14 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Bl Sei Send Your Name and We’ll Send Yon a Lachnite T>ON’T send a penny. Just send your name and say. “Send me ■*׳־ a Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial. We will send it prepaid right to your home. When it comes merely deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. If you, or if any of your friends can tel! it from a diamond, send it back. But if you decide to buy it “send ua $2.50 a month'until $18.75 baa been paid. A Send your name now. Tell ua which of the *wu**(7 solid gold rings Illustrated above you wish (ladies or men's). Be sure to send finger 18-PIECE BETSY ROSS Breakfast Set FREE Housewives! Get this magnificent breakfast set FREE: 6 cups—6 saucers—6 plates; gold rimmed, exquisitely colored, ultra-high-grade, half-transparent china. Betsy Ross China known and desired the world over. And it’s yours 'FREE. There never was such an offer. f Read On this offer we send you 12 port-r raits the glorious heroes of the Great War— Pershing, Foch and others. Distribute these r among your friends at 25c each, (They’ll go W /ike hot cakes. Everyone wants patriotic pic. tures.) Then send us the$3 you have colldcted w and we will immediately send you this beautiful Betsy Ross Breakfast Let Free. Mnrru! You spend nothing now or later. Simply send us your ~ ?,״ name m a letter or postcard and say: “I agree to your offer. We send the pictures at once. HURRY, while this FREE offer lasts. Write NOW—TODAY. Merchants Lithogrephing Co. Best, 3005, 321 S. Sangamon St. CHICAGO DON’T WEAR A TRUSS! After Thirty Years Experience I Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. I Send It On Trial. If you have tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail is where I have my grep■*־ % success. Send attached coupon today The above is C. E. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance, who cured himself and who is now giving others the benefit of his experience. If ruptured, write him today, at Marshall, Mich. and I will send you free my illustrated book on Rupture and its cure, showing my Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It gives instant relief when all others fail. Remember, I use no salves, no harness, no lies. I send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are the judge and once having seen my illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It’s well worth your time whether you try my Appliance or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON Mr. C. E. Brooks, 130H State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name *....................... Address ..................... City...................State Mooseheart Legion ued effort to make the aims and objects of the Legion mere widely known. Membership in the Legion broadens acquaintance with the best men the order affords who are engaged in a noble work, that of a greater help to our orphan charges, and the purpose of this article is to acquaint you with our work and invite your active co-operation and support. CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP CONTEST SUCCESSFUL. The big membership contest in which ten (10) of the Chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion would be selected as winners and send a representative to Mooseheart, the trip to be given free by the Regents of Mooseheart Legion has been successful. The Grand Regent’s office force is swamped figuring the winners and an announcement will be made as to the chapter winning just as soon as all the reports can be checked over. Each chapter in the contest will be notified by mail, but there will also be an official notice on this page the next issue of the magazine. Many chapters have been more than doubled their membership. In some cases the original membership was very large but the women put on THE MEN’S LEGION. The Second degree of Moosedom, known as the Legion, while offering to its members special indictment and attractive social entertainment as a part of its work, has a sacred duty 'to perform and a moral obligation is embodied in its teachings which commend it to all eight thinking men—■ Viz: The upbuilding of a greater and better Mooseheart — to increase the happiness of its children, to provide for and maintain a variety of educational, instructive and practical features, not found in any other •institution of its kind in the country and to furnish for its dependent little ones the many little extras which are essential to their well being, happiness, and contentment. The Legion aim is primarily to surround the children at Mooseheart with so many of the comforts and features that go to make up a real home as possible. To provide extra dormitories for our ever increasing numbers and to help make a happier childhood for those, who but for the Loyal Order of Moose, would without doubt, in many instances have become public changes. The Legion in assuring this task, has accepted a grave responsibility, St. Paul Chapter Women of Mooseheart Legion Drill Team and Charles Cobb, Drill Master with Assistants. some very successful campaigns and initiated large classes at each of their meetings. All of the chapters are to be congratulated on the wonderful showing made, and the individual legionaires who have given their time toward bringing in so many new members are deserving of particular praise. • When the winners of the contest have been figured out and all notified, the names of the chapters and the legionaire selected by the Chapter to make the big trip will appear with other particulars in the next issue.