MOOSEHE/1RT MAORZINF 34 Enjoy Big Frolics at Convention Legionaires LEGION LADIES Delegates from various Chapters of Women of Mooseheart Legion met in session at the Hall of Aurora Lodge, No. 400 on Tuesday morning. Preliminary business was transacted and many plans for the good of the Order were discussed. The various contests were placed in the charge of a committee consisting of Mrs. Katie Tobin, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Nellie Mahoney, of Indianapolis; Mrs. Josephine Ramsey, of Chicago; Mrs. H. Loud of St. Louis; Mrs. Fannie•R. Sloan, of Pittsburgh. The Degree Teams of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Chapters exemplified the work in Aurora at 7:30 p. m. on Wednesday. Grand work is being done by our Legion ladies and hundreds of new members are being pledged. The official auxiliary of the Loyal Order is progerssing rapidly, and at the present rate of growth they will soon constitute an Order as large or larger than many other fraternal organisations that are better known. Many Candidates Interested in Second Degree program consisted of athletic contests of boxing and wrestling and were very enjoyable. The vaudeville was high class and consisted of musical and dancing acts. A Hawaiian quintette furnished music and dancing at different times throughout the entire program and was enjoyed by all present. All men who were initiated at these two Frolics will be transferred to their various districts over the country without transfer fee. Those men living in districts which have not yet been organized will retain their membership in Mecca Legion until their territory is instituted. Anyone desiring transfer card will address Herder E. J. Hanke, Mooseheart, Illinois. A]llllllllllll[]llll!lllllll[]llllllllll!l(]llllllllllll[]llllllllllll[]lllllllllll•^ 1 BE A MOOSEHEART \ i PATRIOT ?«¡iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiMiiiiniiiimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiit•? fleers selected from the leading districts of the organization. Grand Regent Brandon took the station of the Great North Moose during a part of the ceremony and gave a very interesting translation of the different ritualistic parts. The Indianapolis team exemplified the “Dramatic-Symbolic Degree” and is to be commended for the remarkable style in which it was produced. Every member knew his part and never faltered in the delivery of the same. The effects were beautiful, consisting mostly of highly colored scenery with electrical flashes of red light. . The second Frolic was in the form of a burlesque initiation and entertainment. New ideas in burlesque were introduced which drew particular attention because of the easy manner in which they were produced. A short intermission followed the burlesque initiation and then the big entertainment began. This part of the II DISABLED SOLDIERS NOW AT MOOSEHEART Mooseheart’s governmental reconstruction school for disabled soldiers now has an enrollment of 11. The soldiers are to be taught vocations, so they may always be useful to themselves as well as to their community. The soldiers will reside in Aurora and 'Batavia, while attending Mooseheart’s school. When the government made a survey, to learn the number of vocational schools in the United States, it was reported that Mooseheart is one of the few.—Aurora Daily Beacon-News, June 30, 1919. <|'llllllllllll|[]|l№llllll|[]!limilllllUNIIll!lllllt]IIIIIIINIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIinril.nillllllliniHIHIIinillinimUmillHlIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIlllimllHIIIIIIIIg I WATCH THE RED BOX | If any Legionaire finds below the number of his or her Chapter or § 1 Legion, let him ask the Recorder or Herder what is wrong. If he or 1 1 she can not tell, write and ask the Grand Regent. WOMEN OF MOOSEHEART LEGION I 23—25—78—114—154—179—211—219—230—232—235—264—288 1 | 294—299. | | MOOSEHEART LEGION OF THE WORLD | 1 ־46 1 OlllMllt3lll1lllllUI[lllUIIIIIHl:]nilllllllll[]lllllllllll|[]lllimillll!]llllll!IIIIIUilllllllUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIimi]IIIU[:lllillllllllE]lllimmil[]lllllll!llll[«^ During the Convention which just adjourned at Mooseheart the Legionaires enjoyed two big Frolics which were put on by Mecca Legion No. 11, assisted by the Regents of the Legion. On the first Frolic night the meeting took the form of a pageant and was produced in a most spectacular style. Drill teams from visiting Legions numbering six or seven, opened the meeting with a grand entry, and as these different teams entered they gave a great exhibition of drilling before taking their final positions. By the time the last team had taken its place the immense drill floor was filled to overflowing with men in uniform presenting a most unique situation. Accompanying each drill was a great display of electric effects, including lights of all colors, together with spot lights which brought out the highly colored uniforms as the men went through the various movements on the big floor. At the first Frolic over three hundred candidates were given the second degree. This large class was unusual in personnel inasmuch as it represented more than one hundred and fifty Lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose, which when taken into consideration will have a wonderful influence on the progress of the Men’s Legion. These men who represent cities stretching north, south, east and west over the United States and Canada, will carry the gospel of the Legion to their respective parts of the country and teach it as they learned it. These men saw the Legion ritualistic work put on in a most impressive manner according to the ritual. The offices of the North, South, East and West Moose were filled by various of-