1ЛOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 14 News Notes From The Lodges the Moose herd. Since the smoke has cleared they should be able td find double that number by March. M. G. Sherman, Secretary, of No. 478, Leavenworth, Kans., reports 49 initiations in the Sept, quarter and $1100.00 invested in Liberty Bonds. Dictator W. W. Woodson has a hustling Entertainment Committee, who show returns from dances $900.00. This demonstrates that the Leavenworth bunch ■knows how to entertain. Brother Hart of Paterson Lodge is talking Moose, night and day and in his sleep. The best part of it is he can show the results. Whoop ’em up, Brother Hart, we are with you, Higfc power air rifle for selling 6 k boxee Mentho-Nova Sálve at 25c. ü. S. COMPANY.Dep96 ״ Greenville. Pa. SHOO FLY PLANT Keeps Flies Out of the House Flies ־will not stay in a room where it is grown. Very mysterious, but tests show such to be the case. Blooms (60 days from planting). Flowers summer and winter. To introduce our catalog, we will give the above with an order for JapaneseRose Bushes Five for fOe Tlie Wonder of tile World Roses on them in 8 week* from planting seed. We Guarantee this. BLOOM EVERY TEN WEEKS Winter and Summer. Bush when 3yearsold will have 5 or 6 hundred Roses. Grows in the house in winter or in the __ ground in summer. Roses The Year Round. Pkt. of seeds with Guarantee, also above Shoo Fly Seeds. Both I mailedwithhandsomeTapaneseCatalogforiU^׳־ Japan Seed Co., Box 140 So. Norwalk, Conn. Mooseheart Magazine Classified Department MOOSE DRILL UNIFORMS. |70R SALE—Set eight guards and captain, * in good condition—half price. Write John Carter, 306 Ganard St., Covington, Ky. CIGARS ^*MJARANTEED Quality Goods at Special prices. Money returned if dissatisfied. Shiping charges prepaid. Sample box of 25 for $1.00. Proposition especially interesting to retailers. Northwestern Cigar Company, Neenah, Wisconsin. Female Help Wanted | ADIES to Sew at Home for a large Phila-delphia firm. Good pay; nice work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices paid. Universal Co., Department 18, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS OALESMEN—City or Traveling. Experience Unnecessary. Send for list of openings and full particulars. Prepare in spare time to earn the big salaries—$2,500 to $10,000 a year. Free Employment Service for Members. Address Nat’l Salesmen’s Tr. Assn., Dept. 137-A, Chicago, 111. Songs ,1X7RITE THE WORDS for a song. We write * ״ music, guarantee publisher’s acceptance. Submit poems on patriotism, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 538 So. Dearborn St., Suite 105, Chicago. Inventions INVENTIONS COMMERCIALIZED. Cash or •* royalty. Adam Fisher Mfg. Со., 190A, St. Louis, Mo. Write Picture Plays «/RITE PHOTOPLAYS: $60 each. Experi-” ence unnecessary; details free to beginners. Producers League, 385, St. Louis, Mo. fiE A DETECTIVE . Excellent opportunity, good pay, travel. Write, C. T. Ludwig,. 437 Westover Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. build a club house. They expect to raise 100,000.00 in the next few months. West Chester Lodge No. 908, have purchased a large building in West Chester which they will remodel into a club house. The consideration was $7,000.00. The New York State Convention of the Moose will be held in Batavia, New York, on the 12th, 13th and 14th of June. They expect an attendance of better than 5,000. Bloomington (Illinois) Lodge No. 745, opened temporary club rooms three days after their club rooms had burned out. They will erect a new club house in the fall of this year. Brother Stillwell, Sec’y of Hunting-ton Lodge L. I., is beginning to get his lodge in shape and expects to double its membership in the next few months. Go right after them, Walter. We are with you. On January 30th Columbus (Ohio) Lodge No. 11 gave a Minstrel show and Musical Revue, proceeds of which went to the charity fund of the lodge. More than 100 people were included in the cast. Hillsboro (Illinois) Lodge No. 1377 who gave up their club house to the Red Cross to use as an emergency hospital during the influenza epidemic, have moved back into their old home again. Oneida Lodge, New York, No. 421, initiated 316 members during the December quarter which gives them a total membership of 622. Something doing in Oneida. Boost ’em up 1000 by Convention. Smoke barrage did not interfere with Biwabik, Minn., Lodge No. 1126, as they emerged with 32 new Moose. Dictator G. H. Lommen, and Secretary W. H. Crocker, say they were singed a little but took them in are holding a grand bazaar during the week of February 24th. The women are getting together and with us. Eight hitherto unoffic-ila organizations are being chartered in March. Washington, Pa., Lodge No. 22, initiated 64 new members during the last quarter. They are building a new home which will cost about $40,000.00. Brother Frank Shertzer, a member of Chickies Rock Lodge located at Columbia, Pa., donated $3.00 to Moose-heart and $2.00 to the War Fund. Thanks. Big Ed Theis of New York City, expects to make a big showing in Greater New York, during the year. You New York Moose get your guns and get busy. New Kensington, Pa., Lodge No. 53, is comfortably located in their