9 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE ture. Cambridge City Lodge is surely making great headway. Richmond, Ind., Lodge is just starting a big drive, as also is Conners-ville, Ind., Lodge. The work at Con-nersville will be under the supervision of Deputy District Supervisor L. A. Ingalls. Bro. M. G. Perrin, Deputy District Supervisor, has just started a new drive in Terre Haute, Ind., and it is predicted that he will give Terre Haute Lodge another 1,000 members, and from the start they are making, namely 150 applications on file, they surely will be up among the big ones. Bro. Thos. A. Maholm has just completed a big campaign at Clinton, Ind., where he put in about 300 new members. Clinton Lodge has now purchased their home, and the same was recently dedicated to the Loyal Order of Moose. South Bend Lodge No. 555 under the supervision of Bro. Edw. H. Metz, is being revived and it is predicted that South Bend Lodge will now become one of the largest Lodges in Indiana. From what I have learned of the Indiana Lodges they are going to be very strongly represented at our 31st ing the year and we as Moose feel that we have been neglected except by Col. H. P. Rucker, District Supervisor, who is always on the job. The Legion in this district has been prospering. The next meeting of Illinois Legion No. 118 will meet in this city and we hope Grand Regent Rodney H. Brandon will do us the honor of being present. As presdient of the Illinois Field Day Association I will soon call a meeting of the executive officers to make plans for the coming meeting of the asociation at Kewanee, 111. Elmer E. Bradley. THE CRADLE OF MOOSEDOM By M. M. Mahoney, Dist. Supervisor. The Loyal Order of Moose, in the Cradle of Moosedom, in the Old Hoos-ier State, is doing some elegant work, and making some great progress. The Organization Department of Indiana, as well as the few Lodges that are conducting their own membership campaigns, are making new Moose every day in the week including Sunday. So far this year we have put on big campaigns in Anderson, Muncie, Ft. Wayne, Hartford City, Richmond, Illinois, the “Old War Horse,” Col. H. P. Rucker, District Supervisor, requested me to go to Pekin and lay a barrage heavy enough to let the officers and members lead to victory. The time set for starting the campaign was Feb. 27th, in their beautiful new home where there was a brigade of lecturers to fully explain the principles of our Order. Every member is full of pep and enthusiasm and the uninitiated of Pekin are shouting “Kamerad!” and ready to fall in with the ranks. Dictator Benj. Norris says that the drive will not stop until Pekin Lodge has the same number of members as the number of their Lodge, 785. Live wire Secretary Frank Hofer says “I am ready to take their dues :as fast as they come in.” Sergt. Wm. T. Meier. Champaign, 111.—The work of the Organization Department is going along nicely in the eastern patr of the state, in Monticello, Tuscola, Areola and Mattoon where I am supervising. There are Women’s Legion Chapters at Monticello and Champaign and are in a flourishing condition, and have been of great assistance to the Moose Lodges. which will help Moosedom very much. A big booster bazaar will be given some time this month The membership is bound to grow in numbers regardless of past bad management and adversities and I predict that No. 880 will soon be a beacon light in this part of Moosedom and a potent factor in the affairs of this cosmopolitan city. Yours for Purity, Aid and Progress, Dan T. Huff. Burlington, Iowa.—I personally wish to thank the Supreme Officers and especially Bro. James J. Davis and Supreme Secretary Bro. Rodney H. Brandon for the encouragement they have given me in my work under the supervision of the “Old War Horse,” Col. H. P. Rucker, District Supervisor for Illinois and Iowa. After suggestions from Bro. Davis at Mooseheart during our last convention requesting the Supreme Officers and Supervisors to pay more frequent visits to the different Lodges, and become better acquainted it has resulted in greater progress. This accounts for the great success I have had lately at Hoopeston, 111. I have found that the Legion has been a wonderful help. I only hope in the future that we can be more careful and take liy M.6.PERRIN T.A.MAHOLM l:Cr..S.C^HPBELL j?wManges1, f* WF ■ 1 : , ’ ־. ■ Sb•■•.,״' : ■-V ■ . ׳־ M:.