MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 18 WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG S« secure publication. Submit poems on! any subject. BROADWAY STUDIOS, 134-D Fitzgeraid Bldg., New York We Buy And Sell Old Coins. $2 to $500 Each Paid. Send 10c for New Illustrated Price List 4x6. Get posted at Once. You may have valuable coins Clarke Coin Co. Box 129, LeRoy, N.Y. OLD MONEY WANTED WRIST WATCH FREE | You can get this fine Wrist Watch or ' other beautiful watch guaranteed for 5 , years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers’ Silver Sets,fine Lockets, La Valliers and many1 other valuable presents for sellingour beautiful Art and Religious pictures at 10c each. Order 20 pictures today and when sold, send us $2.00 and choose the premium ©anted, according to big.list. RAY ART CO.» Dept. 6 CHICAGO FREE TRIAL Let ns send this fine Razor for SO days free tried. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return rOrder ,today. JONES MFC. CO. 136 W. Lake St. Dept. 445 ;!IICA6Q Gold finished Necklace, Gold plavetf. Bracelet with sparkline stone, Cepeo Bins’. Persian Brooch. Complete Jewelry outfit for selling 12 pkge. Bingo Ironing Wax at 10c ea. Send no money Bingo Co.Dept. 119 Singhamton.N.Y. PAP ^et-bu.8yin׳ troducing ^ $1500 . . , pocket knives and razors, name and address, Moose and other emblems clearly shown under transparent handies. Send in today tor special outfit offer NoTeltr Cutlery Co., 90 Bar St., Canton, Ohio Mooseheart Magazine Classified Department AGENTS ^GENTS—200% PROFIT. Wonderful little article. Something new; sells like wildfire. Carry right in pocket. Write at- once for free sample. Albert Mills, Mgr., 576 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. CALESMEN City or Traveling. Experience Y Unnecessary. Send for list of openings and iu.l particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year free Employment Service for Members. Address Nat’l Salesmen’s Tr. Assn., Dept. 137-A Chicago, 111. ״ Write Picture Plays Vy׳RITE PHOTOPLAYS; $50 each. Experience unnecessary; details free to beginners. Producers League, 385, St. Louis, Mo. Inventions INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED. Cash .or royalty. Adam Fisher Mfg. Co., 190A, St. Louis, Mo. Songs I^RITE THE WORDS for a song. We write music, guarantee publisher’s acceptance. Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 538״ So. Dearborn St.. Suite 105, Chicago. Female Help Wanted I ADIES to Sew at Home for a large Philadelphia firm. Good pay; nice work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for price» paid Universal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CIGARS GUARANTEED Quality Goods at Special prices. Money returned if dissatisfied. Shipmg charges prepaid. Sample box oP 25 for $1.00. Proposition especially interesting to retailer^. Northwestern Cigar Company, Neenah, Wisconsin. Miscellaneous I2E A DETECTIVE , Excellent opportunity, - good Pay, travel. Write, C. T. Ludwig 437 Westover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. MAGNIFICENT MOOSEHEAD FOR SALE. Box 970, Chico, Calif. “LODGE TALKS” “THAT TAKE” should be read and kept by all Lodge men. It contains many good suggestions, appropriate remarks and startlets; for speechlets that will assist one in establishing for oneself the reputation of a good speaker. Moose toasts, etc. Read it and be loaded for all occasions. Send IB cents to T. F. Raidy, 83 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. WANTED—Stories, articles, poems for new magazine. We pay on acceptance. Handwritten manuscripts acceptable. Send manuscripts to Woman's National Magazine, S93 Washington, D. C. MEN-WOMEN, get Government jobs. $80-$135 month. Write immediately for list positions now open. Franklin Institute, Dept. D36, Rochester, N. Y. $20.00 TAKES new $22.oO Phonograph, 10 nich turntable and 25 double disc records, never used, still unpacked; will ship C. O. D. 30 days’ approval. Act quick if you want it. Mrs. Grace Bond, 266 James St., Akron, Ohio. large surplus funds in their treasuries, and surely each Lodge can make some offering for this “House of God” wherein the children of their brothers are to be taught to walk in the footsteps of the world’s greatest Fraternalist. There is no reason why the prosperous individual member or friend should not participate in this giving. Note the donation from Mooseheart Chapter, W. M. H. L. Here is a chapter of widows, who have come to Mooseheart with their children. Is there a Lodge in the Order which wil permit this chapter of devoted and widowed women to make this contribution without at least match it? There are Lodges which should multiply it ten times. Let’s get busy! Bring this matter before your Lodge and take it into your own heart as well. Send in your donation for this dignified, beautiful structure, which will be a credit to Mooseheart and a place of instruction and inspiration for our children. Mail contributions to James J. Davis at Pittsburgh. Following is a report of the fund to date: Previously reported .......