[Write your name in full here.] [Write street or rural route number here.] [Write city and state here.] 536 If you prefer that the express charges be prepaid and the shipment insured against loss or breakage (which is a wise precaution), remit one dollar with the coupon for either set. This offer is limited to states east of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. That is all that is necessary• to start one of these beautiful Bluebird Dinner Sets from the pottery to your home._ Just fill out afid mail the coupon below, indicating which set you prefer, and we will ship it for your approval. If you like it (and we know you will), remit the small monthly payments until the special price is paid; otherwise return the set within ten days at our expense. Design and Decoration: This charming conception is undoubtedly the moot popular and sought for decoration in high grade dmnerware today. The Bluebird—the emblem of happiness—is the central motif of this lovely design. The outer edge is decorated with a heavy band of coin gold, laid on by hand. The inner line is a dainty blue, joining the floral spray which supports the Bluebird. Truly an artistic creation of the ceramic art. The 100-piece Dinner Set: This is the set shown in the illustration. It consists of 100 useful pieces, as follows: 12 ovid shaped cups with gold traced handles, 12 saucers to match, 12 nine-inch dinner plates, 12 seven-inch breakfast plates, 12 French soup plates, 12 fruit or dessert dishes, 12 butter servers, 1 thirteen-inch platter, 1 eleven-inch platter, 1 covered sugar bowl (two pieces), 1 creamer to match, 1 covered vegetable dish_ (two pieces), 1 salad bowl, 1 oblong vegetable dish, 1 eight-inch cake tray, 1 pint bowl, 1 fancy sauce boat,_ 1 fancy pickle dish, 1 oblong olive dish, 1 cheese plate, 1 jelly plate. No. 2298. 100-piece set.....$25— Payable $4 monthly. The 42-piece Dinner Set: Consists of 42 useful pieces of dinnerware of the same style, pattern and dainty decoration described above, as follows: 6 ovid shaped cups with gold traced handles, 6 saucers to match, 6 nine-inch dinner plates, 6 six-inch breakfast or pie plates, 6 fruit or dessert dishes, 6 butter servers, 1 eleven-inch meat platter, 1 salad bowl, 1 covered sugar bowl (two pieces), 1 creamer to match, 1 oblong vegetable dish, —making 42 Useful pieces in all. No. 2299. 42-piece Dinner Set. Q_gg ״ Payable $2 monthly. Select the size set best suited to your needs; fill out the coupon and mail it TODAY. This simple request, without a cent of the price in advance, brings either set direct from the pottery to your home. QuakerValley MfgCp•. *TfACTORV BARGAIN DISTRIBUTORS W Mill and River Streets, AURORA, ILLINOIS Get it from the Factory Use the handy Coupon QuakerValley Mf£. Ca Aurora Illinois You may ship direct from the pottery to my home the beautiful Bluebird Dinner Set I have indicated below with an X. If I am pleased with the Set and satisfied I have made a substantial saving through your plan of factory shipments, I will keep the set and pay for it according to the terms stated below; otherwise I will return it in ten days at your expense. ••$25 JS ion No. 2298 100-piece Set......... Payable $4 monthly,