fine $35,000.00 home. They just bought $500.00 more Liberty Bonds on the last issue. Rochester, N. Y., Lodge, No. 113, bought $5000.00 worth of Liberty Bonds of the last issue which makes a total investment of over $13,500.00 in Liberty Bonds. Philadelphia Lodge, No. 54, expended $43, 229.00 for Sick Benefits and Funeral Expenses during the December quarter and lost 248 members during the “Flu” epidemic. Milford, Mass., Lodge No. 587, was hit hard with the “Flu.” They paid out over $1,400 benefits to members which is an average of nearly $4.00 per member. On the evening of January 3rd, Rochester (New York) Lodge No. 113 initiated a class of 239 members. Congressman James W. Meade addressed the meeting. Salt Lake City Lodge No. 259 has started a campaign to secure funds to Every Moose Should Read This IF YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, ASK YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT-I! INC COMMITTEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE. II IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY H. BRAN-11 DON, MOOSEHEART, ILLS., AND HE WILL. ñ 165— — —121—108•—105— — — - —62—35— 4-, . -247- - ■-־ — — — 204- —»19-. ;—176 319 — 311 — — 306 — — - — — —273- 394— —383—380—374—368— — 359 — -,4—338— 446—442— — - - 423—422 — 419—417—415—413— ■ —401 —540 — -31« — —507-. ~—496— —462 — ״ ,— 595 — 592 — 588 — 584—582—580—578— ,—573 - —688— — —675—655—634—633—623—620- — _ _ - 737—731—22?—717—714— —709— —702—701—695 __ 797—793— .— —775 — —762— —748 — —746_ 879—877— — 869 — 862—861—¡ —851—840— —812— — 912 — 911 — — — — 903 — — 886 — 885 - — 961 -* — 957 — 951 — 943 — 941 — 938 — 937 — 928 ,- — 1021 — 1015—1004 — . —992—988—987 ״ __ 1043 — 1042 — — 1039 — 1038 — — 1034 _ — _1051— — —1074—1075—1076— —. — _ 1Ш— —1135—1137—1143— —1152— — 1160— -1172— - -1177—1184 — — 1188—1189—1190— _ _ — 1200 — 1205 — 1206 — 1213 — 1214 — 1219 1247—1245— - — —1232—1230 — 8<־?1—1226—1222- «129 — 1293 — 1292 — — 1289 — — 1279 — 1253 — — 1364— —1361—1360—1345—1844—1331—1326—1319 — —1393—1392 — 1391—1390 — 1389—1386— —1378—, — — 1418 — — 1415 — 1414 — 1413 _ _ — —1469—1466—1462—1452— —1447— _ 16)15— - —1502— —1493—1491 — — 1484— 1577—1573— — —1555— —1544—1542- _ 1608 — — — — 1597 — — 1588 — 1586 - 1654—1650—1649 — 1647 — — —1624״ — —1612 I 18■ I¡ 175־ );13 397— 564 - 690 -739-SOl— 882 -925 -966 -1028 1101 1171 1220 1429 1481 Let’s go!! Are you a Legionaire? All aboard for Mooseheart! Lapsation is gradually ceasing. Moosedom’s best year for a long while! We need only four hundred more lodges to make two thousand. Big increases in membership everywhere! America is on the boom! Dean Rondthaler says that Gov. Brough of Arkansas is a real booster. Can your ritualistic team get a piece of the convention prize this year ? Wanted:—A man who can find a reason why my neighbor shouldn’t be a Moose. Why not have seven hundred thousand members ? What’s good for one is good for a dozen. Hamilton( Ohio) Lodge No. 1437 Set Solid Gold Set solid Gold Send Your Name and We’ll Send Yon a Lachnite T^ON’T send a penny. Just send your name and say־. "Send mo ■*-׳ a Lachnite mounted in a solid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial.” We will send it prepaid right to your home. When it comes merely deposit $4.75 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. If you, or if any of your friends can tell it from a diamond, send it back. But if you decide to buy it —send us $2.50 a month until $18.75 haa been paid. (ladies' or men's). Harold Lachman Co., 12N. Michigan Av.,Dept; ; S. SUPPLY COMPANY, Dept. 326 Greenville, Pa. PA D Get busy in~ LX r .troducing ■ 1 ? pocket knives and razors, name and address, Moose and other emblems clearly shown under transparent handles. Send in today for special outfit offer. Novelty Cutlery Co., 90 Bar St., Canton, Ohio ALL FREE Beautiful imitation Wrist Watch Bracelet, line lava• lier with chain and cameo ring guaranteed all free for selling only 6 boxes Mentho Nova Salve at 25c. Won• derful for colds, cuts, bums, catarrh, etc. Order today. Supply Co. Dept., 217 Greenville, Pa• .FREE Wonderful Spring MotorTalking Machine, 1 mahogany finish, and popular record is yours. A real Talking Machine. Plays all size records up to 10 inches. Given for selling only 25 beautiful Pictures or 25 packages Post Cards at 40 cents 1 each. Satisfaction positively guaran* teed. Order your choice today. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 736 CHICAG■ PHONOGRAPH nd RECORD eUSH CAR■______________________ This Five Passenger 37 H. P. car, 116 in. whl. base. All bear• fngs Timken. Deico tgn.-Dyneto Stg. and Ltg. Write atone« ”»r my great Free Offer and 48-page catalog. Agents wanted > drive and demonstrate. Territory open. Prompt shipments, „ig money. Cars guaranteed or money back. 1919 cars ready, DIICU Address J. H. Bush, President. Dept. C143 D U 9 ■■ MOTOR CO.. Bush Temple. Chicago. Illinois for „------------- to drive and demonstrate. _ Big money. Cars guaranteed Throw your VOICE. th»e. down in the cellar, into 8! trunk or any where. Our VENTRILO which fits in the mouth enable■ yon to fool all your friends. Also art of ventriloquism an big book of Jokes. By mail 10 cts. Prepaid. ARDEE NOVELTY CO. Bo:; 47 Stamford Conn.