17 /ЛОOSEHEARТ MAGAZINE Another European Boost. In an interesting letter to Harmon W. Clapp, Secretary of Toledo, Ohio, Lodge, his niece, a Y. W. C. A. war-worker writing from Paris says: “I feel I owe a great deal of gratitude to you, because one of the most pleasant evenings I ever spent was at the Moose Home in Paris.” The writer goes on to tell of the wonderful work that the Loyal Order of Moose have done in France and at the front, during the trying days of the war. Lost Brother. Brother E J. Moonan, Secretary of Lambertville, .N. J., Lodge No. 217, writes that Brother Lester Lelie has left a wife and two small children and the writer requests that members of the Order try to locate their wandering brother. He is needed at home and it is hoped that if he reads this he will return to his family. solid Gold Solid Gold Send Your Name and We’l! Send You a Lachnite T\ON’T send a penny. Just send your name and say. Sendma 1-f a Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial.*' We will send it prepaid right to your home. Wnen it cornea merely deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. II you, or i! any of your friends can tell It from a diamond, send it hack. But if you decide to buy it —send us $2.5C a month until $18.75 baa been paid. A Tilrinv Send your name now. Tell us which of the . . awuaj1 solid gold rings illustrated above you wish Ladies’ or men's). Be sure to send finger size• ,Harold Lac ¡!man Co., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept. A300 Chicago. The Skin! A Real Cure At Last! rate •ampuk D.D.O. WMCHIFTIJM ♦rSixi’y Streefth ГОИ THE •KIN AND SCALP ttluf• The best ingredient known to medidal sc¿* enee io the treatment or skia diseases. D. D. D. Prescription A soothing־, healing liquid wash that sinks through the pores and gives instant relief. Eczema. Psoriasis, ringworm, bad leg, pimples, scales or crusts will yield to its cooling, healing effect. Unlike salves. V. D. D. sinks through the pores, kills and washes- out disease germs. Salves merely clog the pores and encourage the rapid growth of germs. D. D. D. leaves the pores open to receive nature's healing aid. Try it today. Testimonial I never hesitate to recommend a really meritorious remedy for any ailments peculiar to ruy fellow beings regardless of professional “ethics," therefore, I have this to sa3־, that for several years past I have used in my practice a considerable Quantity of the D. D. D. Prescription in diseases of the skin and have found it superior in efficacy to any single remedy I have ever used. It is indeed a reliable “standby” in ecezma by relieving at once the intense itching, calming the excited nerves and thereby strengthening the general system. Whilst this Prescription is soft and soothing td the inflamed skin it is at the same time a powerful agent, and in my opinion should be used under the supervision of the family physician, especially in obstinate cases. GEORGE T. RICHARDSON, M. D P. S.־־Sdme three years ago I got hold of a terrible case of eczema in a middle aged woman who had spent a large sum of money with specialists to no good purpose. Of course I was anxious to cure this case. I had some knowledge of your Prescription and used it. The result was that my patient began to improve, but other casea came to me and my druggist has sold nearly a hundred bottles through my orders. I am not seeking any notoriety whatever. Don't care whether my name is in print or out of it. I only desire to cure my patients and keep a clear conscience. All druggists sell D. D. D. Ask about It today. Also about־ D. D. D. soap. Its steady use keeps the skin, always pure and healthy. Trial FREE! We will send you a liberal bottle of D. D. D., the great skin remedy, absolutely free. It will give you instant relief no matter how long you hare suf lere-.l. Tou assume no obligations. Enclose 10c to c>,. postage and packing. Send today. P. D. D, Laboratories, Dept. ^ ^ 3845 East Rfcvenswood Park, Chicago the best that had been given to entertain the returned fighters at Madison. Honorable John W. Ford, Past Supreme Dictator and Chairman of the Executive Committee, representing Philadelphia Lodge No. 54, subscribed for $50,000.00 worth of Liberty Bonds of the Victory Loan. The vote in favor of the purchase was unanimous. This Lodge purchased $10,000.00 worth of the Fourth issue and sold its membership $103,000.00 worth of the Third loan. Philadelphia Lodge now has 26,000 members, over $400,000.00 assets and every penny of indebtedness on its property is paid. Penns Grove Lodge No. §20 