AiOOSEHES1RT A1AG/JZINE 4 <«3iiiiiiiimiE3iimiiiiiiic3iii!immiE]iiiiiimiiiC3imHimiic3iimiHiHc> I The i j Mooseheart j [ Foundation I *ll!l!lllllll]IIIMilllllOIIIIIIIIIII[]|||||||||lll[]lllimillllUIIIIIIIIII!|[* The Mooseheart Foundation was authorized by the 30th Annual Convention, and approved by the 31st Annual Convention at Mooseheart. The purpose of the Foundation being to raise an endowment fund of $10,-000,000.00 for Mooseheart. There is no limit to the amount that can be subscribed to this fund nor is there any minimum. Any contribution, regardless of its size, is. welcome. Nor is it necessary that the contribution be in the form of cash. Securities of all kinds, Liberty bonds, or property may be subscribed. Mooseheart has been remembered in the wills of many members of our Order, some of whom have passed to the Great Beyond, among them our late brother, Isodore Klein of Cincinnati Lodge No. 2. It is hoped that the income from the Mooseheart Foundation will enable the Mooseheart Governors to complete Mooseheart sooner than would be possible through annual contributions. Thousands of members in the Order have indicated their willingness to do more to help build Mooseheart. The following are the first contributors: J. Albert Cassidy, Baltimore, Md., Lodge No. 70..............$100.00 Hon. J. W. Pierson, Dallas, Texas, Lodge No. 424........... 200.00 Hon. John J. Lentz, Columbus, O., Lodge No. 11............... 200.00 Isadore Klein, Cincinnati, O., Lodge No. 2.................... 100.00 Cleveland, O., Lodge No. 63 (From bazaar fund)............. 250.00 Dr. A. C. Ball, Alliance, O.... 50.00 A. H. Logan, West Virginia.. 100.00 JAMES J. DAVIS, Director General. A Memorial — Mooseheart Church A resolution passed yesterday authorizes that work be begun on raising funds for the memorial church. It reads as follows: “WHEREAS, Director General James J. Davis is collecting funds to erect a House of God at Mooseheart, and WHEREAS, The Brothers of our Loyal Order of Moose who made the Supreme Sacrifice in the great war to preserve human rights and liberty demonstrated their devotO.n to their God as well as their country, therefore be it “RESOLVED, that the Supreme Convention suggests to Director General Davis that when the House of God is erected it be a “Memorial to our Soldier Dead,” and be it further “RESOLVED, That we call upon all the Lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose to co-operate in this Memorial to the end that each Lodge who lost a member in this great war shall perpetuate his memory in this House of God. Here each day the children will offer up their prayers totheSupreme Pictator of the Universe that all may be well with all the benefactors of Mooseheart among whom must, perforce, be numbered those who gave their lives that the institutions of a free country might survive, including the Loyal Order of Moose.” Former Congressman Lentz Accepts Challenge of District Attorney Pierson J. WILLIS PIERSON Member Supreme Council Dallas, Texas HON. JOHN J. LENTZ Mooseheart Governor Columbus, Ohio and the former Congressman comes back with the statement that he expects to live thirty years more, anyway, and will be glad to contribute two hundred dollars every year to the “Mooseheart Endowment.” Below we reprint a paragraph from the letter Director General James J. Davis wrote thanking Brother Pierson for his generous gift. This paragraph shows the vision and the hope Brother Davis has for the Moose. “In addition to taking the orphans, I am in hopes that we can take the children of very poor members of our Order and educate them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could bring the orphans of the world to Mooseheart? With contributions of your kind, it could be done.” Pierson’s Answer June 7, 1919. My Dear Brother Davis: Delighted to hear that my proposition was so well received at Mooseheart, and I hasten to tell you that I accept the challenge made by our distinguished friend, Mr. John J. Lentz, —even though I fully expect to be here three times as long as he does. I want to make it a life proposition, and there is no reason why plans cannot be worked out by which your big endowment Cap be realized. Yours fraternally, J. WILLIS PIERSON. Dallas, Texas, May 20, 1919. Hon. James J. Davis, Director General, L. O. 0. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. My Dear Jim: I want to do more for Mooseheart. I am going to contribute $1,000.00 in cash or Liberty Bonds, payable $200.00 per year for five years. I wonder how many brothers in the Order will match me. As to the use of the contribution— I leave it to your good judgment. You will find enclosed herewith $200.00 in Liberty Bonds, being the first installment of my contribution. With a fervent prayer that our fondest hopes for Mooseheart may be fully realized, I am, Yours sincerely and fraternally, J. WILLIS PIERSON. Brother Pierson is District Attorney, at Dallas, Texas, and one of the noted and prominent: lawyers of the South. Former Congressman John J. Lentz of Ohio, when he heard of District Attorney Pierson’s contribution, matched it at once, and further challenged the challenger by saying that-he would give two hundred dollars a year, not only for five years, but for the rest of his life. Some one suggested that Brother Lentz is older than Brother Pierson, seven pieces furnished the music for the occasion. The speakers were Senator Frank Wendling, State Senator Harold C. Kessinger and M. P. Adams Superintendent of Mooseheart. More than ten thousand members of the Order and visitors witnessed the dedication of the new $50,000 home of Pana, Illinois Lodge No. 1455. Mooseheart Student Band of forty- §3imiiii!iiiHn:!»iKi!::jiiiiiiiiiiiiHii!!ii«m(tsiiiMiiiiinniiiiiiiiHig 1 The House I 8 of God J j Fund j SiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiMiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHtaiiiiiiiiiiHtJiiitumfflto This movement was started Friday afternoon with such an outburst of enthusiasm that the Convention was nearly carried “off its feet”. The members vied with each other to report their pledges or subscriptions, which ranged from $50.00 to $5,000.00 cash, and from $5.00 to $150.00 per year for life. The very air seemed permeated with the spirit of God. Pledges were so numerous, and came so rapidly, that we are wholly unable to make report at this time. Governor Lowden of Illinois and Mayor Thompson of Chicago came into the Assembly just at the close of this wonderful movement and each claimed the right and privilege as members of the Order to subscribe. Mayor Thompson pledged the sum of $50.00 per year for 10 years, and Governor Lowden the sum of $100.00 per year during his life. The whole movement was a most extraordinary endorsement and expression of confidence in the management of Mooseheart, and an abiding faith in its future greatness and grandeur. Director General James J. Davis is having prepared a report in detail, in pamphlet form and a copy of which will be sent to you upon request. All who desire to support this splendid movement may forward their pledges to Director General James J. Davis, Mooseheart, 111. The Widow’s Mite May 5th, 1919. Dear Mr. Adams: I am sending you herewith two dollars as a little donation toward the building of the “House of God”. 1 hope to make a little donation from time to time for this building. I will kindly ask you not to have this published. I do so wish I could show how much I appreciate what Mooseheart has done and is still doing for my children. Sincerely yours, MRS. -----——. This letter is a challenge to every man in our Order! And to every Lodge and Legion! Here is a modest widow, who doesn’t want her good work known about, making her contribution to the building fund for “The House of God,” where each child that is at Mooseheart, and will come to Mooseheart thru the coming years, will be trained in the religion of its mother. Millionaires give thousands of dollars, they never miss. Society women, with an eye on the front page, rush into charity to get into print. Their picture in the society column gives them a greater thrill than the gladdened heart of a child. But this widow, with a great heart, that has in it an abiding love of her own and for all the children of Moose, modestly makes her contribution, and sincerely states her appreciation cf Mooseheart. Individuals, Lodges, Legions,—all are invited to contribute to the building fund for “The House of God.”