scarlet FLAXt Mammoth Peanuts ^—‘A׳ Showy annual for Peanuts can be easily cultivated. Their culture is very simple and exceedingly interesting. Mammoth Peanuts grow to an astonishing sire. It is a good producer. very prolific, and thegiantnuta have a thick, -------- ־• ־ ־ me'* "־ ־ ־ ־״ • Huckleberry Grows from seed first year. A new fruit that cannot be excelled for Pies. Very prolific, yielding an immense crop of fruit. Grows and thrives in all climates and on all kinds of soil. -The fruits► grow larger than the common Huckleberry or Blueberry. If cooked wfth apples.lemon or anything sour, they make the very finest jelly. Pkt. 10c, 3 tor 25c, p.pd•, Bush Musk Melon Musk thus can bushes, fc״u uu be cultiveted i.._ smallestgarden. The fruit ir ־ ־־־' lar "' type.___....... averaging6 inches in diameter. The flesh is very deep, edible almost to the rir. d and is colored light green, flushed with salmon toward the center. The quality is superb, lusciously sweet and juicy. Packet o# seeds, with full directions for culture, 15 cents, 3 packets for 40 cents, p.pd. Banana Musk Melon DEVIL’S CLAW heavily ribbed protecting shell. The plant is very attractive, the leaves being of odd shape and a handsome green shade, tinted through the center with white. You will derive much pleasure cultivating this interesting species. Seeds 15c okt- 3 ofcts. fee 40«. - . New Garden An ornamental plant, bearing beautiful flowers which are succeeded by large seed pods that, when young, are fine for p i ckling. . . They are de- licious in soups, stews, etc., and rmake line pickles. Pkf. 10c, 3 for 25c 8RUSSELS SPROUTS Miniature cabbages formed on the stalk of the plant. Delicious eating when cooked. Boiled like cabbage or cooked in cauliflower. Packet, IO cents. ty. _____ and sm ells like a banana. Peculiar .. „ shape and its delicious flavor make it well worth your while cultivating. Flesh is deep and of exquisite flavor. Very high prices are obtained In choice city markets, as high as a dollar sometimes being demanded for one single specimen. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c. Giant Asparagus A few stalks of this rich and delightful vegetable on toast, or served with drawn butter, will make the greatest epicure punctuate each bite with a smack of satisfaction. One of the grandest table luxuries that you can buy. Has meltingly tender stalks with exquisitely delicious flavor. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c. Chicago Pickling Cucumber Undoubtedly the best c u c u mber for p i c k 1 e s. It meets the most _ . , exacting require- ments of fho most critical pickle makers, who supply fancy and highest priced goods to the market. The vines set fruit when young and continue bearing longer than other varieties. Packet 10c, 3 pkts, for 25c postpaid. ChineseGiant Pepper 'Very prolific for ao large a pepper. .. Flesh is unusually thick, mild flavor and makes a ve ry nne salad, sliced and ־served like tomatoes. Glossy scarlet. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c. Garden Lemon An enormous yielder,; cul-tivated much , the same as Musk Melon. Has a most desirable acid flavor, thus dispensing with sliced lemon. Unexcelled for general canning purposes. Packet, 10c. 3 packets, 25c. 'Brand Rapids Lettuce Easiest variety oi all to grow the finest flavored on the market. Produces an abundant "miXt CfookneCN Summer Squash Selected strain of this delicious vegetable produces fr ni t nearly double the size of the . old standard "Oookneck.” Plants are bushy and compact; flesh. ---- rich, golden yellow; quality and flavor is unsurpassed. Grows readily in almost any soil. . Packet, IOc, 3 packet» for 25c, postpd. M«w Japanese Giant Radish The great Sakurijima Radish from Japan. The largest radish grown, often attaining the enormous weight of 15 pounds, and sometimes 20 or 30 pounds. Not merely a curiosity, but a radish of extraordinary quality. The flesh issolid, firm and brittle, and of most excellent flavor. Will grow or thrive in any soil or climate. