33 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE both as to our home care and education, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that we extend to the members of the Loyal Order of Moose, the Mooseheart Governors and Mooseheart our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the education which we have received, and the splendid home we have had while at Mooseheart. CLASS OP T9: L. ARTHUR HOWER ALBERT D. PATTERSON HAROLD D. TAYLOR WAYNE WALLACE WM. GRANT APPRECIATION OF GRADUATES June 19, 1919 Mr. James J. Davis, Chairman Mooseheart Governors, Pittsburgh, Pa. WHEREAS, we, the undersigned, have finished our educational and vocational work at Mooseheart, The School That Trains for Life, and WHEREAS, we realize the extent of the opportunities that have been our privilege to enjoy since our entrance to Mooseheart, and WHEREAS, we appreciate the expense incurred during our life here fit and made good use of it during every hour of the Convention. The many other Lodges that were represented in• the camping colony by smaller parties all seemed to enjoy the' entire week and voted the first encampment at Mooseheart a huge success. ¿]|llllllllllinilllllHIHIE]IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIt]llllllllllk> l BE A MOOSEHEART \ i PATRIOT I %:ltllllillUUINIinilinilllllllllllUlllllllllllinillllllllllinilllllllllllE^ AUTHORIZED TO MAKE LARGER DEATH BENEFIT Supreme Council To Look Into Insurance Matter. A resolution was passed Thursday that authorizes the Supreme Council to take up the matter of insurance again. It reads: “Whereas, the Supreme Lodge in Convention assembled at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1917 referred to the Supreme Council the subject matter of providing an Insurance Service for the Loyal Order of Moose in response to suggestions coming from many Lodges and leaving to the Supreme Council the power to decide the broad question of any insurance service in the Loyal Order of Moose, and “Whereas, the Supreme Council has given much thought and study to the subject and has determined that up to the present time it would have been unwise to engage in a regular line of insurance by this Order, and “Whereas, in making their study there has come to the Supreme Council much new information on the subject as the science of insurance has developed from day to day, and “Whereas, there is a demand from many Lodges that a greater funeral expense fund than $100.00 be provided and many Lodges have asked permission to contract with existing organizations for a funeral benefit of $250.00, now therefore, be it “RESOLVED, that the entire matter of an Insurance or Funeral Benefit Service in connection with the Order be, and the same hereby is again referred to the Supreme Council with the recommendation that this whole subject be given further consideration and with full power to begin the institution of such a service if, in their judgment, this can be done without disturbing the present great progress of the Order and will be helpful in rendering that complete service to the members of our Lodges which should ever be the purpose of this great Order, but without power to compel any Lodge of the Order to accept any such service or take any part therein.” CAMPING OUTFITS AT CONVENTION Fond du Lac, Wis., Lodge, under the leadership of “Big Bill” Dyhr, was host to the Wisconsin State camping parties during the Convention week and the big headquarters tent of Fond du Lac was one of the most popular spots on the Fox River front, in spite of the fact that the Wisconsin visitors spent the first night sleeping on the ground, due to the non-arrival of cots. Canton, Ohio, Lodge had the choice camping space in the Mooseheart camp colony, and there was always a hearty welcome for all visitors. The cook tent for the camping party was a popular spot, for delegates, visitors and drill team needed no second call at meal time. Des Moines, Iowa, Lodge sent a camping equipment and boss canvas-man to Mooseheart in advance of Convention week and when the Iowa crowd landed they found their tents all ready to pitch. The main feature of their camp, however, seemed to be their cook tent, and the boss canvas-man did have that up before the crowd arrived. The Des Moines boys not satisfied with getting every minute’s enjoyment to be had at beautiful Mooseheart, also walked away with first prize in the contest. As usual Indianapolis, Ind., Lodge No. 17 was present at the Convention and their camp colony looked like a wartime cantonment, with company streets properly laid out and four brothers occupying each tent, and Captain Hartman commanded the camp like a veteran. Kalamazoo, Mich., Lodge brought in a happy camping party and they enjoyed every minute in the tented colony. They brought in their own out- Mr. Edison’s Wonderful New Amberola Yes, we will send you the New Edison Amberola, the product of the world’s greatest inventor’s genius, the phonograph with the wonderful diamond stylus reproducer and your choice of the latest Diamond Amberol Records on free trial without a penny down. On this oifer you can now have the genuine Edison Amberola, the instrument which gives you real, life-like music, the finest and best of all phonographs at a small fraction of the price asked for imitations of Mr. Edison’s great instrument. Seize this opportunity. Send the coupon now for free catalog. Edison’s Favorite Invention For years,. the world'a greatest inventor worked night and day to make the music of the phonograph true to life. At last his efforts have been crowned with success. Just as he was the first to invent the fmonograph, so is he the only one who has made phonograph music life-ike. Now read our great offer. The New Edison Amberola in Your Home on Free Trial Entertain your family and friends with the latest song hits, with your favorite, old-time melodies — with everything from grand opera to comic vaudeville. Roar with langhter at the side-splitting minstrel shows, then, after the trial, send it back if you choose. Rock-Bottom Offer Direct ! If, after the free trial, you decide to keep Mr. Edison’s superb new instrument, send us only $1.00. Pay the balance on the easiest kind of monthly payments. Think of it—a $1 payment, and a few dollars a month to get this wonderful new style outfit—Mr. Edison’s great phono-graph with the Diamond Stylus reproducer, all musical results of the highest priced outfits— the same Diamond Amberol Records—yes, the greatest value for $1 down, balance on easiest monthly terms. Convince A 7o F.K.BABSON »murcol f—frn£> tnnl XT- . v ^ TV . .. . ■ « « .. __ Edison Phonograph Distributors B-900 Edison Block, Chicago Gentlemen: Please send Jr me your New Edison Catalog Jr and full particulars of your AK free trial offer on the new ■7 mouei Edison Amberola. yourself free trial firstl No money down, no C. O. D., not one cent to pay unless you choose to keep instrument• / Name״ Your name and address on a postal or letter (or just the coupon) is enough. No obligations in asking for the catalog. Find out about Mr. Edison’s great new phonograph. Get the details of this offer— while this offer lasts. Write now. J? Address / F.K.BABS0N, Edison Phonograph Distributors B30־X?iiso" Chicago,III. Canadian Office: 355 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg,Manitoba