17 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Send Your Name and We’ll Send You a Lachnite ,TjON'T send a penny. Just Bend yonr name and say-. “Sendmo ■*■־' a Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial.” We will send it prepaid right to yonr home. When it comes merely deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. If you, or if any of your friends can tell it from a diamond, send it back. But if yon decide to buy it —send us $2.5C a month until $18.75 haa been paid. Tadav Send your name now. Tell us wbic_ * at,«; & solid gold rings illustrated above you w»“b (ladies’ or men’s). Be sure to send finger size s ¡.Harold Lachman Co., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept 3005 ChicagoJ Free Roses A Wonderful Garden of BEAUTIFUL ROSES The Roses we offer Free make the finest combination for Summer blooming. They thrive in any locality. May is the best season for planting to secure the best results. 5 BUSHES GIVEN TO YOU Here are the bushes we offer you. Countess Clan William, President Taft, British Queen, Alice de Rothschild and Hoosier. Beauty. All are famous varieties. GUARANTEED TO BLOOM THIS YEAR These Roses will, with proper care, bloom this Summer. You can have these 5 bushes free and postpaid for sending us 40 cents to pay foi• 12 months* subscription to a big family story paper. Send 40 cents today. Address Rose Department, 2003 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago, 111. We Buy And Sell Old Coins. $2 to $500 Each Paid. Send 10c for New Illustrated Price List 4x6. Get posted at Once. You may have valuable coins Clarke Coin Co. Box 129, LeRoy, N.Y. WRIST WATCH FREE You can get this fine Wrist Watch or other beautiful watch guaranteed for 5 years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers’Silver Sets,fine Lockets, La Valliers and many other valuable presents for sellingourbeau-tiful Art and Religious pictures at 10c each. Order 20 pictures today and when sold, send us $2.00 and choose the premium Wanted, according to big liat. RAY ART CO., Dept-G CHICAGO MILITARY AIRSHIP AND PARACHUTE a Boya! here's tbegTeat military f model airship. Large 5-ft. gas bag with Inf] a ter; also _ parachute and dropping device. w, Can drop * bombs.” Win fly for /miles n height of 1000 f¿. and can be used . , . . over and over again. Great chance for boya 5) w study aeriaiwarxare. Just order 12 packages of Bingo per• IJ fumed ironing wax, sell at 10c a pkg. No trouble to sell• ! Return money and this wonderful airship Is yours. Send today* We trust you. Boys, If you *״■»nt real sport send for this airship. BINGO CO., DEPT. 203 BINGHAMTON, N. V. $2= MONTH 1׳ 19 Jewel **Quality 1 This month’s Bulletin smashes the terms—boosts the quality, lowers the price. No security—no interest. We trust you. SEMT ON APPROVAL You do not risk a penny. This beautiful watch will be sent you on 30 days Free Trial. A new deal for square people. Write now for this big special offer. A postal will do. HARRIS-GOAR COMPANY Dept. 411__KANSAS CITY, MO. -To Positions -To Temperatura | —To Isochron¡sm I —16 Size 25 Year I Gold Filled Case. | H Buy5th, Liberty Loan Bonds \0L0 MONEY WANTED Washable 3-Piece Outfit Shirt-Waist-Petticoat Only Down Yes, only 50c brings you this stylish washable 3-piece outfit. A special bargain. Sold to you for a limited time on this greatly reduced price. Skirt is made of a fine grade of durable white Gabardine with novel belt and stylish pockets enlivened with pearl but-ton9. Waist is of white voile with shapely collar in front, enlivened with embroidery and lace. Petticoat is of white muslin with deep flounce of Swiss embroidery with dust ruffle beneath. Each item is of extra special quality and easily washed. This is a special offer which we guarantee cannot be duplicated. White only. Bust sizes, 34 to 44. Belt sizes, 22 to 30. Length, 35 to 41. Be sure t o give Bust, Belt, II i p and Length measurement. Order by Style No. 10, Price $3.98, Order by Style No. 10, rnce Sent Prepaid! This charm-_ ing outfit is sent C. O. D. prepaid. All you have to pay is $3.48 when outfit arrives. Examine the outfit at your leisure. Make any comparison you want. Satisfaction Guaranteed If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied with this stylish 3-piece outfit, return it to us and your money will be promptly refunded. A $15.000,000 bank guarantees every promise of the Edward Franklin Co. You risk nothing. m m m m This bargain will appeal W ₪ (FbgrBZto 8/ T to thousands First come. • “ jf • first served. So order imme- diately - whi\e this special bargain lasts. Our supply is limited. Edward Franklin Co. 3S.h?¿.?2Chicago EDWARD FRANKLIN CO.. Dept. 3005 35th and Gage Streets, Chicago, III. Gentlemen: I enclose SOc. Please send me your Lady's * Washable Three-Piece Outfit No. 11. Size Bust..Size Belt..Size Hip Length Skirt..... ■ I understand that all I have to pay is $3.48 when Outfit J arrives. I# goods are not satisfactory from any reason B whatsoever. It is understood that I can return same ! and get my money back. Name........................................... • Post Office............-....״״״.״...