mr. Rodney H. Brandon, Supreme Secretary, L. 0. O. M., -Mooseheart, 111., U. S. A. Dear Brother Moose: Just met Brother Jenkins and after a few minutes of “parley” found that I had met a real fellow and felt more like I was Rfe Agents Wanted In every neighborhood to ride and exhibit a sample RANGER bicycle furnished by us. Choice of 44 styles, colors and sizes in the famous Ranger line. Mead Rider Agents make big money in spare time boors-־after school or work. 30 Days Free Trial Is allowedon every RANGER ,bicycle. We prepay freight charges. If not pleased __ the trial costs you nothing. Factory-To-Rider We sell bicycles made in our own big factories DIRECT TO THE RIDER—giving you a superior product at greatly reduced cost. Save time, money and trouble by dealing direct with oar great Factory organization. Satisfaction in every detail guaranteed or money promptly refunded. TIRES EASY parts and supplies at half Paumonfc SsAf 1/ Y UV' i usual priceb are also fully r aym enTS ^’W V \/M\ M described and illustrated in JM yi the big free Ranger:Catalog. *fre§ - ata m uVI SEND "° "ONEV, but Email advance '^!1®׳ w?‘te £or factfr? over our SUP. VSBT■# prices, liberal terms and if S mh nri״™. '^' Eider Agents Plan. M e A r\ Cycle Company 1* *1 LnU Dept.p-i4i.Chicago at home that I have felt since leaving the good old U. S. A. I am playing-in the beautiful Champs-Elysees Theatre here with the biggest and best doughboy show in the A. E. F., which is called “Who Can Tell?” the eighty-eighth Division show, and I have Brother Jenkins’ promise, if possible, he will come to see our performance tomorrow night. I am sure he will bear me out in my statement that it is the most wonderful show in the city and I am proud to say that we have a goodly number of Moose among the performers, which is reason enough for its being what it is. I want to say that the club room here is a peach and the dances and parties that have been given for the fellows during the winter just past have done a great deal to further the welfare of the L. O. O. M. as well as keep the spirit of the boys who have happened to be here.. Paris is “Gay Paree” and no mistake, but it doesn’t take long to get tired of it. It is surely a treat to step upstairs and sit down in a delightful room with a piano, victrola, pool table, magazines, writing table,: and last hut not least, Mooseheart, and Brothers of the Order to enjoy it with you and rest. Brother Jenkins has asked me to contribute a little 15־PIECE FRFF Prize Package * IV We have made up a special prize package which we are going to g've away absolutely tree to every person who is willing to do just a few moments work for us. All we want you to do is to send us the names and addresses of ten of your friends (each of a different family) and 5 cents to pay for pack- ing and postage, and we will send you one of these special 15-piece prize packages on return mail. You will find this package a very handsome gift indeed and ypu will feel well paid for your trouble when you receive it. We will also include our great plan whereby you can have money coming to you on every mail. Address NEW IDEAS, Dept. P. M., 612 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wrist Watch Given JYou can getthis fine Wrist Watch or other beautiful watch guaranteedfor 5 years. Also Lace Curtains,Rogers' Silver Sets, fine Lockets,La Yalliers and many other valuable presents for selling our beautiful Art and Religious pictures at lOcts. each. Order 30 pictures -when sold, send the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, according to big list. KAY ART CO., I»ept. '6, CHICAGO Get This! Car And the AGENCY in YOUR Territory Drive a new 1919 Birch PUPER - FOUR and make pood money selling Birch cars to your friends and —־- neighbors. They are fully _ W.B.,32x3%tjres ~ guaranteed. Prompt shipments. Write quick for full information, BIRCH MOTOR CARS CHVcAGOe'-E|”uNofs verse, but somehow the old thinktank is not in that sort of mood this morning, so will have to forego the pleasure of doing so at this time. There is a reason for not being able to write the fellows, for I am just about to have a most momentous question answered and it has been on my mind so long that it is just about all that I can think of. Will give you the words of one of my songs which we are using in the show and you will be able to understand the situation more clearly after their perusal and especially when I tell you that we are to close here Saturday night and start for the States within a few days. Here’s good luck to all Moose at all times and here’s hoping that the work of those who came over here and established this club and looked after S. SUPPLY COMPANY. Dept. 353 Greenville, Га. the boys, will receive its just reward. With all good luck to Brother Moose, I am, Fraternally yours, HAL GEER, Champaign Lodge No. 1238, 111. A]1|||||||||||[]|n||lj||||IC]||||||||||||Q|IU|||||mE]||ll!illllll[]|||||||||||in!:MlllliniE]lll!:::lll!ll:2lllllll!lllinillllllinllC2IMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIll¿ I Every Moose Should Read This j IF YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, | 1 ASK YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE | | AUDITING COMMITTEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD | | MOOSE. IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE ROD- = | NEY H. BRANDON, MOOSEHEART, ILL., AND HE WILL. | I 320—497—531—576—594—712—715—739—742—772—801—919 1 | 921—949 — 966—977—992—1007 — 1015—1075 — 1143—1209—1222 | | 1228—1232—1331—1379—1385—1390—1397—1403—1542—1624—1643 | ^imilllE2IIIIIIIIIIIIE2lllllll!IIIIE2mi!lllllllE2IIIIIIIIUIIE2IIIIIIIIIIIIE2IIIIIIIIIIIIE2IUIIIIIimE]llllllllllllE2llllimlllIE]IIIIIIIIIIIIE:lllllllllfllE2lll!llllll!IE,§ TEN BOOKS FOR 10 CENTS i l-Big Joke Book. 2-Book on Magic. d-Book on Toy Making. 4-Book on Courtship. 5-Base Ball Book. fi-Dream Book *Fortune Teller. 7-Book Letter Writer. 8-Cook Book. 9-Home ^ Entertainer. 10-White Slave Story Book. Z All the above by mail for 10 cents. Address, Mays Co.,162 Morton St.,Batavia, 111. Cot ont this ad and mail it to ns, with your name and address (no money); and we will send you our FAMOUS KARNAK RAZOR by return mail, postpaid. You may use the razor for 80 days FREE; then if yoqlike it, pay oa |1.85. If you don't like it return it. SEND NO MONEY• MORE COMPANY. Dept. 485 St. Louis. Mo. Agents: $40 a Week wp •f“"¿™”Ed”“"-'''‘׳ All stylos, colors and finest line oi Bilk iose, Guaranteed One Year м,¡lsr, JKd“S| M«ke permanent customers, Steady Everybody Needs Hosiery JhG. *¿fiT yoa dev°te full tame or враге time, this will pay you better than anything you ! ««U fv,1Ver re־ £ny man °r woman can Bell this new line of guaranteed hosier' Act quick. This is the best season c ‘ the whole year. Write for Agency end samples. Thomas HosJprv