13 MOOSEHE/mr MAGAZINE _ POWERFUL AIR GUN _ AND 500 BUCK SHOTS Bil? 31-inch lever-action rifle, fine walnut stock, free for selling 25 beautiful Pictures or 25 pkgrs. Post Cards at 10c. Order your cbcice. 6ftTES MFG. CO. DEPT. 536 CHiCftSQ RAISE BELGIAN HARES C°I HUGE PROFITS easily and pleasantlymade We ־־ furnish stock and pay you $6.00 a pair and . *•' express charges for allyou raise. Contract ^ end book“Fortune8 in Hares'', by mat i ►״«e. NATIONAL FOOD A FUN ASSOCIATION ^ Dept׳¿־¿ MILWAUKEE, W1SC. f WRIST WATCH FREE 1 You can get this fine Wrist Watch or ״ other beautiful watch guaranteed for 5 years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers’ Silver Sets,fine Lockets, La Valliers and many other valuable presents for sellingour beautiful Art and Religious pictures at 10c each. Order 20 pictures today and when sold, send us $2.00 and choose the premium tSanted. according to big list. RAY ART CO.. Dept. 0 CHICAGO Let ns send this fine Razor for 30 days free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return ro&x*. Order !¡today. JONES MFC. CO. 136 W. Lake St.Dept. 345 XlIUAtiO LEARN MECHANICAL DENTISTRY Earn $1200 to $4000 yearly. Attend school any time day or evening. Be taught individually, and ■learn by actual practice, without book study. Our system, the most complete in the world, is used exclusively in this school. We are constantly called upon- to fill salaried positions. Especially attractive proposition to those who write us immediately lor booklet Z. NATIONAL SCHOOL MECHANICAL DENTISTRY, 506 S. Wabash, Chicago. DOVCwith this article voucanappartnt-DU! *#iy see thru clotli or wood. See hones in the body makes the ilesli look transparent. By mail 10 cents. Catalogue and new coin trick free with the above. The Ardee Sales Co. Dept. 252* Stamford, Conn« we will tell you about their earnings—assets—liabilities—equipment-dividend possibilities — where incorporated-how managed—amount of production, etc. _ If you have bought or contemplate purchasing Oil securities get our reports—furnished free. of companies properly managed, safe guarded and free from debts make attractive investments. SMim-Murrm co. Stocks and Bonds 208 S. La Salle St. Chicago Leam Auto ’0,Tractor Business $100 To $400 A Month (GREATER opportunities VJ than ever due to increased production of Autos,Trucks, and Tractors. Big demand for Repairmen, Garage Foremen, Drivers and Tractor Operators. Thousands of our graduates making big money. Learn in G to 8 Weeks Immense additional equipment from cur former Military Division. Same practical ■*־־■־־ method as used to train soldier mechanics for U. S. Army in 60-day courses. Nnuf Write today, giving Nvv nun. age and occupation for 7-Day Trial Offer and 68-page Opportunity Book. Rahe Auto & Tractor School Kansas City. Mo, 2714 81., lider Agents Wa nted ^ Boys and young men everywhere are making good money taking orders for ‘ Ranger” bicycles and bicycles tires and sundries. You are privileged to select the particular style of Ranger bicycle you prefer: Motorbike model. * Arch-Frame,” Superbe,” *‘Scout, Special,” “Racer;,»etc.While you •ide and enjoy it in your spare time hour3—afternoons, after school, -venings and holidays — your admiring friends can be easily induced to place their orders through you.Every Ranger sold takes with it our 5־year guarantee and the famous 30-Day Trial agreement. Factory-to-Rlder. Every purchaser of a Ranger bicycle (on our factory-direct-to-the-rider eales plan) gets a high-grade fully guaranteed model direct from the factory at wholesale rices,and is privileged to ride it for »0 days before final acceptance, lr not satisfied it may be returned at our expense and no charge !a made for the use of machine during trial. Delivered to You Free. We prepay the delivery charges on every Ranger from our factory in Chicago to your town. If you want to be a Rider Agent or if you-want a good xciuer rtgem. or 11 .»»•* —«*■•־ — bicycle at a low price, write us today for the big free Ranger Catalog, wholesale prices, terms ana full particulars. UCAVl CYCLE COMPANY nCAU Dept, l ui CHICAGO,U.S. A. The Mooseheart Legion of the World For Men and Women INDIANAPOLIS MEETS. At a joint meeting of Indianapolis Lodge No. 17, L. O. O. M. and Hoosier Heart Legion No. 27, held on Sunday, December 29th, a class of thirty-five were initiated into the Moose and fifty-two into the Legion. The exercises were followed by a cafeteria supper for the Legionaires at which more than two hundred were present. This joint meeting was a grand success and will be followed by similar joint initiations. The Indianapolis slogan is: “Five thousand members by January 1st, 1920.” One of the features of the Legion meeting was the presentation to Dr. John D. Nichols, now resident physician at Mooseheart, of a solid gold fob. Legionaire Nichols was master of work of Hoosier Heart before he came to Mooseheart. WOMEN OF MOOSEHEART LEGION. Your attention is called to the progress now being made by the different chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion. Since the transition from ■year to peace conditions the chapters have shown a decided rise in membership growth and social activities. Many of the chapters have their charters open and in one cr two instances the membership has almost been doubled. The membership campaigns carried on by the women are conducted by their own organization committees as a rule. In many instances the chapter is divided into two teams each team having a captain, the losing side then entertains the winners to a banquet when the contest is over. This system has been most successful and is very popular among the members. Practically all of the chapters have again become normal after the very trying period period experienced during the “flu” epidemic. None of our societies were hit very hard by death loss, which was indeed fortunate. The