just closed a uuve loi new members which resulted in the addition of one hundred thirty-eight (138) new names on the roll. Brother Chas. Searl won the prize for securing the largest number of names, the second prize went to “Ty” Cobb of boxing fame, and Albert Burnett received a gold ring as third prize. At the banquet Brother Chas. E. Randa acted as toastmaster. Past Dictators Wm. La-narty and Wm. Kelty, Sheriff Wm. T. Mifflin, J. C. Curry, Louis Rathsmill, Isidore Luterman, Chas. L. Smith, Hollas F. Ashcraft, Robt. J. Upper and W. A. Webster made appropriate addresses. East Liverpool Wakes Up. Brother John Rears of East Liverpool, Ohio, Lodge No. 122 says “We are glad to let you know that East Liverpool Lodge has come to life again, for we recently had an open house and enjoyed one of our finest evenings in our history. Judges J. G. Moore and S. W. _Crawford gave splendid addresses. Terre Haute Has a Big Class Terre Haute, Ind., Lodge No. 1009 recently initiated a class of sixty-eight candidates. The following officers were elected to serve for the next term: Peter Shull, Dictator; Isaac Leslie, Vice Dictator; Earl Harrison, Prelate; Chas. C. Rhyan, Secretary for three years; Noble Johnson, Treasurer; Henry Thompson, Trustee for three years. events that have been celebrated in Pana and have assurances that some of the country’s most prominent men will be there to address the gathering. It is possible that the Moose-heart band of some eighty pieces will be present at this dedication. Ilion, New York, Chapter No. 31, Women of Mooseheart Legion, recently installed the following officers: Past Regent, Mary J. Smith; Senior Regent, Ediiha Knott; Junior Regent, Mary Hartlieb; Chaplain, Beatrice Allen; Treasurer, Eva Rose; Recorder, Florence Scott; Guide, Lela Snyder; Argus, Rose Farley; Sentinel, Ruth Marmary; Organist,. Mary Owens. Bay City, Mich., Lodge, No. 169 have purchased a new club house in Bay City and took possession the 15th of May. Bowling alleys, billiard rooms, club rooms and a lodge and hall, four thousand square feet of space, are provided. It is the largest hall in Bay City outside of the National Guard Armory hall. Gymnasium and shower baths will be installed in the basement. Columbus, Ohio, Lodge No. 11 have just voted to build a new temple and home and have appointed a committee to look into the matter. A class of 103 were initiated on April 13th and the officers plan to continue a membership drive for some time to come. Columbus Lodge voted to endeavor to promote the establishment of a vocational school at Columbus similar to that recently established at Toledo Municipal University using the Mooseheart plan as a basis. Madison, Wis., Lodge No. 1451 gave a huge reception and home-coming welcome to the soldiers, sailors and marines of Madison, at Turner Hall in that city. The speakers of the evening were Fast Dictator Norton Williams, Mayor Sayle and the Hon. E. L. Philipp, Governor of Wisconsin. Col-one^ John Turner responded for the soldiers. The Women of Mooseheart Legion prepared and served the dinner and the whole affair was voted — A New Pastor It is with great pleasure we announce that Rev. John Laffey has been appointed local Chaplain for the Catholic children at Mooseheart. There are now 140 Catholic children at Mooseheart and the previous custom of sending them Sunday mornings over •to Aurora to the Catholic church has always been fraught with great danger of accident. With such a large group and so many automobiles out on the streets there has been continual danger of accident. The coming of Rev. John Laffey means of course that Rev. W. J. Donovan, who has been the Chaplain in Aurora and a true friend. of all Catholic children of Mooseheart, will discontinue his work. For five years Father Donovan has taken the closest and highest interest in the Catholic children at Mooseheart. He has attended them in sickness and at death. The Catholic children at Mooseheart will always have a warm spot in their hearts for Father Donovan. Rev. Laffey comes from Savannah, 111. Speaking of him the Savanna Daily Times says: “Father Laffey with his bright and happy disposition and his unusual love for the little ones will be well adapted to this work. He is a young man of education and refinement and a thorough American, a native of Providence, R. I. He received his education for the priesthood at Rochester, N. Y., St. Mary’s, Baltimore, and Washington, D. C., coming here directly after his ordination last June. During his short stay h.e has endeared himself to all by his charming