An amazing value. Positively a record- breaking bargain. Each piece is made of heavy gauge pressed sheet aluminum. It is not made of cast as the ordinary aluminum ware is. but of sheet aluminum of a better and heavier gauge than this price ever bought. Absolutely seamless. Will cot crack, corrode, chip or peel, Heats quickly—polish can’t wear off—just as easy to keep clean as glassware. Cooks and bakes foods more thoroughly than any other kitchenware made. Yours for only $1.00 down; then $2.00 monthly. Price $17.90. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send the coupon today — RIGHT NOW! Everything in the Kitchen of Pure Aluminum-56 Pieces One combination tea kettle and double boiler (3 pieces), 5quartsize, 8\4 inch inside diameter; one octagon design coffee percolator (2 pieces), 7 cup size; one roaster containing 10 pieces. Measures lOy¿ inches wide and 6 inches high. These 10 pieces have dozens ofuses —egg poaching, custard baking, rice and cereal cooking, etc. One 8 quart preserving kettle; 1 jelly cake pan (2 pieces); 2 pie pans• 2 bread pans; 1 stew pan and cover (2 pieces); 1 lip stewer (2quarts); Easy Payments 30 Days’Trial FREE Bargain Catalog! Send for it. Shows thousands of bargains in furniture, jewelry carpets, rugs, curtains, silverware, stoves, women’s, men’s and children’s wearing apparel. Send the coupon today ־־־ NOW! Our guarantee protects you. If not perfectly satisfied, return the article at our expense within thirty days and get your money back—also any freight you paid. Could any offer be fairer? Send the Coupon along with $1.00 to us now. Have this 5b-riece Aluminum Set shipped on 30 days’ trial. We’ll also send our big Bargain Catalog listing thousands of amazing bargains. Only a small first payment and balance in monthly payments for anything you want. Send the coupon today—right now. STRAUS & SCHRAM,lnc.״״y“si. CHICAGO Straus & Schram. (Inc.) Dept.3004 W. 35th Street, Chicago Enclosed find $1.00. Ship special advertised 56-piece Aluminum Kitchen Set. I am to have 30 days’ free trial, If I keep the set I will pay you $2.0« monthly. If not satisfied, I am to return the set within 30 days and you are to refund my money and any freight or express charges I paid. □ 56-Piece Aluminum Kitchen Set No. B5291 A, $17.90. Name. Address. Post Office.....................................State...... If you only want the catalog, put X below: □ Furniture and Stoves □ Jewelry D C Q Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Clothing □ Paints