chapters all over the country have made a name for their society by as-. sisting their respective cities both financially and personally in the fight against the “flu,” which was almost uncombatable among the poor and needy. These organized societies of the women throughout our great Order are always ready to help the Lodges in their different enterprises. Social functions are not complete unless the women take hold of that half of the entertainment which pertains to the “eats.” This co-operation between the Lodge and the wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of the Moose is wonderful. It is good for the fraternity as a whole, because this association elevates the standards of the Lodge. The women of this Order are just as much interested in assisting in the furtherance of the work at Mooseheart as the men of the Order. It is true that their help at this time is (Continued on page 19) the vocational school for our sons and daughters. ----—o-------- Kanoka Legion No. 132 is one of the best in the organization. This district was instituted at Pittsburgh, Kansas and is as lively a crowd as you ever got in with. Go to it Pittsburgh, old scout! Philadelphia Legion No. 3, now has 2394 members. Some total to shoot at for leadership among the Legions, but Mecca district No. 11 legionaires since consolidation with Chicago No. 11, says that they are going to put in a bid for that honor in a short time which will cause the legionaires in No. 3 to put on a few campaigns for new members. State of Maine Legion No. 40 was just instituted recently at Rumford. A large charter class took the work and the officers are going to make their organization a head liner in the big show in the first act. There is no reason why a State which furnished real live Moose should not have a few Legionaires. “Old Squirtum would be right at home there.” When one reads of this competition for leadership in the Legion it might be well to know that Doc Waddell, Great North Moose of Rainbow Legion No. 25, has called a meeting of all the Great North Moose in the State of Ohio, and will outnumber any other State in the Union and Canada. Out of such a combine may spring some individual legion with a membership which will no doubt attract some attention from those who are competing for first honors. Ohio already stands right at the head of the list. Ft. Wayne First.—Ft. Wayne Legion No. 18 is the first Legion to put out an entirely Legion paper. They call it “Alces Machlis.” This paper in its first issue is one of the liveliest organs ever put out by any fraternal organization. It contains all the doings of the Legion in that district, both past and future. The Legionaires of Ft. Wayne Legion are hustlers, always on the job thinking of new things to do to interest the boys. We congratulate Ft. Wayne for leading the way to others with your first edition and we envy your originality. IS THE Legion in your district organized? If not you should get in touch with the Grand Regent’s office at Mooseheart at once for particulars. There are only two hundred districts in the Legion and over one half of these are already organized, while many are being organized at this time and will be instituted soon. Every member of the Order wants th Second Degree of Moosedom sooner or later, and of course the earlier the Legion is started, the sooner will that particular Legion become well regulated and worth wrhile to the members. The outstanding feature of the Men’s Legion is the community idea involved. This plan of grouping approximately eight or nine different lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose together into one Legion district and then hold the meetings of that Legion in each of the Lodges therein, is a big factor in the life of each of these Lodges. It is that “get together” idea which is valuable and we must have more of it. When the weak lodge in that territory helds-n legion meeting and five hundred legionaires and candidates swarm into the city and up to the Moose Home, then the citizens of that, and the members of that Lodge will begin to wonder. The outcome of it all, is that new life takes root and everyone gets in that “busy” atmosphere and boosts. Legion frolics are put on in big style because only four to six meetings are held during the year and it gives ample time for preparation and you get a breathing spell between times. After the ritualistic ceremony a big feed is put on for an intermission and then the legionaires have a new and novel burlesque initiation, mixed with pomp and splendor winding up the evening with a joyous good time. In some districts the Legion frolics ai'e promoted on quite an extensive scale. This is more common among the thickly populated districts. The boys come for a good time and it is seldom they go disappointed. Everybody makes new acquaintances and learn something of what the other fellow is doing. This neighborhood idea means conservation for the Loyal Order of Moose as a fraternal organization. In addition to this relation which the Legion holds to the Order, it is assisting in the upbuilding of Mooseheart. Already two beautiful dormitories have been completed and are now housing boys and girls. East Legion Hall and West Legion Lodge are the first two monuments of this help and the third will be started the coming spring. Other smaller services rendered Mooseheart by providing entertainment for the children are extended from time to time. The school has been presented with a large circulation library which was badly needed. It is a pleasure to the legionaires to have taken the second degree of the Order and know that they are always assisting in the upbuilding of PIKES PEAK LEGION NO. 156 AT PUEBLO MEETING. The Legionaires in Pikes Peak district held big frolics in Pueblo and Canon City during December and January. This is the first Legion organized in the State of Colorado.