The Coupon Saves You $43 And you may pay for your Oliver at the rate of only $3 per month For $57 you can now obtain the identical Oliver Typewriter formerly priced at $100. Thus you save nearly half. You get the finest typewriter we have ever built—our latest model, the No. 9. If any typewriter is worth $100, you will agree that it is this splendid, speedy Oliver. Free Trial—Send No Money Our new plan is simple. It permits you to be your own salesman. You may order a free-trial Oliver directly from this advertisement, via coupon. Note that the coupon brings either an Oliver or further information. When you receive the Oliver, use it as if it were your own. Give it every test. Compare it. If you agree that it is the finest typewriter at any price, and wish to keep it, then pay us at the rate of $3 per month. If you want to return it, ship it back, express collect. We even refund the outgoing transportation charges. During the free trial, you can be your own judge, with no one to influence you. You need not feel under the slightest obligation to buy. Let merit decide. No Need to Wait With such a liberal offer made by a $2,000,000 concern, no one need be without a typewriter now. The low price removes the old-time barrier. And our easy payment plan makes it possible to have an Oliver while paying. Mail the coupon now for either a free trial Oliver or further information, including illustrated catalog. Canadian Price, $72 THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY 35.A Oliver Typewriter Bldg., Chicago, 11L With the coming of the new price, not the slightest change has been made in the machine. In every way it is exactly what we formerly priced at $100. Our Reason for a Lower Price Men wonder how we have effected such a remarkable reduction in price without changing the Oliver. Let us explain. During the war we learned many lessons in economical distribution, ways of saving. We found that the Oliver Typewriter itself was the best salesman and that our free trial plan, which introduces the machine itself to you without effort or expense on your part, made it unnecessary to have a large number of traveling salesman, numerous expensive branch houses throughout the country, etc. We were able to discontinue many other superfluous sales methods. As explained further in our booklet, “The High Cost of Type- , writers — The J Reason and the Remedy.” MOOSE Every lodge should see that its Secretary is supplied with an Oliver Typewriter so as to help him in his work. Records, minutes, notices, etc., when typed are more legible than when written in long-hand. An Oliver will help every Secretary. And it is easy to learn. A free course —The Famous Van Sant System of Touch Typewriting—will be sent to all buyers if requested when ordering. We suggest that every lodge authorize its Secretary to send for a FREE TRIAL Oliver. Then after trial, if it is decided to keep it, it can be paid for at the rate of only $3 per month. Many MOOSE lodges and other organizations are buying Olivers this easy way. _(S® THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY 35_a Oliver Typewriter Bldg., Chicago, 111. _ The title to remain in you until fully paid for. My shipping point is...........................................— This does not place me under any obligation to buy. If I choose to return the Oliver, I will ship it back at your expense at the end of five days. Do not send a machine until I order it. Mail me your book—“The High Cost of Typewriters — The Reason and the Remedy,” your de luxe catalog and further information. □ Name .................— Street Address —.....— City.................. Occupation or Business״ 8111111 3