- mm, . m IV* V fr/sor vpernsors m hdiam *!■ . « y« ; / :y / . m gLRSHlR : ׳ I j ....־mpas!׳ 7' < , ־ vy l-< : I * - , ' - annual convention which is to be held at Mooseheart, 111., in June. The Hoosiers expect to be there in full force. Many of them are Manning to take their families and travel through by auto. They are making arrangements to have tents all along the Fox River, and if I don’t m:ss my guess, there will be 1,000 Hoosier Moose spending the convention week along the Fox River. Bro. E. E. Pauley, Secretary of Marion Lodge No. 253, which Lodge has just burned the mortgage on their building, informs me that in the very near future they are expecting to put on a great campaign for membership. Bro. Pauley insists that Marion Lodge is not going to fall behind, nor take the dust of any of the Lodges. They are figuring on building a new club house, adjoining their Lodge hall, in the near future. Oh, yes, ’less we may forget, Bro. M. V. Slayback, that ever tireless worker, who is secretary of Kokomo Lodge No. 179, which Lodge has recently dedicated a new home at a cost of upward of $50,000.00, tells me that they will all attend convention this year. CONTINUED NEXT MONTH Evansville, Terre Haute and in many of the other cities in the state, including Indianapolis. Indianapolis Lodge No. 17 has just started a new drive for membership, and it has already put in three classes of about 400 members. Anderson Lodge No. 1, under the leadership of Bro. Tom Fisher, has added 400 new members to their rolls, which put Anderson Lodge No. 1 in the 1,000 class. Muncie Lodge No. 33 has just started a drive for new members, and it is predicted by Bro. R. S. Campbell, who is in charge of the campaign there, with the great assistance he is receiving from Bro. J. S. Coffman, Past Dictator, and the faithful and congenial secretary, Bro. Clarence W. Dearth, together with the entire membership of Muncie Lodge No. 33, that they will add from 500 to 1,000 new members to their already large and substantial Lodge of upward of 1,500 members. Cambridge City Lodge, under the supervision of Deputy District Supervisor Bro. L. A. Ingalls, is also making big. They have taken in a class of about 100 and they are expecting another big class in the very near fu- Deputy Grand Regent Mrs. A. L. Jacobson of Decatur is putting on another successful campaign for members for Monticello Chapter. Illinois Legion No. 118׳ recently held a fine meeting at Mattoon. In my opinion the Legions ought to be more careful about putting on the right kind of vaudeville entertainments. If the Second Degree is to be considered a higher degree, let us make it so in every way. We are pleased that the national convention is to be held at Mooseheart this year. We should like to see it there every year. We expect to put on the moving pictures soon at Monticello and have Senator Kessinger with us. Yours in P. A. P., E. W. Collins. Springfield, 111.—On account of the limited time and space alloted to me, all I have to say is that Illinois Capital Lodge No. 983 is progressing harmoniously and building up its membership gradually. We wish that some of the Supreme Officers would visit us occasionally. Springfield is the hub of the state and is the spot where most of the fraternal organizations of the state except the Moose gather some time dur- a little more time and care in putting-on the second degree. 1 have found a number of Lodges that were in distress, but after suggestions from the Supreme Officers and with the presence of Col. H. P. Rucker, ׳t has helped me to solve some of the difficulties. With their help I have been able to adjust conditions, making it possible to restore confidence and place the Lodges in a more prosperous condition. Let us not forget our hearty cooperation with the Woman’s Legion. When the time comes that we can have the women and children with us, we will have the world with us, and the Moose’s greatest demonstration will be proven to mankind and our loved ones after the first of July when we hope to not find one true, Loyal Moose wandering from the defending circle which will soon encompass the world. I am now working with Burlington (Iowa) Lodge. W. R. H. Gid-dens. Pekin, 111.—Pekin Lodge No. 785 is preparing to go over the top in its campaign for new members. After being in the trenches in Prance for some time with the 74th Railroad Artillery, on my return to