19 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Priscilla Pattern Co., Batavia, Illinois __2859!—Girl's Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 8, ID, 12 and 14 years. Size 12 requires 3% yards of 36 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 2839.—Ladies’ Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Size 38 requires 4% yards of 44 inch material. Skirt measures about 1 2-3 yards at the lower edge. Price, 12 cents. 2852.—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes : 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Size 10 will require 3% yards of 36 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 2842.—Ladies’ House Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inches bust measure. Size 38 requires 4% yards of 44 inch material. Width of skirt at lower edge, is about 2% yards. Price, 12 cents. 2847.—Child’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. Size 4 requires 2% yards of 27 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 2838.—Boys’ Play Suit. Cut in 4 sizes : 3, 4, 5, and 6 years. Size 4 requires 2*4 yards of 36 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 2841.—Ladies* Apron. Cut in 4 sizes: Small, 32-34; medium, 3638־; large, 40-42; and extra large, 44-46 inches bust measure. Size medium requires 4% yards of 36 inch material, with 1% yards of banding, 2% inches wide, for neck and front. Price, 1.2 cents. 2858.—Misses’ Dress. Cut in 3 sizes : 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 requires 4\{> yards of 44 inch material. Width of skirt at lower Price, 12 cents. 2846.—Infant’s Set. Cut in one size only. The dress will require 3^ yards with ruffle edge with plaits extended, is about 1% yards, and 1/2 yard less without ruffle, or 2\-< yards of lace edging for ruffles, diaper drawers % yard. Long kimono 2% yards. Short kimono 1% yards. Petticoat 2^4 yards with ruffles, and 1% without, or 24-j yards of edging or lace, all of 27 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 2843.—Ladies’ Dress. Cut in 6 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40. 42 and 44 inches bust measure. Size 38 requires 4% yards of 44 inch material. Width of skirt at lower edge, is about 2 yards. Price, 12 cents. 2836.—Girls’ Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 8. 10, 12 and 14 years Size 12 requires 3% yards of 44 inch material. Price, 12 cent-. 2844-2854.—A Stylish Costume. Waist 2844 cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Skirt 2854 cut in 7 sizes: 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches waist measure. A medium size will require 61/3 yards of 44 inch material for the entire dress. The skirt measures about 1% yards at the foot with plaits extended. Two separate patterns, 12 cents for each pattern. Ir you are interested in fancy work, crocheting oi knitting you could do no better than to send 12c for our Priscilla Yoke Book showing many splendid and artistic designs. Just add 12 cents to your pattern order and say, “Send the big Yoke Book.” In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash or nvo-cent stamps for each Pattern you want. Address order to PATTERN DEPARTMENT. PRISCILLA PATTERN CO., Batavia, Illinois. Send money, if possible, but if moire convenient, send two-cent stamps. the actor list. Eighth, that “something doing” must be listed in big letters all the time. Baltimore Chapter No. 55 has made a rapid growth in membership. The women of the chapter are very active arranging social gatherings where all people connected with the Moose are invited. The officers are always busy and exemplify the ritualistic work in a most impressive manner. EVANSVILLE CHAPTER NO. 50 The Chapter of the Women of Mooseheart Legion at Evansville, Indiana very pleasantly surprised the members of the L. O. O. M. recently by donating them a warrant for $1518.75, which was to be applied on the last note which was due on the big home built by the Moose in Evans-vile. The women made this money on various social stunts and had been saving it unbeknown to the L. O. O. M. with the idea in mind to donate it to the Lodge to pay off the final note. Many lodges of Moose would no doubt be pleased to receive a similar surprise and it is true that many of them do, except that the amounts are not so large. WINNERS IN LEGION CONTEST The Chapters winning in the big contest recently held by the Women of Mooseheart Legion are listed below. The ten (10) winners of this contest receive a free trip to Mooseheart. The winners are grouped into two classes, namely those chapters whose Moose Lodge membership is over 1,000 and those under 1,000. The Lodge membership governs the contest because the percentage of increase made by the Chapter is determined by the Loyal Order of Moose membership in each city. CLASS A (Moose membership over 1,000) First—Portland, Ore., Chapter No. 297. Second—Enp-lewood, 111., Chapter No. 221. Third—Waterbury, Conn., Chapter No. 79. Fourth—Mansfield, Ohio, Chapter No. 47. Fifth—Hamilton, Ohio, Chapter No. 28. CLASS B (Moose membership under 1,000) First—So. Bethlehem, Pa., Chapter, No. 