9 MOOSEHEART magazine Everybody’s Going to the Round-Up! AURORA, ILL., JUNE 24-29 HOOK EM COWBOY” fc í cash prises 4 ronk ridin, ropin, bull dog-gin, an races N an all us cowboys, cowgirls an the humans is invited 2 B there. They will shore have one hot time, i am shore goin R U Yore Troo Frend Cowboy JOE. P. S. i hope that old hoss that throwed me at Cheyenne last year is ded. The letter from Cowboy Joe is only one of hundreds going through the mail every day and rue business men of Aurora who put up the money to make this Round-Up attractive ai’e sparing no expense to make this the biggest event in the history of the Fox River Valley. The bunch that is here laying out the grounds for the big contest finally selected the driving park right in Aurora so that anybody can get to the big doings without having to borrow some fellow’s mount. “We all think more is being done for the publicity of this Round-Up than any of the ones we were connected with in the past, not even excepting Pendleton, Oregon. The Boosting cars we are sending out from Aurora visit all of the cities in this section of the middle west and the Moose Lodges have been helping us “whoop up” interest of the citizens at every place we visit.” * * * * The foregoing is “Tex Austin’s” own story of the Round-Up and will give some idea of the great undertaking of the business men of Aurora. They have arranged to bring, at great expense, all of the features necessary to properly promote a real western round-up and in addition to offering this splendid entertainment for those who may wish to take advantage of witnessing the great contests, they have made a special concession to the Convention Committee whereby special tickets are issued to the visiting brothers. Instead of asking them to pay the regular price asked, $2.00 and $2.50 per ticket the brothers of the Moose who secure the special Moose tickets are permitted to enjoy the wonderful exhibitions for the sum of $1.00 plus the 10 cents which is the Government war tax, and in order to •reserve the necessary number of tickets it is• urged that the brothers intending to be present at the convention fill out the coupon attached at the bottom of this page and send a money order for $1.10, the necessary tickets will be reserved in the brother’s name and held for him at the registration desks and on the grounds at Mooseheart, thus saving from $1.00 to $1.50, if the visiting ■Moose intent to witness the greatest of all exhibitions ever seen east of the •Rocky Mountains. The Aurora Business Men’s Entertainment Committee for the 31st Annual Convention of the Loyal Order of Moose and Peace-Victory Celebration has arranged to take all of the children at Mooseheart to see the great Round-Up and these children will be the guests of the Aurora committee. CUT CR TEAR OEF ON THIS LINE To be able to ride this horse would be the greatest honor any cowboy could win. Tex Austin under whose personal direction this great Round-Up is being staged is known as one of the squarest men of the west and he has directed and managed some of the biggest round ups or frontier days contests ever held. In scope, just as thrilling and exciting as the great Pendleton, Ore. Round-Up or the Cheyenne Frontier Days which have a world wide reputation for furnishing thrill in western and cowboys sport. Every detail for the comfort and safety of the spectators is being ably attended to and de'egates will have an excellent opportunity to see the real west as^ it really is when they gather in the Fox River Valley for the greatest entertainment ever staged by any fraternal organization in America. This is the first time a great round-up has ever been staged in any city in the middle west and everybody believes it will be more successful than the big affair handled at the Madison Square Garden in New York some years ago. The reason that the round-up is staged in Aurora in 1919 instead of some one of the western ranch cities is that the general committee having charge of the great National Peace-Victory Celebration and the committee running■ the 31st Annual Convention of the Moose decided they would offer an entertainment different from anything ever seen at any Convention or big celebration in the middle section of the country so they just naturally looked to the far west ranches and even came down to Las Vegas and showed the cowboys and ranch owners the lay of the land in the Fox River Valley and of course the western man believes in education so just agreed to hold the round-up this year in Aurora, Illinois, which is a suburb of Mooseheart where the Moose lodges will send their delegates. . A roundup is made up of a couple of hundred dozen or so experienced hands in holding these contests and Uncle Sam has helped out in good shape with his mail service, as for instance here’s a letter from one of the most daring riders that ever sat astride a saddle on a bucking bronk. Alkali Flats, New Mexico. May 14, This year. Dear Frend Bill Have U all herd the latest noos That bunch of eastern birds that was out 2 the Cheyenne Frunteer Days last year has went back 2 there natif country where they come frum, an de sided 2 shoiv the folks jest what they seen out there. They got a holt of Tex Austin that was arena boss d so manny of them Coyboy Contests an talked him in 2 gettin them some outlaw buckin bosses an steers that ivas at Cheyenne an bringin them 2 Aurora ill nois an they are goin 2 have a reel whoop roarin Round Up there from June 24th 2 the 29th they are puttin up $10,000.00 in TEX” AUSTIN ENTRIES in The Round-Up which will be one of the great entertainment features of the 31st Annual Convention are pouring in to the Round-Up headquarters at a rapid rate and it looks like every great ranch of the West will be represented by their crack ropers and riders. Sam Garrett of Cheyenne, Wyo., worlds champion fancy roper has already entered and is prepared to defend his title at the Round-Up while champion steer ropers, champion bronk riders and champion wild steer riders have also sent in their entries. In the wild steer bulldogging there will be keen rivalry. “Powder Face Tom Eckard”one of the most daring bulldoggers of the world, together with other stars of this dangerous pastime have already entered. Eckerd has just returned from Over Seas duty where he was a participant in the world war arena as an enlisted man. Eckerd is полу at Ft. Bliss, Texas, awaiting his discharge from the service and is reported to be in fine form. Ed McCarty олупег of one of Wyomings largest ranches and the “Famous Cheyenne outlaw bucking horses” is rounding up the herd of bad buckers and raw wild horses which %vill be used in the wild horse races and cowboy bronk riding part of the contest. These horses луШ be shipped from the West two weeks before the contest so as to not be car sore when the big contest opens and so as to be able to do their best work in the matter of “unseating’’ famous cowboy riders. One of the great features, and one upon which thousands of dollars will change hands will be attempts to ride Austin’s famous outlaw bucking horse “Dunn Gone.” This animal is known as the champion bucking horse of the луогМ and seems proud of the title, so much so that to successfully ride the aimal луоиЫ in all probability break its heart as it did when the famous old outlaw “Steamboat” of Cheyenne was ridden by Dick Stanley. Steamboat, then the world’s most famous bucking horse was never much good at the game after Stanley’s famous ride upon him and although it has been many years the memory of that wonderful fight between man and beast have never faded with passing years of those thousands who witnessed it. One hundred and four of the greatest riders of the west have lost in the battle at various times with “Dunn Gone” but cowboys believe that there is not a horse in the world that someone cannot ride and not withstanding the fact that this horse is a most dangerous animal, will still try. Special Moose Reserved Ticket “ROUND-UP” To Convention Committee, Mooseheart, Illinois. Enclosed is Post Office or Express money order for $1.10 for which you are to purchase for me ONE SPECIAL MOOSE TICKET TO THE GREAT “ROUND-UP”. Thb same to be good any date between June 24th and 29th,1919, at the Great Western Round-Up, at Aurora. Illinois, during the 31st Annual Convention, Loyal Order of Moose. I understand that the price I pay for the ticket is $1.00 and the 10 cents is U. S. Government War Tax. It is understood that if I do not personally use this ticket, I may dispose of it as I shall see fit, selling it if I wish. Signed: Name .................................. (Send above with money order, $1.10) *