$20,907.91 Alliance, Ohio ............... 200.00 Clarksdale, Ariz., No. 695.. 25.00 Franklin, Pa., No. 83... 30.00 Fox River No. 682....... 50.00 Mooseheart Chapter 0, W. M. H. L............... 25.00 Erie Chapter No. 269, W. M. H. L.................. 25.00 Decatur Chapter No. 36, W. M. H. L........... .-____ 50.00 North Side Chapter No. 2’5 W. M. H. L............ 25.00 Fond du Lac, Wis., No. 281 36.50 LeRoy Regorell, personal.. .50 Trumbull No. 186........ 10.00 Members Trumbull Lodge No. 186 ..................... 28.00 $21,412.91 Liberty bond, Johsonburg No. 149 .................... 100.00 $21,512.91 One Moose fundamental is that each child at Mooseheart shall be brought up in the religion of his mother. For some time the children at Mooseheart have been taken to surrounding towns each Sunday for services in those cities. Now it seems that it will be possible to have services at Mooseheart each Sunday. This is an improvement, as it is our desire that each child think of Mooseheart not only as the place of his general education, but also as the place of his religious instruction. Each of the different churches have agreed upon a common service room. But services held in school rooms and other auditoriums lack something. Perhaps it is atmosphere, perhaps some would say that surroundings are not fundamental and essential parts of religion, and yet somehow there is a connection between our faith, whatever it is, and stained glass windows, appropriate pictures, a certain style of architecture, pipe organ, chimes, pulpit, pews, etc. We want every child to remember and cherish and love Mooseheart as the home where he or she received his or her complete education and training. So it was suggested sometime ago that a fund of $250,000.00 be raised to build at Mooseheart certain buildings, particularly a religious temple, to be known as “The House of God,” and in this building dedicated to the worship of our common and universal Father, each child will be instructed in the faith of his mother. Over twenty-one thousand dollars already have been contributed. Look at the list published below and note the contributions from the women of our Order. Of course we expected that the mother heart would he touched by this appeal, and mothers are always quick to respond to a call for the spiritual training of the young. But this work of the women should be a challenge to the men of our beloved Order. Moosedom is filled with great, big, prosperous Lodges, with responses have been written by a number of children present that day. I am enclosing a few of the originals, and also sending translations into English. Many of these children sent their love nad best wishes to their little allied friends at Mooseheart. With kind personal regards to yourself, and all my good friends at Mooseheart, I beg to remain, Fraternally yours, JOSEPH A. JENKINS. We are reprinting the translations of several of the letters from French children, who enjoyed a Christmas treat thru the generosity of the Moose. Levallois-Perret, Dec. 30, 1918. Dear American Friends: I beg to speak for all my friends who shared with me the good times you gave us on Christmas day. We are very grateful for all the kindnesses shown and the hearts of French boys have loved America with a new strength. To express our thanks we shouted “Hurrah for America,” and I assure this cry came from the very bottom of our hearts. Your friends forever, ROLAND GROUSSOT. RAISE BELGIAN HARES K HUGE PROFITS easily and pleasantly made. We furnish stock 8nd pay you $6.00 a pair and express charges for allyou raise. Contract and book“Fortunes in Hares”, by mailF״•©, NATIONAL F000 8 FUfl ASSOCIATION Dept«2^. MILWAUKEE. WlSC.! _ ' POWERFUL AIR GUN AND 500 BUCK SHOTS Big Sl-inch lever-action rifle, fine walnut stock, free for Belling 25 beautiful Pictures or 25 pkgs. Post Caras at 10c. Order your chcice. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 536 CHICAGO Tills Why Chicks Die E. J. Reefer, the poultry expert, 8004 Poultry Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. is giving away free his valuable chick book entitled ,*White Diarrhea and How to Cure It.