32 MOOSEHEART MAG/]Z US Z District Supervisors Organize During Convention Week Plans were formulated for a permanent organization and various committees were appointed comprising numerous members of the Association for the preparing of the General Laws governing the body. One of the most substantial plans of the Organization is to build at Mooseheart, a monument in the shape of a building, to be the gift of this Association—the money to come from personal donations on the part of its membership. It has not been definitely decided what sort of a building will be built, but announcement will be made in the Mooseheart Magazine at a later date as to just what sort of a building these great big-hearted fellows will give the Institution. The District Supervisors of the Loyal Order of Moose officially or-ganized during Convention week to be known in the future as the International Supervisors Association. The meeting was by far the most successful and interesting session the Supervisors have ever held. The following officers were elected to serve for a term of one year: President, William Lee Provol; Vice President, Harry W. Millspaugh; Sgt.-at-Arms, Patrick Fitzgerald; Secretary, Gerald F. Gahan; Treasurer, William J. Bennett; Trustees, Thomas M. Howell, Frederick Higgins; Ex-officio President, James J. Davis. SUPPORT THE SUPERVISORS Brother Garland Makes Deserved Plea For Them are those who throw hindrances in their way, some by members of the Moose, of the Lodges they are trying to build up. I want to call your attention to this feature of it, that these brothers are the greatest friends the Lodge has. I want to beg for them the right that they are to enjoy the friendship of all the Moose, the help of all the Moose of the Lodge, so that they may be able to build up and procure for themselves at least a decent living while they are doing it. You know it is hard to solicit membership. All of us could be organizers, we think. But do we• know there isn’t one man in a hundred who could succeed in organizing, and they deserve credit. They deserve the friendship and they deserve to be recognized as a real good leading Moose. I ask you to give them whenever they come into your community all the help you can. Regard them as being friends, not enemies. Regard them as being there for your benefit, and regard them as they deserve in the light of being benefactors, instead of hindrances to you.” Brother Garland took a few minutes off on Thursday and made a plea for the organizers. His talk met with general approval. He said: “I wish to speak a few words for one arm of this organization and that is_ those who made the Order. I say without fear of contradiction, or susceptible of contradiction, that this Order has been built up by the organizers. (Applause.) The organizers of this Order started first to carry the glorious news of the possibility throughout the land everywhere, and they gathered unto themselves followers; here and there they met with opposition and it is to that I want to address myself for a moment. “My friends, this Order could not be what it is now in this short time without their efforts, and they go out into a community, take their time, their money and their chances, to get people _ to come into this Order and build it up and help do these glorious things that we are doing now. Unfortunately they are regarded in many places as being only a hireling to the Order. In some places there ^]IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII!IEl||||||||||||t]lllllllllinE]llinillllll[]ll|ll|||||||[]|||||||||||iniimillllll[]lllllim||I[]|||||ll|||||[]|||milllllIlUlUllllllltIIIIIIIK• I Have Your Receipt Stamped 1 j MOOSEHEART PATRIOT j Ciiiii!![3iiiiiimiiiC3iiiiiimiiic]iiiiiimiii[3iniii!iiiii[]imiiimnc3iiiiii״imr3iiiiiiiiiiii[3iiimiiiiii:3iliiiiimii[]iiiiiii״i1ic]ii,il|l|1iii[];iil|״|l|IICc5 The District Supervisors on the Steps of Roosevelt Auditorium ;1¿!WlMiuE A Classy $250.00 AUTO With a Real I ......... ! Be a Mooseheart Patriot ! <«IIIIIIIC3llllllilllllC3lllimillll[3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3llllllllllll[3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3llllllllllll[3llllllllllll[3llllilllllll[3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3llllllllllll[3lllllllllllir^ This classy racer will do anythin# a full-sized car will do because it is built like a real automobile. It will even go where a big car can’t go. For it it has a narrow tread so you can drive anywhere—thru forest—up lanes—-anywhere you could ride a bicycle. Yet you need not take the dust from anyone—for it will run 25 miles an hour on good roads. This Classy Car Can Be Yours ?"stthI0־oUtur־the nT׳״thXyy 'Ll like they were ready for a real time perhaps off on an errand for Mother or a jaunt to the postoffice or fishing pond? Wouldn’t you like to be with them? You can own a Culver Racer and be a young Barney Oldfield if you send me your name and follow my instructions. When I tell you this auto is to be given free—I mean free—it won’t cost you one cent of your own money. Built Like the Big Racers—Capacity—Carry two 15 yr-old boys or three 10 yr-old. Steering Gear—wood with metal spider. Wheels—wire inter, ball bearing. Speeds — 3 for., 2 reverse. Brake- -Foot and hand. Engine—Air cooled, 5 horse power. Speed—Up to 25 miles. Send No MnilPV Just Your Nams Pon>t laydown this magazine until you have mailed me your name and ad-OCIIU I1U muiicy JUdl I UUI ,dress. doing this you wdl^get ^full information bj^ return mail, telhng v auto without it costing you one cent. Send today—quickly Dept• 423 Batavia, Illinois exactly how you can get this wonderfull boys CY SEYMOUR I Will Save You Money President Alonzo S. Thomas Santa Fe Watch Co. Read My Special ..Offer to Readers of Mooseheart Magazine Buy Your Watch NOW! My sole aim during the year 1919, is to place as many standard, dependable watches as I can in the hands of men throughout the land, REGARDLESS OF PRICE OR PROFITS. To do this, I have cut the prices to ABSOLUTE ROCK BOTTOM. I know that if I can distribute 5,000 “Santa Fe Specials” this year on this NO PROFIT PLAN, that every watch will sell another. I am making this STARTLING OFFER to those who will tell the r friends of this remarkable watch value, if they find the watches all and more than I claim for them. Save One-Third to One-Half of Your Money By Purchasing Our Famous Santa Fe Special Watch. A 1MONTH SantaTfeSpeciai 21 JEWEL‘ RAILROAD WATCH 21 Perfect Jewels Adjusted to Positions Adjusted to Temperature Adjusted to Isochronism Adjusted to the Second The THIN MODEt Standard Railroad Watch That’s Guaranteed To Give Satisfactory Service for an Jj& Entire Lifetime Jg The wise man will act quickly if he wants a watch. Write today for the Ar B Free watch book and make your selec-tion quickly before this offer is withdrawn and before the watch shortage stops us filling orders. Bi&t&zaigmBSB Most Liberal Offer Ever Mad ^ Send Our “Direct-to-You” low whole- rp. . ^ sale terms and Extra Special jSw hie a nil. Distribution Plan is fully ex- & x u plained in the new Santa Fe T«, J _ „ Special booklet just off _the ^ ptUl 1 OUtty Santa Fe /r Watch Co. f 723 Kansas Ave. Topeka, Kans. Ag Without obligation on my part, please mail your FREE f Watch Book and special Santa A Fe Special Distribution offer. SANTA FE WATCHCO.,72!^“„r Topeka, Kas Jg Name T ne Home of the Great Santa Fe Railway jSr ................................ W Address .......................... press. The “Santa Fe Special Plan” means big saving of money to you and you get the BEST watch value on the market today. Watch Sent for You to See Without One Penny Down. NEW CASE DESIGNS You must see these remarkable watches in order to fully realize the marvelous beauty of these Newest Designs, see the 3-color inlay work, think liow distinctive your watch will be with your own name, monogram, or an emblem inlaid in the solid gold. See the special New French Art designs in watch cases, or any special emblem or monogram combined to suit you. Write for the New Watch Book. Your Name on a Postal Brings the Free Watch Book.