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpaid. Ttiefireafiffonderberry __ crop of green leaves, which retain their sweet flavor --- it ha ־ “after It has become quite old. Make a practice of cultivating your own lettuce. A single packet willkeep your ־ ־• .lied the whole season. i practice o _____!. A single family supplied the 7־־-״'׳׳״« 10 cants packet, 3 packet» for 25™„ Salsify or Oyster Plant One of the most delicious vegetables; gets from the similarity or its flavor to oysters: fre- who lesome, nutritious, satisfying. A very hardy plant that can be left in ground all winter and dug as needed when ground thaws. 10 cents packet, three packet• for 25 eont», postpaid. MiXEC GERANIUMS Have no rivals: when a show of colors is desired none can surpass them. G r o w readily from seed and their foliage makes them the most desirable plants for house or pleasure ground. Nothing better for baskets, bouquets, vases, etc. Colors include various shades of crimson, scarlet, pink, rose, salmon, blush, white, etc. Pkt.. 15c, 3pkt». 40c p.pd. unite Velvet Ultra Most deliciousvege• table that is very fashionable and popular. Is easily grown. The pods are used for soups and stews. Noted for its fine flavor and JAPANESE ROSE BUSHES The Wonder of the World Johnson Smith & Co., Chicago SNAP DRAGON Charming old fashioned flower. They have dark and glossy leaves and curiously shaped flowers, with finely marked throats. Bloom the first season. S p I e n d i d for borders, bedding, pot culture for house decoration, and are largely forced daring the winter for cut flowers. Their delicious fragrance renders them extremely well adapted for cut flowers. Packet. 10«, 3 pkts. for 25«, postpaid ikle or Flower Does well in bright sunshine ; the drier and hotter the summer is the more the plants flower. A handsome bushy . ____ surpassed for eating raw, cooked, canned or preserved in any form. The fruit is blue-black in color, and tastes like a luscious, rich blueberry. One bush will produce an enormous amount of fruit, yielding great masses of rich fruit all Summer and Fall. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpaid. A magnificent variety. Grows about two feet high, very strong and produces large sized fruit; larger than any other dwarf tomato. The fruits grow in large clusters and weigh from 9 to 12 oz3. each. Flesh is firm and solid, no core, delicious flavor; almost seedless. Pkt., 10c, 3 packets for 25c, postpaid. Of and new. Pacta», 15c, 3 pkts. 40c, postpaid. Tke Slant Spider Plant Avery remark, able and curious plant. Derives name from peculiar shape, the long, curving stamens suggesting T-_—. ----are a deep, purplish »ink when they first open, but fade to •-1ItPink. ,Seeds, me paeket, 3 pkts. for 25c. Cucumoei Curious as well as useful. Elegant for slicing SiS¡ 1SSTS5: pent up to 7 feet — length. A nov- spiders. Flowers ! ttl Pepper The Peppers are a very 12 to 30 cone shaped fruits to each cluster. Very hot and pungent. Unusually prolific, the small but compact bush being literally covered with cone shaped fruit. An enormous crop ----- produced: will keep for use all through winter. Elegant for borders or with potherbs. SEEDS, 10cpkt., three packets for 25 cents, eostpaid. Japanese Pop Com Nothing delights the . children more. When I well ־ ־ ־ ill fpfr :11 popped it becomes arly twenty times its * 1 size. In the , ;—„ ~r evenings it keeps the children amused for hours watch-ing the kernels burst into white balls, that are as light as a feather. Every child will enjoy , . -- planting it and caring lor it and watching it