MREDISONS ШШВЕ1Ш ■ ÆÂ For years, the *world* s greatest inventor *worked night and day to make the music of the phonograph true to life. At last his efforts have been crowned *with success. Just as he *was the first to invent the phonograph, so he is the only one who has made phonograph music׳ life-like. Read our great offer; ONLY $ 1.0 0 AniT this offer you can now have the genuine Edison Amberola, the instrument which gives you real, life-like music, the finest and best of all phonographs, at a small fraction of the price asked for imitations of Mr. Edison’s great instrument. Seize this great opportunity. Write now. Yes, we will send you the New Edison Amberola, the product of the world’s greatest inventor’s genius, the phonograph with the wonderful diamond stylus reproducer and your choice of the latest Diamond Am-berol Records on free trial without a penny down. On A Happy Home Rock-Bottom Offer Direct! If after the free trial vou decide to keep Mr. Edison’s superb new instrument, send us only 00 Pafthe balance on the easiest kind of monthly payments. Think of it-a $1.00 payment and a few dollars a month to get this wonderful new style outfit—Mr Edison s great new phonograph with the diamond stylus reproducer, all musical results of the highest priced outfits the same Diamond Amberol Records—yes, the greatest value for $1.00 down, balance on easiest monthly terms. Convince yourself—free trial first! No money down, no C. 0. D., not one cent to pay unless you choose to keep the instrument. Send the coupon today—now— for full particulars. Get the New Edison Amberola Your Home on Free Trial in Entertain your family and friends with the latest song hits, with your favorite, old-time melodies—with everything from grand opera to comic vaudeville. Roar with laughter at the side-splitting minstrel shows. Then, after trial, send it back if you choose. j To F. K. BABSON, Edison Phonograph Distributors Dept. 3005—Edison Block, Chicago, 111. Gentlemen:— Please send me your New Edison ■ Catalog and full particulars of your free trial offer ^ on the new model Edison Amberola. В Name................—........................- Ц Address......................................— I Our New Edison Catalog Sent FREE! Your name and address on a postal or letter (or just the coupon) is enough. No obligations in asking for the catalog. Find out about Mr. Edison s great new phonograph. Get the details of this offer while it lasts.. Write today I F. K. BABSON, Edison Phonograph Distributors Dept. 3005—Edison Block, Chicago, 111. CANADIAN OFFICE:—355 Portage Avenue, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA Happiness in life—and real happiness is found only in c real home And by a real home I do not mean a house with c. yard or farm around it. Oh, no! A real home is the place where the happy and united family gather together for mutual enjoyment and recreation. And the Edison Amberola makes this possible, for it stands supreme as the greatest home entertainer. It will mean more than entertainment and merriment, more than an hour of amusement, yes it will mean genuine pleasure of the lasting sort—helpful entertainment and culture of the most beneficial kind. It will mean the family united—a uew home. Entertain Y our Friends Get the New Edison Amberola in your home on free trial. Entertain your family and friends with the latest up-to-date song hits of the big cities. Laugh until your sides ache at the funniest of funny min-ptrel shows, Hear the grand old church hymns. Hear the crashing brass bands, the waltzes, the two-steps* the solos, the duets and quartettes. You will sit awestricken at the wonderful grand operas as sung by the world's greatest singers. You will be the tender, sweet harmony of quartettes singing those old melodies that you have heard all your life. Take your choice of any kind of entertainment. All on free trial. Then,, after the trial, send the outfit (lack at our expense if you choose. Or keep it on our great rock-bottom offer. Send the coupon today! «ta