29 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE News From the Lodges—Gathered From Press Clippings the Elizabethtown Road. The property has a four hundred foot frontage and is four hundred feet deep. There is a six-room house on the property and also several smaller buildings. A lawn, 50x75 feet, dotted with fifty fruit trees, furnishes ample shade on the grounds. The purchase price of this home is $5,000.00 and each and every member of Willock Lodge can feel proud of this home. As is always the case, “the big Lodge” of the Order was well represented at the Convention. A party of about eighty-five left the Quaker City early on Saturday morning, ,and arrived at Mooseheart at 2:15 Sunday afternoon. There were eighteen Past Dictators of No. 54 in the party and nine from several neighboring Lodges. Several dozen ladies were included in the delegation, most of whom are members of Philadelphia Chapter No. 4, Women of Mooseheart Legion. Dictator Ford and Vice Dictator Mace, being Supreme officials, _ came to Mooseheart a week or more in advance of the delegation from their home city, and found the time to make suitable and comfortable provisions for the quartering of their party. The ladies were located at the Aurora Hotel, while the men camped has moved into its new quarters in that city. These new quarters include, in addition to a large Lodge hall, billiard and pool rooms as well as card rooms where accommodations have been made for chess and checker players. A first class chef has been engaged who will be on the job all the time. Piqua (Ohio) Lodge No. 1607 is planning a $30,000.00 building to be used as a home and which will be built within the next year. To promote the interest in this new home and in Piqua Lodge they secured W. Campbell’s shows for their Spring Festival, held during the last week in May. Members and friends of the Order in Dayton, Piqua, Sidney, Zenia and Miamesburg turned out in crowds for the Legion picnic given in Dayton the last of the month. Hary Georgi, Secretary of Dayton Lodge, and Herder of the Legion, declared it was one of the most successful events ever given in that territory. Willock (Pa.) Lodge No. 1191 now has 120 members, including the brothers in service, and they are progressing in the right direction. Willock Lodge recently completed negotiations for a Moose Home, located on to carry the crowds to Tacoma Park, the local amusement center. The program included a baseball game, wrestling contest and other athletic events and a dance in the evening. Passaic (N. J.) Lodge No. 542 moved into their new home early last month and held a reception shortly afterwards. The new home has been fitted out with billiard and pool rooms, card rooms and parlors and the building committee expects to erect a large hall in the rear of the present building which can be used for meeting purposes as well as a gymnasium and for entertainments of all kinds. The New Jersey State Moose Association held their Third Annual Convention and Union on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of June at Elizabeth and was said to have been the largest Moose celebration ever held in that State. The meeting was opened by the Mayor of Elizabeth who delivered the address of welcome. Other speakers on the program were Governor Runyon of New Jersey and Hon. John W. Ford of Philadelphia. An excellent entertainment was provided for the visitors. Bridgeport (Conn.) Lodge No. 289 How Signs Of Old Age Creep Into Your System When The Iron In Your Blood Runs Low For Want of Iron, You May Be Old At Thirty—Nervous, Irritable and All Run-Down—While at Fifty or Sixty, With Plenty of Iron in Your Blood, You May Be Young in Feeling and Brimming Over With Vim and Energy YOU ARE AGEING If you are wearied by the activities of your daily life YOU ARE AGEING If you have lost the spring of your step and your movements are cumbrous the three score year mark but is still vigorous, active, full of life, vim and energy. Former Health Commissioner Kerr says he believes his own personal activity today is largely due to his use of Nuxated Iron and that he believes it ought to be prescribed by every physician and used in every hospital in the country. “But in my opinion you can’t make strong, keen, forceful men and healthy rosy-cheeked women by feeding them on metallic iron. The old forms of metallic iron must go through a digestive process to transform them into organic—Nuxated Iron—before they are ready, to be taken up and assimilated by the human system. Notwithstanding all that has been said and written on this subject by well-known physicians, thousands of peonle still insist upon dosing themselves with metallic iron, simply, I suppose because it costs a few cents less. I strongly advise readers in all cases to get a physicians prescription for organic iron—Nuxated Iron— or if you don’t want to go to this trouble then purchase only Nuxated Iron in its original packages and see that this particular name (Nuxated Iron) ap-preparations such as Nux and Ii*on and other pears on the package. If you have taken similar iron products and failed to get results, remember that such products are entirely different thing from Nuxated Iron. Manufacturers' Note—Nuxated Iron, which has been used by Dr. Sullivan and other physicians with such surprising results, "is not a secret remedy but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Unlike the older inorganic iron products, it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, nor upset the stomach. Tho manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results or they will remind your money. It —Advertisement. IRON IS THE RED BLOOD FOOD That Helps Strengthen the Nerves, Restores Wasted Tissue and Aids in Giving Renewed Force and Power to the Body. Physicians