grow. Racket, XOc, 3 packets for 25c. loccvussuMMix mmcH Two distinct vegetables from the same plant at the onetime. The leaf portion of the foliage is cooked and served in the same manner as spinach; the *talks are delicious when cooked and should be served in the same manner as asparagus. Paekat, lOc, 3 packets for 25c. Early Chantenay Carrots Very tender and delicious, one of the best early Carrots in existence. Grow about 6 in. Jong, are stump-rooted, very smooth, deep red fine -. grained, sweet and sugary and not apt to crack open while growing. Unsurpassed for table use. Packet 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpd. Giant Pszoa! Celery Stalks are veiy large and solid, crisp and of rich, nutty f 1 a vio r. Blanoheseasily and quickly. The heart is golden yellow Racket, lOc, 3 packets for 25c. * Pkt., 10c, 3 for 25c, poatpd. Ji few oiner seed novelties ft r*%£fî?Î3 G(Tfrl}£ Any Variety C. pkt.. « for25e False Dragon Head Sunflower Cardinal Climber Columbine African Marigold Baby Golden Glow Dianthus Hybrida Superba Calhoo- Large Flowering Verbena Everlastings Joseph's Coat (Amaran-_ thus) Everlasting Sweet Pee Giant Sweet Poa Butterfly Pea ” Stock* Bouquet 1 Lobelia Prize Balsams Sweet William Four O’clock Hibiscus (Marsh Mallow) Tobacco Plant Ostrich Piume Cockscomb Pampas Gras. Boston or Japanese Ivy Angel's Trumpet ״TSTRC Any Variety ,.uitiWdjQ,, pkl 3 for 25c Mammoth Prize Tomato Red Peach Tomato Water Cress Curled Garden Crese Grape or Cluster Tomato Prize Radish Carnation Poppy Browalia Dwarf Nasturtium» Sundial Flower Canterbury Bella Satin Flower Angel's Breath the Mountain Fire on the Mountain W Id Cucumber V Mixed Table Carrot» Extra Early Pea Coffee Berry Earliest Watermelon Luscious Table Beet Egyptian Winter Onion „ , , Eno mous Prize-Medal Cabbage Mixed Squash Seeds Tree VEGETA8L English Vegetable Mar- Imperial Sweet Sultan Forget-Me-Not Ornamental Cotton Scarlet Runner Bean Evening Primrose Mixed Tali Nasturtiufl» Passion Flower Vine Fuchsias Little Blue Star Wall Flower Sweet Alyssum Grandiflora ______ Harvest Moon Vine Candytuft Armeria Cosmos (Mixed) Cactus from Seed Prnsy Violets Butterfly Flower Large Red Wethersfield Onion Emerald Gem Musk Melon Tn ~ “ Tree Egg Plant Marrowfat Parsnips Swiss Chard Turnip Rooted Celery Mammoth Pumpkin Italian Leek Breakfast Radish Long Scarlet Radish Oyster Endive Japanese Climbing Cu■ cumber Georgia Collard» *Yhitloof Chicory French Endive) Corn Salad Kohl Rabi ״ ״ . Emerald Isle Kale Tom Thumb Peppcff Moss Parsley Kentucky wonder cumo- ing Bean _______ , riant Crimson Rhubarb ioldenBantam SwoetCorn Anti'e I i • M■ Ion !fitto*• p.ont 2 f־ìCW*r FfHJ ‘ehanges lll-nourishedptanta into will equal any. Causee stante te M<-----,----------------------------—— •t success. Bring» out New Fella»« and Flowers, and cause» s Msrveltue Tra»»• ----itlee. Fkxe. 1*e, 3 fer 40c- Beauties, producing masses of blooms that «n mûrir sad ahead ef ethers. Friends marvel fhey make very attractive pot plants. White, pink and mixed. Packet, Юс, 3 pkts. for 25c postpaid. Very handsome, resembling Asters in appearance. Flowers are rich blue, like a giant cornflower, while others include charming shades of lavender, violet, white, and a new pink variety. Packet, 10 cents, three packets fer 25 cents, postpaid. African Daisy Remarkably handsomeannual; elty well worth cultivating forms bushes two Packet, 10c. 3 feet high. Foli- ־** " ‘ age is soft and downy, of whitish color; flowers. mmrm A charming grass that forms an ob-1 ’ jectofgreatbeauty in mixed beds and j borders,orisolated in groups on lawn«. Leaves are striped yellow, green, pink and rose. Not un-„ _ like maize or corn in growth. Packet, 10c, three for 25c. Mod• •pleat* - .Very pretty and unique variety of Cockscomb family, introduced from India; bears . countless blooms of silver J white,with rich carmine tip. ■ Easily cultivated; grown in I or outdoors. Blooms prac-* tically the entire winter if t properly cared for. Packet, ■' !0 cents, three packets for 25 cts, postpaid. J.S. &Cc. KI8K0IETTE M ignonette is Fiench for "Little Darling.” that typically describes this dainty little flower. Very sweet scented; fragrance makes it indispensable for bouquetsandcutting. Pkt., 10 cts, 3 pkts. for 25 cts, postpaid. APPLE »ASSAM Ornamental, quick growing climber; is grown mostly for the effect of the fruit, which is yellow; looks not unlike an apple, hence its name. When ripe itopens and shows the seeds and blood-red interior. Pkt., lOc. three packets for 25 cents, postpaid. WIND FLOWER Beautiful Irish Poppy-flowered varieties produce in abundance large single, semi-double and double floweis in an endless variety of colors. Some are mottled, striped, fringed, etc. For cutting they are fine. Packet. 10 cents, three packets for 25 cents, postpaid. Japanese Morning Glory A new mammoth class of noble flowers. Grows 20 ft, by midsummer. Rich, dark green leaves, marbled a silvery white and yellow. Giant size flower, and continues in bloom until destroyed by frosts. The colors are exceptionally rich and flower* as large as teacups. Pkt., 10c, three packets for 25c, postpaid. PYRENTHRUM Large, very bright and showy, very much like daisies »fid asters. Colors range from white, light E . ’ * —*־ Flowers are 3 or 4 inches across. One of the best plants for edgings, or for cut flowers, on account of its beautiful yellow foliage. Packet, IOc, 3 for 25c. JohnsonSmlth&Co. ICE PLANT mental, being cov-4¿׳G ered with ice-like £„4* globules, prized for garnishing. Valuable plant for dry, sunny situations on banks, rockwork, old walls and ruins.etc., also for sunny borders. Peculiarly brilliant in sunshine. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25«, postpaid. Torch Lily or Flam© Flower Has quite a variety of fr names, the most com• mon of them being "Torch Lily,” "Red Hot Poker." "Flame Flower,” etc. Flowers are borne in compact form on stout 3 and 4-loot stems, having the appearance at a distance of orange and red colored heads. . 10c, 3 pkti. tor 25c, p.pd. borne on long stems, rising well above foliage, large ana showy. Flowers last for over a week when cut. Packet, 10 cents, ir•• packets for 25 cents, postpaid. Mom Verbena Spreads over the ground, forming love 1 y moss green, above which the delicate clusters of r pure white blossoms -------... „.•eat profusion. Delicate fragrance. Biooms quickly. Packet, lOc, 3 pkts. for 25c. LOVE IK A MIST Su rrounded with beautiful weblike, feathery foliage. The flowers are very curious looking, having pods in the - center.The charming combined effect, no doubt, accounts for name. Pkt., 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpaid. GbliMs• Wlttarl• ps For^trellis, porches, |‘fl buildings. Is mag-b£¡ nificent when in bloorn, bearing long clusters of purple flowers. Luxuriant and rapid growth. Flowers early in long, drooping racemes, resembling a bunch ---- of grapes. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpaid LANTANA Showy and shrubby bedding and basket plantwith Verbena-like flowers in shades of white, red and yellow. Very agreeable aromatic perfume. Rapid growing.constant-bloom-ing, excellent for growing in pots or for garden decoration. Packet, 10c, 3 packets (or 25c, postpaid. 