World’s Greatest Furniture imply and This Send Coupon important ״ This set i9 guaranteed not knock down” furniture. In other words the 4 chairs, ta-bourette and book ends come to you set up ready for use complete in every detail and guaranteed made with solid glue block construction. The sectional table you set up in 5 minutes. We mention this fact because a “knock down” 7 piece set of furniture would come to you in many pieces for you to set together. We challenge the furniture industry to offer such a set as Hartman’s at our great bargain price. Ready for use. high over all from floor—25)4 in. wide over all and have seats 21xl8 in. Smaller rocker and chair ea^s *n• Handsome table is 24x36 in. ancj the tabourette: has octagon shaped top about 12 in. wide, standing 17 in. high. Book ends just the right size and weight to easily support large books. Each piece full size completely built furniture and just right to fill a large room, either sitting room, parlor or library. This set is without question the biggest furniture offer we ever made—you will enjoy this complete set for many, many years. Shipped from our Chicago warehouse or factory in western New York State. Shipping weight about 200 lbs. Order by No. 110AMA9. Price $29.85 Only $2.00 with order. Balance $2.75 a month. Here is a bargain you must not miss and only ?2.00 brings it. A wonderful complete room suite of genuine Mission furniture—shipped complete. Read wonderful description of complete set. Made of solid oak. Rich brown mission finish, smoothly waxed. Imitation Spanish brown leather upholstery. Set includes 2 large rockers, one with arms 2 large chairs, 1 with arms, 1 large table, 1 tabour-ctte and one set of book ends. Ornamented with r*ch cut out designs as on panels of chairs and table. Guaranteed glue block construction gives extra strength and solidity. No bolts to loosen and get shaky. Not knock down furniture• The chairs and rockers have seats which are well padded and very strong. Most comfortable, lasting and beautiful. Large arm chair and large rocker stand 38 in. 4155 La Salle St. Dep. 18 72 Chicago Enclosed is ?2.00 Send the 7 piece 3et No. 110AMA9 as described. I am to have 30 days’ trial. If not satisfied will ship it back at your expense and von will refund the 52.00 and pay freight both ways. If I keep it I will pay $2 75 per month until balance, $27.85 *3 Paid. Try It 30 Days Free ׳ FREE Name.. Thirty days״ free trial on anything your buy from Hartmans. Then if satisfied, pay balance in monthly sums, so er> y°u hardly feel the cost. Many payments as little as 50c a month. If not satisfied, return the goods and we refund your Payment and pay freight both ways. Could any offer be fairer than that? We take all the risk. Send today for the beautiful 7 piece set. Just send the coupon with 52.00 and we will ship promptly. THE HARTMAN CO. 4155 La Salle St., Dept. 1872 Chicago, III. I Great Bargain Catalog: which shows thousands of I wonderful offerings for the home. 78 bargains in Rockers 50c per month up. 11 bargains in Parlor Suites $2.00 per month up. 25 bargains in Davenports $3.00 per month up. 71 bargains in Dressers and Chiffoniers $1.00 per month up. 22 bargains in Metal Beds 75c per month up. 17 bargains in Dining Tables $1.25 per month up. Then bargain after bargain, thousands of them, in rugs, curtains, furniture of all kinds, stoves, ranges, dishes, silverware, jewelry. clocks, ^washing machines, sewing machines, kitchenware, gas engines, cream separators, farm equipment, etc. Get this great Bargain Book. Hundreds cf pages done in many :olors. Post card brings it FREE, prepaid. Send Post Card Today Nearest Shipping Point.