׳ This large increase in membership throughout the entire organization not only means much to the local chapter, but is very helpful to Mooseheart. but the willing and active co-operation of its large membership is not only gratifying to all concerned but is a lasting tribute to the unselfishness of a vast number of our members. The splendid teaching embodied in the Ritual and the pledges of its members to “do some good, to some one, each day,” is being lived up to in a splendid way. The effect upon the stability of the regular Moose Lodge, with a lodge legion membership is very beneficial. To be a Legionaire, one must be a member in good standing in the Moose Lodge. And once imbued with the Legion teachings and interested in the splendid results the Legion is securing, its members take an added pride in their affiliation, by a contin- gBiiiiliUtllililllliniiliniillimntllllinilllinillillHiilHitllllffilllffllllinilillllinHlIlHtllllllllllllllllHIIIilllllillllllimillHliniliiniillffliinHIIIIIllillinHIIIilliliHlllliinimilillllllllllllillillinillilillllllinHHIIliiUip 1 WATCH THE RED BOX | ¡g If any Legionaire finds below the number of his or her Chapter or ¡j gj Legion, let him ask the Recorder or Herder what is wrong. If he or she ¡J §§ cannot tell, write and ask the Grand Regent. 1 - WOMEN OF MOOSEHEART LEGION | S 40—74-׳ v—89— *■— 1—125—154—159—172—179—201—203—205 1 g 211—214—218—219— —230 — 231—232—235—264 — 281—284 — 285 1 : .299—294׳—288 1 MOOSEHEART LEGION OF THE WORLD FOR MEN jp —14—28—46—53—117—133—134—152-161—168—171—174- I ¡j » 7 .׳V,¡*:׳■::'.: V*■ 7:; ׳::׳;:,;■,׳.A!,:.: ■¡>.,7!, 777' 77 7' . .״!:■ •S§ SEND POSTAGE ONLY FOR YOUR COPY OF THE History of the Loyal Order of Moose and Mooseheart 240 Pages—920 Illustrations—Cloth Bound. WE WILL SEND IT PREPAID BY PARCEL POST C. O. D. FOR L THE ACTUAL COST OF THE BOOK. This way you do not pay until the book is in your hands. Note: If you send your $1.00 with the post- age in your first letter the book will leave our office the day your order arrives. When you receive the book if you don’t think it’s worth all we ask return it at our expense. There are two hundred and forty pages of well written, well printed reading. Each page is 9 by 12 inches in size—more than 900 pictures of Mooseheart, its buildings, the faculty, the students at school, work and play. Every Loyal Moose should own a copy of “The History of the Loyal Order of Moose and Moose-heart”—every reading table in every Moose Lodge room should display this wonderful work. Director General James J. Davis and Supreme Dictator John W. Ford have pronounced this History of the Loyal Order of Moose and Mooseheart as the grandest single accomplishment in this line in years. The endorsement of two such men is in itself sufficient a guarantee as to the beauty and value of the book. This big cloth bound book contains a full and complete report (illustrated) of the Moose War Emergency Commission and their European trip. The report of your Moose War Emergency Commission occupies a number of pages. It is complete—tells in both words and photographs what has been accomplished and what is to be accomplished for the comfort, care and entertainment for your Brothers who made history for you by their heroic conduct and unprecedented fearlessness and bravery. The most versatile pen could not do justice to the story these war photographs can and do tell you at a glance. YOU GET A BIG $4.00 BOOK FOR $1.00 How to Figure Parcel Post Cost on Your Book. For your convenience the following table of postage rates has been arranged. The book weighs 4 lbs., and the amounts given are for the postage in full and the amount should be added to your dollar. 111., Ind., Ohio, Mich., Wis., Iowa--22c W. Va., Ky., Tenn., Mo., Kansas, Minn._26c New England, New York, Penn., Va., No. and So. Car., Ga., Ala., Miss., Ark., La., Tegas, Okla., Colo., N. and S. Dak___30c N. Mex., Ariz., Utah, Idaho, Wyo., Mont.37e Nevada, Calif., Ore., Wash___________42c Alaska, Canada ______________________55c You Must Include Postage With Remittance. The first edition of the HISTORY OF THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE AND MOOSEHEART came out of the bindery during Convention Week. The Delegates admitted it to be beyond their fondest dreams, and every single copy was disposed of within two days. This is the highest testimonial to be offered to any LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE literature. The price is the actual cost of production, so we are forced to ask you to include the postage with your dollar. The book weighs four pounds packed and wrapped. You can by a glance at the table herewith learn the exact amount of postage you should send. SEND THE COUPON NOW. Address all orders to THE MOOSEHEART PRESS ERNEST M. OSWALT, Manager MOOSEHEART, ILLINOIS MOOSEHEART PRESS E. M. Oswalt, Manager, Mooseheart, Illinois. Gentlemen: I enclose herewith $____________ which is to pay the postage for a cloth bound copy of “The History of the Loyal Order of Moose and Mooseheart” which is to be sent to me all charges prepaid. I agree to pay the postman $1.00 for the book when it arrives. Name. Street. Town. J State.