1Ш1 PRIDE PHLOI Japanese Rose Bushes bloom «0 «ho year round. Just think oi it. Si* weeks alter planting the seed, the plants will be in full bloom. It may not seem possible, but we positively guarant•« it to b« so. They will bloom •v«ry ten weeks. Summer or Winter, and when three years old the bush will be a mas» of rose«, bearing from five hundred to a thousand ro&es on each busli. The flowers are in three shades —white, pink, and crimson. The plants will do well both in and out doors. We guarantee at least three bushes to grow from each packet of seed. Price, lOc pack׳ “ ” ~ Dostpaid. DAHLIA One of the most beautiful of all flowers. If seed is *own early in the spring will bloom the first year. Our seed ,is of the finest strain and pro-dnees large , . , , flowers of t h e richest shades. Packet, 20«, 3 packets for 25c, postpaid. •flower bedsand masses, brilliant crimson scarlet flowers, great profusion. .Blooms very quickly. Packet, 10 cents, 3 packets for 25c p.pd. Johnson Smith 4k Co. GIANT ZINNIA A very showy annual. Flowers retain their beauty for weeks, and a profusion will be produced until frost. As double and as brilliant ns Dahlias. Pacfcat, IOc. 3 pkts. for 25c. postpaid. Allegheny Vine or Mountain fringe Very graceful and hardy icHtnhin© vine. ׳ 1 Fern. Bears pretty rose-pink and white tubularshaped f 1 o wers. Nothing, better for covering fences, trees, tree stumps, etc. Pkt.v lOc, 3 pkts. for 25c, p.pd. uergeous Giant Pansies These lovely flowers are favorites, not only for their brilliancy and variety, but for the durability of their bloom and —— the wonderful range of color and marking. _ A great diversity of all the very best giant and gorgeous varieties. Colors range through all the _______ _________ _____ shades known in Pansies. Wonderful b garden they rival the Geranium, (combinations: many of them are rare Butterfly’s Own Bush Charming h a annual. Colors----- very rich, bloom of very long duration, rendering them a most desirable ac- beautiful for bou- ?ueta. Colors vary rom pure white to deep crimson. Once further attention for . Ю . wts, postpaid. While Gem feverfew A fine, old-fashioned bedding or border plant, al-ways in flower. Blooms .quickly. Grown outdoors ' a summer and indoors .л winter. A fine pot plant. Grows a foot [ and a half high. Stems ---— q» covered double, ,, ».״.... o,,,-׳״-white and golden-yellow flowers. All the year round. Packet. lOe, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpaid. SCARLET SAGE A bed or border of Scarlet Sage always compels attention. Nothing can equal the gorgeous effect of a bed of Scarlet Sage when in lull bloom. The large s*of scarlet bloom against green surroundings of lovely foliage is matchless. Grown in almost any position; flower bed. along the walk or in borders. Also add to the attractiveness of a shrubbery if planted in clumps in the vacant spaces: the varied shades of green and the dazzling scarlet have a most pleasing effect. Fine pot plants. Pkt., lOc, 3 pkts. fer 25c, p.pd. Bachelor** Button niverlasting flower, globe shaiied. useful for dried winter bo-queta Retain their color the whole winter. Also good for fresh cut flowers. Endures drought well; succeeds in any soil. Mrt., XOc, 3 pkts., for 25c pp.d. f •rasalem Cherry A miniature tree that bears red and green berries con-tinually in winter ¿«D&k and summer. Foliage is always green. The fruit, however, is not edible. Especially fine for ornamental purposes. Packet, 10c, 3 (or 25c postpaid COLEUS For indoor decoration, for the adornment of the greenhouse or sitting-room, these fine plants are in the greatest demand. Will grow indoors all through the winter. You can grow them outside, and by taking a few slips, you can plant them in pots and they will grow without the slightest trouble. Some of the combinations are very rich and gorgeous. Pkt., 15 cts, three pkts. for 40 cts. postpaid. foptal Trs* fta Just introduced: noted for its rapid growth. An exceptionally pretty ornamental plant. Foliageisrich dark green. Forms grand pyramidal bushes about 6 feet high. Branches very desirable for decorative purposes, wreaths, etc. Seods 15c pkt., 3 for 40c. ® JOHNSON SMITH & CO.’S Annual Condensed PRICE LIST of FINEST FLOWER, GARDEN »VEGETABLE AH prices postpaid to any address In the worM. or haven for butterflies. and it attracts all the most beautiful types of butter- bearing perfectly double flowers, ranging from white to rich crimson, deep red and pink, Ulae and other delicate shades. Packet lO cents. 