people know of the tremendous values that they can get—of the beautiful styles and low prices. There are thousands of dollars clear, clean, easy profit waiting for someone to step in and get it. The Comer Agency in your town is worth $50 a week if it is worth a cent, and you can have it without investing a penny. Easy, Pleasant and Dignified Work Millions of people are ready to buy Comer Raincoats. You don’t need experience. You don’t deliver. You don’t collect. I tell you where to go. what to say, and what to do. Your success is assured. The Comer plan is a winner. It makes it so easy for you that you will be surprised at your own accomplishments, and you get your profits immediately. That is another wonderful thing about the Comer plan. No waiting—■no delays. It is easy money and big money. All you need is a little gumption and a little ambition. These meh were not experts, yet Richardson of South Carolina sells $1,000 a , month just as regular as clockwork, Halloway. of Georgia made $245 in spare time last month, !Daniels of Texas adds $60 a week to his income with a few hours’ work every day. Mrs. Ross just uses her spare time. She has a family and lots of home duties. Yet in that spare time she adds from. $20 to $50 a week to her income, Grace y Irvine cleared $1.7 in one day. ¡Bs. I say the work is easy. It i \ doesn’t require any gift of sales- ! - \ manship. If somebody came ' V. to you and offered you a wonderfully stylish, NfiV . X------up - to - the - minute, *AV serviceable coat with excellent work-manship and unquestionable style, at about one-half the retail price, you would buy it. That’s all there is to it. Fine Coat and Sample Outfit FREE James J. Maher of Maine, made $51 net profit for himself one afternoon. Are you doing that? He counts it a poor day when he doesn't make $15 at least. Can you say that? I Offer You FREE a Business That Wifi Make $3000 a Year My proposition is not like any other in the ¡¡¡11^ country. My great factory is kept busy only through the tremendous success of its agents, and the way I help them. The Comer agency in your town ought to make you $300 a month. That is more than nine out ten businss men make. It is a great deal more than the income of most doctors, lawyers, merchants and bank cashiers, and I offer you this business with the demand created—with everything ready for you to step in and make money—I offer you this business FREE. I spend tens of thousands ofdollarseveryyeartomake people want Comer Raincoats. I create the demand. I make it easy for you. Ail you need :o do is to get the orders, and show you how to do that. Man alive, this is the chance of a lifetime. Do you know what it feels like to come home from a day’s work with $50 clear, cash profits in your pocket? Do you know what it is to haye a thousand dollars in the bank? Do you know what it to be able to buy an automobile out of a couple of months’ savings? If you don't, then find all about this wonderful now Comer plan. Drop the unprofitable drudgery of long hours and little pay. Get out of the shadow of wages and into the sunshine of prosperity. You don't have to devote all of your time to this at first. Just a few hours now and then will convince you that this is the greatest money-maker on earth. Use This Coupon! Make the few minutes you have spent reading this ad worth $1,000 to you. Tear out this coupon and . mail it. Don’t waste another minute. Don’t let this, k your greatest opportunity, slip through your fingers. % Remember; others are doing it—hundreds of them, r and you can, too. If you ever needed! ___^ M Fine mf Coat fw Free W Ilk I Give Away, Thousands of Dollars In CASH W. S. Cooper of Ohio, never sold anything until he came ,to ma. Last year he cleared $4,200. Mail the coupon at the bottom of this ad and learn £ how you can earn big cash prizes in addition to your regular M commissions and income. ■j The Comer plan makes it possible and easy for you Jm to get an extra, hundred dollars the second month that you work for me. I will tell you all about it if you mail the coupon MEm Beautiful Raincoat for /; ] You to Wear F-R-E-E l JHj I want my representatives to wear one of my beautiful coats |Kllf§M so that they can show the styles and the workmanship and the fabrics. i I will give you your choice of 65 fine coats free. I will also jp furnish you with dozens of samples of the rich, handsome material Jl used in these coats, and everything you need to start in this pros- J£*׳ perous and profitable business. Now is the time to get started. №> |J^H| Don’t wait for someone else. If Daniels could make $95 in six days, then surely you can. If Shew* If , S could take twelve orders in one afternoon, surely you can take six a day. And if you only take four average orders a day, I will pay you $2500 a year in addition to the big cash prizes that you can win every month. “ Comer Raincoats are for men, women and children. Everybody in the family needs one. You can take two or three orders from every home. You can make from $2 to $10 in a single hour. / money you are going to need it this year, Remember, you don’t have to send any money. I don’t ask you to put up a penny. Just write your name and . address on the coupon with pen or pencil, and get all ¿ms the facts about my offer to you and all the secrets of how to be successful. Ad right ^ Noiv! jfl ¿Sr The Comer Mfg. Co. Dept, V-J7 Dayton, Ohio r Please tell me how without investing a penny I can become your agent and make from $50 to $100 a week. Also send me without charge your offer of a free raincoat for myself. Name. THE COMER MFG. CO., Dept.״״-” DAYTON,0 Address :!is Coupon and mail ii NOW - ■■ _____?־- -Ö-222&Ä_