MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 8 This is Your Convention Hall The Assembly Hall building■ covers a ground area of 157 feet by 142 feet in its greatest dimantions. It contains 3- 36 capacity dormitories and a large auditorium with a complete modern theater stage. The auditorium has a seating capacity of 1.000 and 60 feet wide and 114 feet long. The stage is 25 feet deep and 60 feet wide, the interior of the auditorium has a highly ornamented ceiling, nearly all made by the students of the Cement Class. The entire building has pol ished terrazzo floors and is modern in every respect. The wa h rooms are ot polished white terrazzo slabs. The two fire places in the south dormitories are made of Mooseheart granite, which was made entirely by Arthur Hower, a member of the first graduating class. The complete building cost about $250,000.00. In the basement are tne shoe-shop, barber-shop, the students' bank, the general store, a restaurant and kitchen and a rest room tor women. symbolizing Peace with Victory. The central figures represent a brother of the Loyal Order of Moose and on his right and left a sailor and soldier, symbolic of the citizens who served that the world might be safe for humanity. Our Order is proud of the fact that some fifty-two thousand (52,000) Loyal Moose answered their country’s call and the beautiful pendent of this badge should be in every home, as a lasting testimonial that Loyal Moose OFFICIAL SOUVENIR w e x e able to support their brothers of the Order who offered and did make the supreme sacrifice. There is a white r i b bo n, upon which is embroidered in colors in silk,the shield of the United States. This badge has been produced at a higher cost then any souvenir of the Order, but that it may be in the homes of a large majority of the membership the Convention C o m-mittee will mail a badge to each brother who sends 40 cents, stamps or money, before the date of the Convention on the badge coupon to be found on this page of the magazine. Write name and address plainly and mail with 40 cents to Badge Committee, Mooseheart, Illinois, and the handsome souvenir will be sent you by return mail. The official badge will be sold to visitors and delegates on the grounds at Mooseheart during Convention at the rate of 50 cents per badge. The brothers taking• advantage of this offer, may supply themselves with a lasting souvenir at the moneysaving price of forty cents. sages from the many lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose will be dropped from the airship to the happy crowd of kiddies on the grounds. In each package so dropped, there will be a cash prize for the lucky finder. This feature is only one of the many novelties employed in the great entertainment program and on another page in this issue of the Mooseheart Magazine will be found the complete story of the great western Round-Up, brought here by the committee of Aurora business men for the entertainment of the thousands of visitors. The Fox River Valley Automobile Association has arranged to place at the disposal of Moose visitors hundreds iof automobiles in which pleasure parties will be driven along the beautiful Lincoln Highway to all of the points of interest so that hardly a visitor will be in attendance at the great convention, but that will have .an opportunity to see all the beauties of the wonderful Fox River Valley. At the time of the great Moose Convention and Peace-Celebration there will also be held the First Grand Encampment of the World War Veterans and delegates from twenty-four hundred or more posts of this great association will assemble in convention at the Third Infantry Armory in Aurora. Commander-In-Chief, Private Hugh B. Donnelly, whose portrait adornes this page, has assured the committee that every veteran present will participate in the great Moose-Peace Victory Parade on June 27th. The Adjutant General’s office at Aurora is busy perfecting plans to entertain the visiting veterans along with the Moose delegates. On this page is shown for the first time a picture of the completed Assembly Building and Loyal Moose should be proud of the fact that their great 31st Annual Convention Sessions will be held under the roof of their own convention hall. At the time this magazine goes to press the chairman of each commitiee has reported everything i־> readiness for the opening of the great convention. All that now remains is that the brothers and their families make the trip to Mooseheart this year more than all previous years. The Kiddies at Mooseheart join with the convention committee and the citizens of the Fox River Valley in extending to every Loyal Moose an earnest invitation to make the week of June 22nd the annual vacation of his family. Come to Mooseheart! The Committee offers the Moose a souvenir this year, that is a momento the brothers will treasure for years. The committee has arranged to mail to every brother of the Loyal Order of Moose a badge if he orders in advance of the Convention. The picture of the handsome badge here, does not do the work of art full justice, enough being shown to indicate the beauty of the souvenir. The top is a souvenir of the Moose convention. The pendant, a medal A LL READY for the great 31st Annual Conven-¿־\_ tion of the Loyal Order of Moose! The entertainment. is arranged for the great Peace-Victory Celebration. The Loyal Moose who attend the Mooseheart Convention this year will find ready for them the greatest series of entertainments ever attempted by any Convention any-״ where. Supreme Secre-J'ry Rodney H. Brandon headed a special committee that secured for the entertainment of visitors a great war aeroplane and this airship will be seen every day light hour during■ the entire week of June 22nd to 28th. One of the splendid features of the aeroplane exhibition will be the distribution from the clouds of prizes in money. The Kiddies at Mooseheart will be allowed to participate in this and at certain hours during the days of the Convention the airship will circle over the grounds at Mooseheart and thousands of mes- BADGE COUPON Badge Committee, Mooseheart, 111. Enclosed find FORTY CENTS (40c). Please send me, postpaid. ONE OFFICIAL SOUVENIR BADGE, 31st Annual Loyal Order of Moose & National Peace-A'ictory Celebration. Name Address Name of Lodge ..................... City.