MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 14 Mooseheart Legion of the World æ . , ..... ss WATCH THE RED BOX If any Legionaire find below the number of his or her Chapter or Legion, let him ask the Recorder or Herder what is wrong. If he or she cannot tell, write and ask the Grand Regent. WOMEN OF MOOSEHEART LEGION -12—22—23—24—25—34—38—40--74—75—89—118—120— -123 125 — 126—139—154—159—165—172—179— -201—203 — 205— 211—214-218—219—227—230 — 231—232—235— — 245—264—; 281—284—285—288—293—294— -299. MOOSEHEART LEGION OF THE WORLD FOR MEN 2—6—7—8—10—13—14— —28— — -46—53—95— —117—133 134—145—152—161— -168—171—174—199. an MEN OF MOOSEHEART LEGION * ARE GREAT WORKERS Those men of the Loyal Order of Moose who have been passed from the p first to the second degree of Moose-m dom are promoting their legion districts very rapidly at this time. These H legionaires will assemble in great numbers at the Annual Convention of the Order in June, where the Legion ritual will be exemplified in all its pomp and splendor, under the supervision of the Grand Regent and the Regents of' the Mooseheart Legion. It is a fact that Second Degree Moose are great workers for the Order and Mooseheart in general. These men, have seen a further goal which may attained by this association in the Legion and by unity of action and greater activity the service which Mooseheart extends to the children and the prospective students of our school is beng increased very rapdly by the help of these brothers. The Legion is philanthropic in purpose and the■ legionaires are upholding this great and noble standard. And they are seeing the fruits of their efforts in the beautiful legion dormitories which have already been erected, and then continue the progress in anticipation of seeing those which are now being planned. With such a purpose and spirit to lead them on, it is no wonder that these men wave their banners through out the country with such pride and enthusiasm. Faith, Hope and Charity which are symbolic of the Legion purposes are the guiding stars for all Legionaires and it is with these principles in mind that the men of the Mooseheart Legion make themselves better people for having striven under such a beautiful motto which has encouraged them to extend their activities and help to their brother’s children. The Legionaires of the State of Illinois, lead the league in wearing legion buttons. The “corn belt” crowd likes to see that legion emblem on the coat lepel. Oh Hello! The State of Washington with four big, husky Legions, is putting on some Legion Frolics which are eye openers. Seattle No. 167, Traehesoom No. 165, Cascade No. 166 and Twin City No. 168, are turning the big wheel which makes Legionaires out of Moose without even using any oil. The boys in Washington are holding some nice frolics throughout the State and they claim everybody is going to have the Second Degree soon. Miami Valley Legion No. 103, Great North Moose, Harry A. Georgi, says that the frolic which the Legionaires of No. 103 held on March 9th, at Day-ton makes him think that the other Legion Districts in Ohio had better speed up if they want to keep step, because the boys in Miami Valley are going at a lively gait now days. That Frolic on March 9th was a dandy and we think Harry must be right. Youngstown, Ohio, No. 100, is one of the wealthy legions. Herder, S. F. Sullivan, sits tightly on the lid untill they start preparing for a big Frolic and then he reaches down and peels off the green-backs in great numbers because they certainly do “put it on” at the Legion meetings in that district. Herder Sullivan says, however, that he fills the strong box again at each frolic, because they have plenty of candidates. Miami Valley extends an invitation to all Legionaires anytime. Mid-Continent Legion No. 133 held a whooping big Frolic at Arkansas City, Kansas on February 25th, and service to the students here, both boys and girls for whom we all are working to educate and send out into the world good, wholesome, men and women. Of all the Chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion, throughout the Loyal Order of Moose, the members of Pittsburgh, Kans., Chapter and the Portland, Ore., Chapter, wear more of the white fezes, which is the official head-dress for the women, than any other two Chapters in the organization. Between these two Chapters Pittsburgh Legionaires have first honors at this writing. The legionaires of West Virginia, have more members wearing the Legion Fez, than any other State in the Union. Practically every man who becomes a Legionaire there secures a Fez and it is not compulsory either. These boys are just naturally boosters. The Chapter at Des Moines, Iowa, is the biggest auxiliary in the State of Iowa. These women have perfected a good storng working organza-tion and when they set out to accomplish any sort of an endeavor it’ put put across in great style. Des Moines Chapter is now making plans to increase their membership and the campaign will be watched with interest. The Women of the Legion in Philadelphia are keeping pace with the Lodge and Men’s Legion in their city by retaining their place as the largest chapter of the Women of Mposeheart Legion in the organization. The Chapter exemplifies the ritualistic work in the very impressing style, which teaches the candidate when entering that organization the lesson of faith, hope and charity from the very beginning. Anderson Chapter No. 283, has been very active in the different war activities. Knitted garments of different kinds were sent to the Moose soldiers in France. The women of the Anderson Chapter were very enthusiastic in their efforts to make the boys com-fortabe “oevr there,” and they are to be congratulated for ther co-operation. A new Chapter has just been instituted in Medicine Hat, Canada. The Dominion of Canada has been represented by some very successful chapters, and the women of this new organization are expected to make their auxiliary just as well known as their sister organizations. A fine Legion is being perfected in Hampton Roads, District No. 199. This Legion was organized during the Fall and is growing very rapidly. Many first class lodges are represented in this district and the boys from the good old State of Virginia are going to put their Legion on the map. ween the memberships of both organizations. Such a plan will of course, be a factor in increasing the membership of both the Men’s and Women’s memberships, but because outside people would be invited and would soon become interested in Moose and Legion activities. The lodges would of course furnish the club rooms and other particulars, while the Chapter would get up the “food program” and handle all details pertaining to the same. On functions given such as dances, etc., where admissions would be charged, both the Chapter and the Lodge would assist in the sale of the tickets. All of this progress which is being made by the women of the Order, means that greater financial assistance will be extended to Mooseheart, and even though it does not compare yet with the Loyal Order of Moose, it is growing, and before long will be a big factor in the maintenance of the institution. This help to Mooseheart allows the school to offer greater WOMEN STRENGTHEN MOOSEHEART SERVICE The wives, mothers, sister and daughters of the members of our Order are assisting Mooseheart to such a degree, that the service which Mooseheart gives to the Order is being greatly strengthened. The Chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion which are now being formed throughout the country, enable the women to organize themselves into separate units where their efforts may be concentrated toward a single goal. This goal is Mooseheart. Already the present Chapters have been a big factor in the construction of our legion dormitories and their work and assistance is becoming much greater every day. The many new chapters which are being founded at this time, will soon be well started on their way to a large and active organization which will decidedly increase the income from the auxiliary society to our Order. During the past several months the chapters have shown big growth in membership. This has been possible partly because of the transition from War to Peace conditions, and the decrease of the “flu” epidemic, but the biggest factor -has been the membership contest where the winner would be given a free trip to Mooseheart. Ten women of the chapters will win this big trip to Mooseheart, spending a week there visiting the children and seeing the entire school in all it’s activities. In several of the chapters the membership has increased to almost double the original size. During the Spring months it is the plan of the majority of the chapters to arrange for a series of social events in conjunction with the Loyal Order of Moose, in their city, in order to create a broader acquaintance bet- BE A CERTIFICATED YOU MF.N LISTEN The 000״**■y needs more trained, graduate Electricians. Thou- ־* M־uL ^ sands have gone into the Government service and there is such an unusual demand for competent electrical men that I am making a wonderful offer at this time. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! I want to send you my splendid offer now. m PiPTte tec&use of age or experience. Young men, boys and old men must now fill the gaps and keep business going. * XuUK Fv;RT■ . 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