3 for 25 cents postpaid. GROWN OF THORRS and remarkable window plant, can be trained over .any desired form. Bright scarlet flowers. An object of rare and ___the crown of thorns was which was worn by our Saviour. Packet lO eonts,3 packets for 25 onto Tfe* Trembling Tine A beautiful annual climber with lovely feathery f o 1 i -that trem- BALLOON VINE «! in a Puff.” Orna-rapid growing, ig ״ina, producing white flowers, fol->y remarkable seed or inflated membranous capsules that look like small balloons. Packet, 20 cents, three for 25 ct*. Giant Climbing Nasturtiums •tunia• Black Eyed Susan Beautiful tr ailing plants for hanging baskets, lawn vases, low fenceo, verandas, rustic work or green-house decora- _______ tion. Flowers are orange, white, buff, etc. Height, 6 ft. Packet, lOc, 3 pkts. for 25e, postpaid Ever Glooming Hollyhock !lardy garden flower, blooms from seed the first season; flowers often measure five inches across, with a great variety of beautiful shades and tints. They bear pyramid-' ’ “e flowers sc— ------------- -Continuously_ ered with large flowers. 10 cents, three packets for 25 cents, postpaid. SENSITIVE PLANT Marvel of the Philippines. Leaves curl, fronds droop when touched. Apparently ... resents interference. A handsome shrub lor house or garden; very curious and interesting. Seeds, 25c pkt., 3 fer 40c. Dusty Miller beautiful for vases, edgings, ribbons, or ־il‘-v2v; mixed with cut den is complete without a bed of Petunias. Few plants can compare with them for beauty. Very easily grown; thrive where no other flower lives. Neither heat, rain or drouth affect them. Nothing better for growing in window boxes, on porch, and decorative purposes. Pkt. 15c, 3 pkts. 40c, p.pd. LARKSPUR Remarkable for beauty, diversity of shades and decorative qualities. Blossoms are of immense size, single, double and semi-double. The colors range from white and lavender through every ahade of blue, some hav-, ing several shades mixed. r¡ Very effective in borders ‘ and planted amongst shrubs. The graceful spikes of bloom are much valued for vases. Racket, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c p.pd. SdNBEftM BUOIOLOS Makes a magnificent show in the flower garden or on the lawn. Bears 20 to 30 grand flowers to each stalk. . Flowers beautiful beyond de-| scription: the colors are gor-us and markings marvel- ---Lend themselves to ar- $ tistic decoration: ffomadec-orative standpoint are simply k exquisite. Bloom early and profusely. Pkt., lOc, thro• Pkts. for 25 cents, postoaid. CIGAR PLANT u• A fe ?¿rtKir'b___ KfcMf ree I y blossoming and ornamental ap-•S¿» pearance. bears ;V large numbers of cigar - shaped flowers of a br'ght, scar-let color with white and purple ends. Always in bloom, cultivated indoors or outdoors. Good for bedding and hanging baskets; very desirable pot plants. Packet, 10 cents 3 pkts. for 25c p.pd. Johnson Smith & Co. NICOTIAN A - - - --,.'i flowers. Blooms very profusely throughout the summer, affording a continuous display of brilliant flowers. Flowers are nearly as large as a Petunia, and many are delightfully scented. Ptcket/IOc, 3 packets for 25c, postpaid Giant Empress Cockscomb Very handsome either for K plants or specimens in s, where they excite the curiosity of than almost any plant tnat can be grown. _ Very desirable for growing indoors: grow in pots practically all winter. Colors, brilliant scarlet, crimson, rose, orange, bright yellow and lemon. Packets. !0 cents, three packets for 25 cents, postpaid. SURPRISE FIORES GABOEtl?,vm?ii ״;t״*:‘.