58. Second—Kendallville, Ind., Chapter, No. 256 Third—Bemidji, Minn., Chapter No. 187. Fourth—Anaconda, Mont., Chapter No. 16. Fifth—Niagara Falls, N. Y., Chapter No. 17. lected as an essential part of the session. Third, that the ritualistic work should be so rendered that its beauties are brought out and emphasized. It' must be exemplified in a manner fitting its worth. Fourth, the same as they would invite to their own table as a part of their own home social life, also let the tables of the chapter and lodge be spread at not too infrequent intervals. Fifth, that they must invent forms of entertainment which are original and which will involve their own members or their children as the entertainers. Sixth, that any one form of entertainment becomes stale and monotonous. Seventh, that the greater the number involved and interested the greater the attendance. The entertainment must provide for just as many members as possible on j■HAIR DRESSING AT HOME] I Da Ctviich antl up-to-date. Learn quickly f I DC OLjflloll and easily how to dress your i ? own hair in the newest fashions. Our big cloth I f bound illustrated course sent prepaid for short? f time for only 75 cents. Money refunded if not ? I satisfied. MAYS CO.. Morton St.. Batavia, ill.• We Buy And Sell Old Coins. $2 to $500 Each Paid. Send 10c for New Illustrated Price List 4x6. Get poste at Once. You may have valuable coins Clarke Coin Co. Box 129, LeRoy, N.Y OLD MONEY WANTED PA O Get kusy in- 11 wf troducing ■ * * pocket knives and razors, name and address, Moose and other emblems clearly shown under transparent handles. Send in today for special outfit offer. Novelty Cutlery Co., 90 Bar St., Canton, Ohio GetaBuick FREE Without a Dollar of Cost You don’t have to I pay for It — not ! even the freight. Positively no money required. The man , ״ , . shown in the car answered our ad. Now he s riain» in the Buick we gave him. You can get one too. Don’t send a cent—just your name and address— that’s all. Do it now. A post card will do. 1 want to send you a dandy auto also. 0. K. Austin, Mgr., 781 Capital Bid!., Topeka, Kan. Nottingham Table Cover and This Floral Novelty Given — FREE TO ALL READERS We want to send these two splendid gifts to every reader of this magazine. This handsome table cover is made in the latest style, of elegant material, all ready to spread on your table. It is a very beautiful design as shown in the illustration, and is sure to please any woman. It measures 72 in. in circumference. The plant we give you is the rare and sacred Resurrection Plant and will stay green by placing it in water. When taken out of water they dry and curl up and go to sleep. They will keep in this state for years. Simply place the whole plant into water; it will open up and start to grow in 20 minutes. We will send the Nottingham Table Cover and the Sacred Plant free and postpaid together with one year’s subscription to our big monthly magazine for the small sum of 40 cents. Remember, 40 cents is all you have to send, and you get the handsome table cover, the Sacred Plant and a full year’s subscription to our magazine. Only one offer to a family on this liberal introductory plan. Send 40 cts. today. ROSE DEPARTMENT, 2003 Harris Trust Building, CHICAGO, ILL. PlaysAnyDiscRecord* WONDERFUL PHONOGRAPH Kara is oar Now Style E. D. L. Phonograph—tha latestimprovement—without the horn. The lightest, most durable and compact practical phonograph ever produced. It is beautifully finished, tone arm black japanned, nickel winding crank,accurately constructed, smooth running spring motor, which plays 2 to 3 records at one winding, speed regulator, stop lever and felt-covered turn table. New improved Bound box with mica diaphragm, which makes perfect reproductions of all kinds of music— band pieces, talking pieces, instrumental, orchestra, vocal, etc. I Up to 7 in. and plays I them properly. This "machine is simply wonderful—not to be compared with any other of this kind. Will give you more entertainmentthananythingyoueverowned. and durable. Small and compact with no parts to get out EVERY MACHINE REGULATED AND TESTED before it leaves the factory and guaranteed in every way. A real phonograph, not a toy, yet small and light enough to be carried to camps, excursions, etc. Gives a clearness and volume of tone not surpassed by most high-priced instruments. ! TESTIMONIAL Dear Company—I hare jnst’today i • graph—and mnst ti ll yon for a fact I am suro moro than delighted with it. I many thanks for jonr honesty. I remain yonr friend till death. Mrs. Fannie Rogers, Cerro Gordo, N. C. FREE TO Y0U-SEND N0 MOHEY^l (lame and we will send you 24 of our Art Pictures to dispose of on special offer at 25c each. Send us the $6 you collect and for your trouble we will send this new improved E. D. L. Phonograph and a selection of 6 records, free for your !rouble. You can dispose of pictures and earn this great Machine and the records in a few hours' time. Address S. D. LIFE, 337 W. Madison St., j.2| CHICAGO Carro Gordo, N. C., Bopt. 13, 1918. ־,־־4 ‘־־־:—״T roceiv.d my Phono-ghtadwithit. Many,