Mr. C. E. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance. Mr. Brooks cured himself of rupture over 30 years ago and patented the Appliance from his personal experience. >o You Wear a Truss? The Brooks Appliance IS SENT ON TRIAL to prove that it holds the rupture back, and keeps it in place, prevents it coming down or slipping out and assists nature to heal up the rupture without pain, operation or loss of time. Over 685,000 People Have Accepted This Offer. Why Not You? If you take advantage of this remarkable trial offer, within an hour after you receive the Brooks Appliance you will throw away your painful makeshift truss forever. Doesn’t that prove that the Brooks Appliance is not an experiment but a positive success—that it does all we claim for it? Among these 685,000 men, women and children there must be hundreds whose condition was identical with yours. Can you afford not to investigate and satisfy yourself when it costs you nothing to prove what the Brooks Appliance will do for you? Our reputation is so thoroughly established and our prices so reasonable, our terms so fair, that you should not hesitate to send the free coupon today. The Brooks Appliance Co., 130H State St., Marshall, Mich. Without cost or obligation on my part please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for Rupture and your Trial Offer. Name