MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 12 MOOSE HOME,״ ARKANSAS CITY, К AS. Bi-State Moose Convention May 5, 6, 7, 1919 ARKANSAS City is the greatest center for retail trade in southern Kansas, drawing largely from the Oklahoma oil areas as well as the surrounding Kansas territory. There are four large department stores, one with five stories, which store has the largest floor erea of any in the State. The City maintains a modern Chamber of Commerce with 301 members whose sole business is to advance the interests of Arkansas City. And the Chamber of Commerce as well as all the business firms of Arkansas City and Executive Officers of the City extend a cordial invitation to all members of the Loyal Order of Moose to the Bi-State Convention to be held May 5-6-7-, with the full support to make this Convention one of the best gatherings ever held on such an occassion. The Officers of Arkansas City Lodge are a bunch of live wires and are determined to entertain the delegates and visitors every minute during the Convention, and the Dictator of the Lodge also the genius Secretary, J. R. Cusson, are not sparing any effort to obtain the best results toward the progress of the Loyal Order of Moose, in fact the Officers of the Lodge have the full support of every citizen of Arkansas City to welcome all concerned, and to demonstrate their activities. On February 25th they held their Legion Frolic for the District with headquarters in Arkansas City, and we are proud to say that a class of 110 Loyal Members were initiated in the second degree, so come to the best City in Kansas, for this Convention and ascertain for yourself that you have visited the only Moose City in the State of Kansas, SIGNED: Fred Cooper, Dictator R. D. Allman, Vice-Dictator J. R. Cusson, Secretary H. R. Branstetter, Treasurer W. W. Brown, Trustee D. N. R. Brown, Trustee A. H. Fuller, Trustee. HOME CF NATIONAL BANK Arkansas Cityr Kans. FAOTORY-TO• RIDER ־ !SAVES YOU mo KEY Buy direct and save $10 to $20 oa a bicycle. RANGER BICYCLES w come in 44 styles, colors and i. Greatly improved; prices *6־-'. Other reliable mode’s, WE DELIVER FREE to y015 0» >approval for 30 days free trial— * actual riding test at our expense. Our big FREE catalog shews everything new in bicycles and 1 sundries. Write for it. TIRES,!amps. wheels,parts snd supplies at half usual prices. I Do not buy a bicycle, tires, :or sundries until you get ©ur wonderful new offers, low price• . and liberal terms. A postid brings everything. gfijCAn Cycle Company lISCHU Dept. (.-I!,! ChicsjOj Free Roses A W onderirii! Garden jfc BEAUTIFUL ROSES The Roses we offer Free make the finest combination for Summer blooming. They thrive n any locality. May is the be t season for -)!anting tc secure the best results. GUSHES GIVEN TO TOU Here are the bushcc we offer you. Count-cl Clan William, President Taft. British Queen. Alice de Rothschild and Hoosier Beauty. All are famous varieties. GUARANTEED TO BLOOM THIS TEAR The e Roses will, with proper care bloom this Summer. You can have these 5 bushes free and po tpaid for sending us 40 cents to pay for 12 months’ :ubscription tc . big family story paper. Send 40 cents toddy. Address Rose Department, :.C03 Harris \ Trust Bldg., Chicago, I1L Get Back Your Grip on Health Physician Gives Practical Advice On What to Do to Help Build Up Your Strength, Power and Endurance—Explains How Organic Iron—Nuxated Iron—Helps Put Renewed Vim and Energy Into the Veins of the Weak, Nervous and Rundown— of new red blood cells. “In my opinion the greatest curse to the health and strength of American ~>eople of today is the alarming deficiency of iron in their blood. it .s through iron in the red coloring matter of the blood that life uetaining oxygen enters the body. Without iron there is no strength, vital ty and endurance to combat obstacles or withstand severe strains. Lack Л sufficient iron in the blood has ruined many a man’s nerves and utterly robbed him of that virile force and stamina which are do necessary to success and power in every walk of life. ׳‘Therefore I strongly advise those who fee! the need ot a -trength anc. olood ouiider to ret a physician’s prescription for organic iron— Nuxated Iron — or if you don’t want to go to this trouble then p u r c h a se only Nuxated Iron in its original packages and see that t h s particular name (Nuxated Iron) appears on the package.” Ii you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the fol owing test; See how *£T_,^***~ long you ;an work or now far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets oi ordinary Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. Numbers of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while have most astonishingly increased their strength and endurance s mply by tak- ing iron in the proper form, Ard this after they had, n some cases, been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. MANUFACTURERS' NO׳rE; Nuxated Iron recommended above is not a secret •em ,dy ;u* x!e which is well kn״wn to druggi is jverywiie*־e. JnT’:e the. older inorganic ¡ron products, •t s r.sily assimilated, does no! inji •e the teeth, xske t’־em Ыг.ск, лог upset the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satis‘acto״y •results to every our-chaser or they wil] refund voux money, it is dispensed in this city oy all good druggists. You can tell which people have a firm Grip on Health —Strong Vigorous Folks with Plenty of Iron in iheir Blod. Of strength and blood-builder, is in itself an evidence of tremendous public confidence and I am convinced, that if others would take Nuxated Iron when they feel weak and run-down it would ne!p make a nation of stronger, healthier men and women.” Commenting on the use of Nuxated Iron as a tonic, strength and blood-builder, Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.). New York, and the Westchester County Hospital, said: “Thousands are held back in life for want of sufficient iron in the blood. A weak body means a weakened will power, and like the race horse beaten by a nose, many a capable man or woman fails just short of winning because they don’t back up their mentality with the physical strength and energy which come from having plenty of iron in the blood. That irritable twitch, that fit of despondency, that dizzy, fearful feeling—these are the sort of signals nature gives to tired, listless folks when the blood is clamouring for strengthgiving iron—more iron to restore the health by enriching the blood and creating thousands Thousands of men and women are impairing their constitutions laying themselves open to illness and literally losing their grip on health simply because their blood is thinning out and possibly starving through lack of iron. j? ־":.■<* To possess the power, ener- , gy and endurance that win the blood should be rich in strength-givingiron. For this purpose physicians below explain why they prescribe organic iron—Nuxated Iron — which by en-r i c h i n g the blood and ere-a t i n g thousands of new red blood sells often quickly transform the flabby flesh, toneless and pallid cheeks of ׳weak, anaemic men and women into a glow of health. It increases the strength delicate, nervous, rundown folks in two weeks’ time in many instances. In explaining why he regards iron as absolutely essential to the greatest development of physical and mental power, and discussing the probability of building / up a stronger race of people / . ... by increasing the supply of W. iron ;n their blood, Dr.George H, Baker, formerly Physician and Surgeon, Monmouth Memorial Hospital of New Jersey, says: ‘Iron 9׳ absolutely necessary to change food into riving tissue, muscle and brain. Refined foods and modern methods of cooking have robbed us of much of the iron which Nature intended we should receive and for supplying this deficiency and increasing the red blood corpuscles. I know of nothing more effective than organic iron—Nuxated Iron. From a careful examination of the formula and my own test of Nuxated Iron, I feel convinced that it is a preparation which any physician can take himself or prescribe for his patients with the atmost confidence of obtaining highly beneficial and satisfactory results. •The fact that Nuxated Iron is today being used by over three million people annually as a tonic.