״ The book tells how to prepare a simple home solution that cures thisterrible disease over night and actually raises 98% of every hatch. It is absolutely free. Every poultry raiser should have one. Write Mr. Reefer today for your copy. FEVER THERMOMETERS vs. INFLUENZA and PNEUMONIA An ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. Every home should have a Fever Thermometer certified according government standard .thermometer. Our advertising price 80 cents delivered prepaid. Includes hard rubber case. Why pay more? ACCURACY THERMOMETER COMPANY 2308 Norman Street, Evergreen, L. 1„ N. Y. Dear Sir: I hope to thank you for your great kindness in inviting my little brother and myself to your Christmas party. We thought of all the little boys and girls in happy Mooseheart in free, strong America. We shall not forget the way we were welcome and thank you with all our hearts. God bless America and the Moose. OLGA LECORNEY. Paris, January 9th, 1919. Mr. Rodney Brandon, Supreme Sec., Loyal Order of Moose, Mooseheart, 111., U. S. A. Dear Rodney:—Brothers James J. Davis, Mahl Garland and Joe Mitchell Chappie just left yesterday on their way back, having been with us a few weeks. It was a great and very agreeable surprise the day they entered the Moose Home, and since their arrival we have kept them on the jump every minute. We arranged trips for them to Chateau-Thierry and surrounding country, where they also saw the foundations of the “Big Ber-tha”_ that shelled Paris. Everything continues to move along fine. We are planning great activities with the army of occupation. Paris now has been made a leave area, so that any soldier desiring to visit Paris may do so after making proper application. For this reason we are receiving many more than usual at the headquarters. Sergeant Clark dropped in the other day and asked for a Moose emblem, saying that he will wear it on his coat forever. Recently I was a guest at a dinner with Lieutenant Count Le Marois. I dined with the Counts and Dukes, but held up the Moose organization among the royalty in fine style. They all talked about royal blood, so I told them I was a direct descendant of Glyndwr, who you know was the first real king of Great Britain. As you probably know we had a great Christmas day with the French war o’rphan-s. I-t was the most unique BUSH CAR This Five Passenger 37 H. P. car.llG ...... Ings Timken. Delco Ign.—Dyneto Stg. and Ltg. Write at once for my great Free Offer anti 48-page catalog. Agents wanted to drive and demonstrate. Territory open. Prompt shipments. Big money. Cara guaranteed or money back. 1919 cars ready. D|| D IJ Address J. H. Bush, President. Dept. C143 P w W n MOTOR CO., Bush Temple, Chicago, Illinois HANDSOME DmNERSsi? WE TRUST YOU N0 MONEY NEEDED WE PAY FREIGHT Sell 11 boxes of 7 cakes fine Toilet , .---------;-------- Soap, and with every box, give as premiums to each purchaser all of the following articles ; a Pound of Baking Powder, Bottle Perfume, Box Talcum Powder, 6 Teaspoons, Pair Shears and Package of Needles and the Dinner *J* *our». Many other equally attractive offers ana hundreds of useful Premiums or Cash Commission given for your time. Special Extra Present of a 6-Pc. High-Grade Granite Kitchen Set FREE of all cost or work of any kind, if you write at once. You advance no money. You have nothing to risk. Write today for our Bis FREE Agent* Outfit. ARFilTQ0־n!y 0״e ■n World HU EI11 ú KEROSENE ‘St,*,1 BURNER Fits in_ any cook-stove. Makes its own gas from a Kerosenetcoal oil). Gives Jii every home a gas stove. llrS! Absolutely safe. Cheap- Burns 5 hours for 1 cent Agents just coining money. Women wild about == it. No more overheated (¡IHII1 kitchens. No more danger from gasoline. Safe, Clean, Odorless, Cheap . , _ Every home a prospect. Low price makes quick sales. Easy to carry and demonstrate. Big profits. Your territory is opp״ Write today. Thomas Burner Co., 2782 Blue SI., Dayton, Ohio JUST OUT 111 Perfect hearing !9 now being restored in every condition of deaf-I ness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and ? Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed 1 Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drum9 c*Little Wireless Phones for the Ears99 require no medicine but effectively replace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials, WILSON EAR DRUM CO.. Incorporated » 760 Inter-Southern Bldg, LOUISVILLE, KY.