personality.” The House of God Rev. Edgar D. Torrey, who has recently returned from ten months in war work, says: “I met many Moose in France and in our home camps and I am glad to say that they are splendid men, always ready to uphold the principles of the Loyal Order of Moose. I sincerely hope that every brother Moose will realize the great importance of the spiritual education of the children, because our Order is founded upon the teachings of our beloved Supreme Dictator, Jesus Christ.” It seems to iis that these words from a brother who has seen men live and fight and suffer and die on the fields of France should touch the heart of every Moose. There is being raised now a fund to build a temple to be known as the “House of God” at Mooseheart. Here children of Moose will be reared in the religion of their mothers. Individuals, Chapters and Lodges everywhere are contributing to this fund. The following contributions have been made since the last report: Grldley, Calif., No. 1594_______$ 24.00 Negaunee, Mich., No. 231_____________ 25.00 Elgin, 111., No. 799_______________ 200.00 Willock, Pa., No. 1191_______________ 50.00 Franklin, Pa., No. 83______________ 10.0*0 Johnsonburg, Pa., Chapter_______ 50.00 Jersey City, N. J., No. 266_____ 250.00 Englewood Chapter No. 221____________ 50.00 Butler, Pa., Chapter No. 80_____ 19.00 Franklin, Pa., No. 83_______,____ 10.00 Mattoon, 111., No. 803______________ 10.00 Monongahela, Pa., Ch. No. 57_ 25.00 Princeton, W. Va., No. 1521_________ 12.00 C. E. Charlton. Mem. 1521 Per. 1.00 North Fork No. 204___________________ 10.11 Scheneetad>T, N, Y , Ch. 188_________ 10.00 Geo. F. Sauer, San Francisco, Per. ------------------------------ 55.00 S 911.00 Previously acknowledged _______¿21,512.91 Total ___________________________$22,324.02 have put on one of the best boxing carnivals ever staged in the state of Iowa on the 24th of April. Five six-•round bouts were put on in the course of the evening- The attendance was more than three hundred boxing fans from Ft. Madison, Burlington and Keokuk. McKees Rocks, Pa., Lodge No. 61 recently held a great event for the burning of the $10,000.00 mortgage on the Lodge home. The match was applied by Dictator Patrick F. Brennan, while Past Dictator Clement S. Dorr held the document. Congressman M. M. Garland was present to deliver an address. Pana, Illinois, Lodge No. 1455, will dedicate their new club house on the 31st of May and the 1st of June. They contemplate having one of the biggest Delivered v°u FREE Your choice of 44 styles, colors land sizes in the famous line of “RANGER״ bicycles, shown in full color in the biz new Free Catalog. We P3y all the “ charges from Chicago to your town. *vmtmsujS Ff00 TrIdled on the bicycle you select, actual riding te9t in your own town for a full month. Do not buy until you i:et our great new trial offer and ow Factory - Direct • T0• Rides ' terms and prices. Tgape LAMPS,HORNS.ped-B iflfctf als, dingle wheels and repair parts for all makes of bicycles at half usual prices. No one else can offer such values and such terms. SEND NO MONEY but write today for the bier new Catalog. It's tr•*. (READ Cycle Company 9 ÖS.BIM141 Chicago Aider Agents Wanted Ж TABLETS AU Pain Headaches Neuralgias Colds and La Grippe Women’s Aches and Ills Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains Ask Your Druggist for A’K Tablets (If he cannot supply you, write us) Dozen Size 25c Fac־Simile Small Size lOc See Monogram A on the Genuine The Aatikamnia Remedy Company, St. Louis, Mo. Write for Free Samples Ad astonishing offer. Seize It quickly. MUSIC WITHOUT NOTES I A sensational success Over 300.000 people now play piano Ъу this wonderful new EASY FORM MUSIC; even young children learn quickly. Here is your opportunity. Don’t mlse it. КД One Hour Simple as a-b-c. No teacher required. No со rrespondence lessona by mail. No knowledge of note music required. This remarkable book, «ent FREE on trial, contains ONE HUNDRED of the world’s most famous vocal and instrumental selections printed in EASY FORM MUSIC- Send no money. PLA Y PIANO NEW WA Y If you don’t learn in five days to play not merely one but SEVERAL popular pieces, send it back:no obligations whatsoever. Or, if you wish to keep the book, pay only 6Hc each for the selections—special half price off er to those who write at once. No extra chargee of any kind. Complete course of easy instructions free with the book. Be sure to tell us» how many white keys on your piano or organ. Send a *»ostal NOW. ЕШMETHOD MUSIC CO.. 849 CtarksonBldo.,Chlc«E0.lll.