Explain Why Administration of Simple Nuxated Iron Often Increases the Strength and Endurance of Delicate, Run-down People in Two Weeks’ Time. Old age has already sunk its talons into thousands of men and women who ought still to be enjoying the springtimes and summer of life simply because they have allowed worry, overwork, nervous strain, dissipation and occupational poisons to sap the iron from their blood and thereby destroy its power to change food into living tissue, muscle and brain. You will find plenty of people at 40 who are broken in health and steadily going downward to physical and mental decay while others at 50 are strong, active, alert and seemingly growing younger every year. One class withers and dies like leaves in autumn while the other by keeping up a strong power of resistance against disease may pass the three score and ten mark with surprising health, strength and, vigor. But you cannot expect to look and feel young and vigorous unless you have plenty of iron in your blood, and physicians explain below why they prescribe organic iron—Nuvated Iron—to supply the iron deficiency in the weak, nervous, and rundown so as to build them up into stronger, healthier men and women. “Many a man and woman who ought still to be young- in feeling is losing the old time vim and energy that makes life worth living simply because their blood is starving for want of iron” says Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly Physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital. “Lack of iron in the blood not only makes a man a physical and mental weakling, nervous,, irritable and easily fatigued hut it utterly robs him of that virile force, that stamina and, strength of will which are so necessary to success and power in every walk of live. Thousands are ageing and breaking down at a time when YOU ARE AGEING If the enthusiasm for tackling year daily problems has waned is dispensed by ail good druggists. YOU ARE AGEING If your skin is shrinking and your face looks wrinkled, careworn and old they should he enjoying perfect health because anaemia — lack of iron in the blood—has fastened its grip on them and is sapping their strength, vitality and energy. For want of iron you may he old at thirty, dull of intellect, poor of memory, nervous and all “run-down” while at 50 or 60 with good health and plenty of iron in your blood you may be young in feeling, full of life, and your whole being brimming over with vim and energy. As a proof of this take the case of Former United States Senator Charles A. Towne, who at past 58 is still a veritable mountain of tireless energy. Senator Towne’ says: “I have found Nuxated Iron of the greatest benefit as a tonic and regulative. Henceforth, I shall not be without it.” Then there is former Health Commissioner. William R. Kerr of Chicago, who is past Superior (Wis.) Lodge No. 551 is progressing rapidly. The assets today are over $7,000.00. Much of the present success is due to the efforts of Secretary Ross. Supreme Councilman Wallace McGowan addressed an open meeting of Conneaut (Ohio) Lodge No. 472 on June 10th delivering an address on Mooseheart to an exceptionally large gathering. Mobile (Ala.) Lodge No. 321 is holding open house to all returned soldiers. The House Committee is seeing to it that all the returned soldiers who drop in are made to feel at home and given the freedom of the building. Westfield (N. Y.) Lodge No. 118 has leased the entire second and third floors of the Fenner block in that city, which will be remodelled into a pool room, lounging and billiard rooms and parlors. LaFayette (Ind.) Lodge No. 1529 has leased the entire second and third floors of Lahr Hotel and will remodel them into Lodge rooms and parlors. The space they will occupy has been equal to twenty-nine bedrooms. Kenosha (Wis.) Lodge No. 286 were the hosts of the City Council and Mayor of that city recently at a banquet given to assure the city administrators that the Moose were in harmony with their work and program. Atlantic City (N. J.) Lodge No. 116 held its annual grand ball on the Steel Pier, having an attendance of more than four thousand. Hon. Fred Stuart, an attorney in Atlantic City, delivered the address to an assembly on Mooseheart. Haverhill (Mass.) Lodge No. 848 gave a reception for returned service men at their home during the latter part of May. The Mayor and City Council attended in a body as well as practically all returned soldiers, sailors and marines in Haverhill. The picnic held under the auspices of Bellville (111.) Lodge No. 1221 at the fair grounds of that city, was attended by delegates of practically every Lodge in the vicinity. The program included horse racing and motorcycle racing. Supreme Secretary Rodney H. Brandon delivered the address of the day. Buffalo (N. Y.) Lodge No. 8 are making an excellent headway with their campaign for membership which is known as the past dictator’s campaign, several large classes having been initiated recently. A vaudeville show given by this Lodge in the latter part of May was attended by more than nine thousand people. Under the leadership of Deputy H. H. Bower, Tillamook (Ore.) Lodge No. 1260 more than doubled its membership in a recent campaign drive. The membership was increased from 112 to 238. This is going some for a town of 2,000 population. Brother Bower leaves with the best wishes of Tillamook Lodge for his good work. Aberdeen (S. D.) Lodge No. 590 held one of the largest picnics on the 2nd of June that has ever been held in that city, requiring four special trains ...................... ! Hundreds of Delegates and | | Past Dictators pledged | | amounts from $15.00 to | 1 $200.00 for the Perman- | | ent Building Fund. WHAT WILL j | YOU DO? | riimiiimHimuimiiniiiiiMiiiommiiMHiiiiuiimoimiiiiiiit•*