‘¿; MANY RARE AND CURIOUS NOVELTIES An Abundance of Flowors Assured Throughout the Season - " ' A mixture of easily grown annuals that bloom very soon after sowing the seed: others vary in their time of blooming. Those who cannot g ve the constant care necessary for finely arranged flower beds will D-• delighted with the Surprise Wild Flower Garden. Will prove a continual surprise and pleasure, as new varieties and the old garden favorites flower successively throughout the season. There are ov-Sr a hundred varieties of seeds. Many of the plants may be taken inside as house plants and will bloom during the winter. Fine for children, also teachers for school gardens. Packet. 15 cents, three packets lor 40 cents, postpaid. ‘ * " and white, effect is most charming, the tubular flowers contrasting effectively against the bright, delicate, fernlike leaves. For training upon a light trellis the Trembling Vine cannot be excelled. For window decoration, or ornamental work of every description it is very pretty indeed. Packet, 15c, 3 pkts for 40c. postpaid. Tb• fountain PtsDt (Amaranthus SalicifoHus) Finest of all Decorative Plants. It i» quite a curiosity either for lawn or borne decoration on account of its rapid and veryvigorous growth. Bears long, wavy racemei of branches, s b a*d e 5 with orange, bronze and crimson. Grows тегу readily. Succeeds anywhere. Greatly admired for table or window decoration. 15 cent* per packs*#• FOXGLOVE .Produces long spikes of nchly colored flowers, excellent for cutting. Par-ticutorly showy and desirable for nee among shrubbery and ш partly shaded spots. . However, it will grow just as well in the open. Easy to cultivate, re- auires little attention, pro-uces mass of flowers thru-out the season. iOc pkt. Owtrtc UgM Plant 'Mr: Remarkable curi- oeity, grows to the height of four feet, covered with large spikes of flowers eix to ei ght i nches long, in lovely shades, pure white at base and rose to bright red at top of flower. XOe pkt. СШВТ BIRD VINE ‘ a i/t Highly ornamental flrJ creeper with beautiful cut leaves and pretty, delicate flow— - with large, dark green foli-. producing great quan- ____•s of giant flower» of all colors. Packet, lO cents, kats for 25 cants, postpaid. ■»»t E«g •art s hap e an d color of nest eggs. Matured fruit does not crack. Will serve foryear» as a nest egg, stocking darner, ornamental purposes. S. yellow, bearing ing resemblance . a canary bird with wings halt expanded. Makes o desirable window decoration. Grows _ , . up to twenty feet high. Packet, 10 cents, three for 25 cents. BRH.LURT porn MIXTURE Collection is made up of all varieties that will gnve a constant bloom from early until late in the season. One of the easiest flowers to grow, and for a variety of colors nothing can compare with the delicate form and colorof these blooms. Packet, 10 cts, three packets for 25 cants, postpaid. mm uu* nuuueou) Rue type of Mari gold, bearing dense double flowers of a rich, deep golden-orange color. Very desirable for cut flowers. Grow anywhere, blooming profusely and ׳ continuously. Pkt, 10c, three pkts for 25e, postpaid. Beautiful hedge plant, grows 2to2\i xeethigh and resembling a closely clipped ornaments¡ evergreen. The globe-shaped or pyramidal bushes are close and compact, and of a — May bo ..... u. in uic lorn!in a hedge — background. In early autumn the whole bush becomes carmine or blood red, hence the name of Mexican Fire Plant, or "Burning Bush," as It i3 sometimes called. Selected Seeds, 10c packet, three packets for 25 cent•. Jap Virgin'* Bower Most beautiful of all f 1 owering vines. Flow-era large, measuring 4 to 6 inches across, are b o r _ in great wreaths and clusters. The colors״.^.. purple, wine color and pearly-white. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpaid Asparagus Sprengeri The bestplant for hanging baskets. Ms»■ Bes of rsl c h, gleaming foliage droop in a very graceful manner. The fo-. — — bage when cut Tor decorative purposes will last foe weeks in water. The seed pods are very pretty red berries adding to its beauty. Packet, IOc, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpaid Ptrfumt Fluirti •boo Fly Plant A very remarkable !,Botanical curiosity i yon should have. Though quite odor• l less, flies will not re-ain in a room where it is grown. Bears very pretty blossom e; blooms summer and winter. Grows rapidly from seed. •CCDS 15« packet, 3 for 40c, postpaid. FREE OF ВШЕ1 This eplendid ornamental tree is a native of China, and ie called the Treeof Heaven, on accountof its great beauty. Very hardy, thrives in any soil, no matter how poor, and grow» from 6 to 10 feet high from C seed the first sum-, „. _, , mer. The leaves e from 6 to 6 feet In any length, giving a grand appearance. Nothing outside . e tropics can rival it for lawn decoration. Large panicle» of bloom, followed 1□ season by great clusters of colored seed pods, make the tree a continual thiDg of beauty. Packet, 15c, 3 packets for 40c, postpaid. Johnson, Smith A Ce. PORTULACA Very popular for edgings, rock work,&e. Flowers are large and double, colors very brilliant red, orange, white, maroon. yellow, and various other shades. A bed of Portulacas makes a truly magnificent sight. Blooms very profusely. Packet 10 cents. 3 for 25 cents . 3 loo ms only at If night,giving forth the most delightful scented fra-grance for quite ■ . a distance. Causes much comment. For house or garden. Also valuable because of rare perfume made from it SEEDS, 10c pkt., 3 for 25e, Weather Plant P NATURE'S WEATHER PROPHET ffp By mysterious changes that take place,this remarkable plant aceu-¡W rately forecasts the weather blA many hours in advance. Will ■JR grow anywhere all the year gTO around. An intereating house SSY Bears large, fragrant, pink, butterfly shape flowers. 3 for 40e- peslpald «©Thumi¡ Calliopti* !^¿¡¡¡¿'2$ Very showy, low-growing, compact “־ bush, covered with ’ golden yeliowflow-j. era with deeperim-f son centers grow-. . ing to a height of eix inches. Seeds, 10 cents pkt, 3 pkts for 25 cents, postpaid. r A wonderful strain, pro-. ducing flowers in twelve 1 weeks from seed, at least I 80 per cent of the flow ers I being double All of the f beautiful shades of Carnations will bo found in this assortment. IOc pkt, 3 pkts for 25c, postpaid. ^elifoniia Poup> n The: state flower of California. A very attractive annual for beds, edgings or masses. Flowers profusely, foliagé fine yellow color with a blotch of go?den IS•,1«; profusely until late иг-адг¿״¿״ ss!íí:$8u?,fls: *Tiger” Flower vated: f lo ________ large, reddish brown, with golden yellow tiger-like markings, hence its name. Pro- .....n abundance of bloom, in fact th• plant is never out of bloom. Packet, 20c, 3 packet* fer 25c. Japanese Easily Grown From Sood Wintor or Summer The Japanese Umbrella Palm 1» a acmi-aquatic plant. '־ i easily grown from seed cither in a bowl of water or very damp soil. Probably the most usual, as well as most interesting method, is to cultivate the plant ir» —awl or jardiniere filled with water, with two or three inches of good garden soil at the bottom. The seed» soon commence to germinate, and the plant shoots up stems two to three feet high unit rapidly losumcie most pretty palm-like appearance, asshown in the engraving. The tops of the stems are surmounted by a whorl of umbrella-shaped loaves, of a wax״ f ״׳•־•»ranee. We will Bond a package of this soed, with foil instructions for culture, for only 15c or three packets for 40c postpaid. JOHNSON SMITH & СО.Г DEPT. M-3 3224 NORTH HALSTED ST., CHICAGO