״- State. ■ ■•■«■■naaaanitwna«■*•■*■■ Skirl Waist Petticoat 2,000 people watching the show. It certainly made everybody take notice that the Loyal Order of Moose in Kalamazoo was a very lively bunch. Utopia Lodge No. 1501, of Clinton, Indiana, has recently bought a new lodge home, paying therefore the sum of $20,000.00. This lodge has grown and now numbers about six hundred and fifty, due to Brother Thomas J. Maholm, of Indianapolis, Ind. The lodge , on February 19th, gave a celebration in honor of its fifth anniversary. A public entertainment was held from seven to nine, and dancing followed. Refreshments were served to all. The Jiall was packed and scarcely standing room could be obtained. The Moose there believe in doing things. If by spring another dispensation is secured, the membership will easily go to one thousand. Hoboken Lodge has decided to assume its rightful position as one of the progressive Lodges of the State of New Jersey. Past Supreme Dictator John W. Ford, Chairman of the Executive Committee, lectured on Mooseheart to an audience of 2,000 people in Rajah Theatre under the auspices of Reading Lodge, L. O. O. M., on Friday evening, March 28th. The Mooseheart moving pictures followed the lecture. On Sunday, April 6th, Hoboken Lodge, Hoboken, N. J., entertained a large audience of ladies and gentlemen in the High School Auditorium. The entertainment included an address on Mooseheart by Past Supreme Dictator John W. Ford and the Mooseheart pictures. Delegates were present from Elizabeth, Newark, Jersey City, New York Harbor and New York City Lodge. Jersey City; Moose Band provided the music. HORNELL MORTGAGE BURNED. The burning of the mortgage on the home of Hornell Lodge No. .210, L. O. O. M., recently was the occasion of much rejoicing and a celebration, such as the lodge has not held in a long time, marked the event. Free and clear from all indebtedness, the lodge stands today one of the most prominent in the city and in less than a decade has accomplished some wonderful results. The lodge was organized nine years ago last Tuesday and its growth has been phenomenal. Its membership is very large and financially it has succeeded well. When it was first organized it occupied rooms in the Nast building in Broadway, where the Sons of Italy are now located. About five years ago its growth was such that larger quarters were HORNELL, N. Y., LODGE NO. 210. absolutely necessary and finally a deal was closed for the purchase of the property of the late Dr. A. B. Straight at West Genesee and Seneca streets, one of the most valuable locations in the city. The purchase price of the home was $9,500 and it was the mortgage given at that time which was burned last evening. The celebration was very appropriate to the occasion. The burning of the mortgage took (Continued on page 19) cials are one of the many activities of Little Rock Lodge. Rochester, N. Y., Lodge No. 113 entertained a crowd on St. Patrick’s day that swamped the hall of the Moose Club. The principal speakers were George Driscal of Syracuse and the Rev. Arthur Copeland, D. D., former chaplain ■at the Auburn prison. A vaudeville program of fourteen acts followed the addresses. Toronto, Canada, Lodge No. 1600 was the first Canadian Lodge to report for the quarter ending March 31st. This Lodge initiated 74 members during the March quarter which is some showing. If all the other Canadian Lodges will do as well from now until Convention it will be a fine start in getting the Canadian Lodges back in line after the terrible hardships imposed upon them by four years of war. Shamokin, Penna., Lodge No. 1149 initiated over 500 new members on March 2nd. The Williamsport Degree Team was on hand and exemplified the degree work in a very impressive manner. Over 1,200 Lodge members marched through the principle streets of Williamsport headed by the officers of the Lodge and the Moose band. O, you Pennsylvania Lodges, don’t let Shamokin put it over on you like this. Give them some real competition. Shamokin believes in striking the iron while it’s hot. Palmyra, New York, Lodge No. 1420 prides itself on having the best degree team in the state of New York. This of course means that Palmyra’s degree team will be at the Convention with bells on. Rochester Lodge No. 113, please take notice! Sea Isle City, N. J., Lodge No. 1573 has started something. A fine meeting was held in their new hall which has been handsomely refitted and redecorated. A large dancing party followed the meeting which was enjoyed by a crowd of young people motoring over from the mainland. 300 members by Convention. Up and at ’em, boys! Chickies Rocks Lodge No. 307 was the first one to report from Pennsylvania for the quarter ending March 31st. Vandergrifts Lodge No. 613 won second place. Huntingdon, No. 223, Wilkinsburg No. 115 and Brooks-ville No. 141, reached here on April 4th, and 0, boy! How they have been coming ever since. What Lodge will be the last one to report ? Harbor Lodge No. 1030, Greenwich Lodge No. 1084 and Gramercy Lodge No. 1415 have consolidated under a new name and number and will be known as Manhattan Lodge No. 69. It looks like Philadelphia may have some competition some day. You New York Moose, don’t miss your opportunity, doubling your membership in the next three months. Then double it again before the end of the year and keep right on doubling, for a while at least. “Big Ed Theis” means business! Westfield, N. Y., Lodge No. 118 is getting a real start. Brother McGowan is putting new life into the whole affair according to Secretary Mettendorf, who is Superintendent of the Board of Light Commissioners for the City of Westfield. It looks like Westfield is ready to make a “killin’.” Go to it, boys! The Secretary of Celina Lodge No. 1473, Ohio, writes that his Lodge is grateful to officers and members of Moose Lodge at Casper, Wyoming, for care of Brother C. H. Carrol of Celina Lodge during his illness and death. Deputy Supervisor H. C. Meuth with Bro. Leroy Paine of Kalamazoo Lodge No. 88 blocked the streets of Kalamazoo the other day advertising the moving pictures of Mooseheart at the Fuller Theatre and attracted a large crowd of people. Bro. Paine was giving an exhibition of old time circus stunts while Bro. Meuth was calling the people’s attention to the same. He was stopping all the autos on the street and there were over