MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 12 Bowlegged Men Your Legs will appear Straight If you wear Straightleg Garters Combinalton hose supporter and pantleg straiglitener—quickly adjusted to fit various degrees of bowlegs; as easy to put on and comfortable to wear as any ordinary garter •—no harness or padded forms; just an ingenious special garter for bowlegged men— improves appearance wonderfully. Wearers enthusiastic over results. You will be, too. Write for free booklet, mailed in plain envelope. S-L Garter Co. 634 City Bank Bid;. Dayton, 0. SHOO tm lIKE A PISTOC Combination Pocket Knife and Revolver 'W 9 Not merely a novelty but really a useful “gun-knife.” In shaue and. size s ־ne as ordinary pocket knife. In service an ingenious revolver and one of the best hunting knives made. Shoots real .22 caliber cartridges or blanks. Excellent for HUNTER, FISHER or DEFENSE purposes. Always reliable and SAFE.Cannot go off by itself—just as sa;e as any revolver. Keen steel blade, handle n.cely nickle .ted. When closed, 3% in. long. Cartridge chamber and trigger when not in use lie concealed in knife handle, just like knife blade. . This nignly desirable “gun-tnif.1' mailerl nronnili on r^neint of »5. Tr־־ j'־-־־״■־־־’’ MMH ________________ ______ This ________ knife“ mailed prepaid on receipt of $5. Try this wonderful. double ut’lity implement 10 days. If you don t, like it, return it and we 11 refund yeur money. SEND YOUR ORDER TODAY. Regular 2 Ca!¡be U. S. SMALL ARMS SALES ( JATl No. Lincoln St., Dept. 1Д , Chicago Ready For Distribution Mooseheart Statuary The boys in the cement vocational course at Mooseheart have produced remarkably beautiful statuary, which, at the present time, comprises more than 60 subjects. Plans have been in preparation for some time to distribute this statuary nationally and we are now pleased to announce that a supply is available and a catalog is practically ready for distribution. For this month we make a special offer of a 12-inch bust of General Pershing in beautiful ivory finish. Price $2.50 delivered to your home. Mooseheart in Pictures That the world in general and that our members in particular may know of Mooseheart and its beauties we have arranged to prepare beautifully colored photographs of Mooseheart framed and ready for hanging on the wall. These pictures are the work of an artist and are as beautiful as nature itself. They are mounted in burnished gold frames and make an ideal decoration for any wall. They are 10 by 14 inches in size and the special offering for this month is a beautiful view of Moose Creek where it enters the lake. The price delivered to your door is $3.00. You would pay 50% more for a subject as beautiful as this in a local art store. Mooseheart Souvenir Folders This attractive little folder is as descriptive of Mooseheart as anything ever prepared on the subject. It contains 18 views of Mooseheart and its activities in colors and we urge that every Moose iee that his friends who are not Moose receive one of these folders. For 10c w^ will mail one o‘f these beautiful little folders to any friend of yours bearing your name and address as the sender. There is no other way that you could possibly explain to your friends so thoroughly the work that is being done bv the LovaJ Order of Moose at Mooseheart. Our complete catalog of Mooseheart statuary- reading lamps garden furniture and colored ohotographs is ready for distribution. Write for your copy .Remember. we absolutely guarantee vou satisfaction on anything you purchase from the Committee on Public Information, (t vou are not satisfied return che article ana we will refund you cite purchase price. Order from COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION Division on Special Publicity MOOSEHEART, ILL. ANCIENT HISTORY. Mr. James J. Davis, Director General L. 0. O. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. Dear Sir and Bro.—We have in our city an esteemed citizen who is a retired showman. His name is John F. Stowe. At a recent date, a number of Brother Elks (including myself) surprised him at his home and presented him with a rocking chair, the occasion being the event of his taking unto himself a wife. During the evening, while discussing fraternal orders, Mr. Stowe made the statement that he was one of the original members of the Loyal Order of Moose, although he had never been a member after they procured a charter. He said that in 1887 or ’88 that he was playing in vaudeville at Nellis Borden’s Variety Theater in Louisville, Ky.. and a number of performers got together and organized a club for social purposes. The question came up for a name to be given to it, and he suggested the name of the Moose, which was agreed upon, and they appointed him Grand Dictator. The initiation fees were whatever one could afford to give, some being a box of cigars, and a hatter who joined presented the Dictator with a plug hat. After leaving Louisville for other engagements, the club was forgotten, and little did he realize that it would grow into a grand order such as we have at the present time. Our local Lodge of Moose has extended Mr. Stowe an invitation to become a social member of our Order, but before becoming a member he says he would like to have his statements substantiated in some way. This is why I write you for enlightenment. Three of the performers who were members at the time in Louisville were the Crimmins Bros, and Billy Baker, but he has lost track of them. With best wishes, I am Yours fraternally in P. A. P., W. A. BROWN. 902 East Main St., Niles, Mich. CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Dear Editor:—If you can spare a little space in Magazine, will be glad to tell the many readers about Concord Lodge, No. 404. In June of last year we organized No. 404, and in thirty days we had a membership of nearly three hundred members. We increased right along until the epidemic of influenza hit us in the early fall, when it became impossible to hold any public meetings. Prospects are much better now, however, we still have many cases of influenza in our city. We are getting ready to put on a big membership drive the fiirst of March, when we hope to grow ■to a “round thousand.” Our good Dictator, who is one of the leading attorneys here, is now at Raleigh, the state capital, where he is “serving his time” as senator. Bro. J. O. Moose, our Vice, is filling the chair very satisfactory in our Dictator’s absence. Bro. Moose has been a '“moose” for 40 years and likes it. Yours for a million Moose in 1919, J, WALTER DARNELL, Sec’y. Concord. N. C., Jan. 23rd, J.919. BALTIMORE LODGE UNVEILS MONUMENT. Baltimore Lodge unveiled their Moose monument at the Woodlawn Cemetery on January 19th. The Lpdge has aameo :;heir or Moose Rest which is very novel idea. The monument is a large affair standing 15 feet high with a Moose head on top. Dave Davis is in charge of a big membership drive at Baltimore. Dave says 5,000 will be the membership of Baltimore soon. Go to, boys! Are You Losing Your Grip On Health Your Blood May Be Starving for Want of Iron—Making You Weak, Nervous, Irritable and Exhausted. Nuxated Iron increases the Red Blood Corpuscles and builds up the strength, energy and endurance of delicate, run-down people in two weeks* time in many instances. Thousands of men and women are impairing their constitutions, laying themselves open to illness and literally losing their grip on health, simply because their blood is thinning out and possibly starving through lack of iron. Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital, says: “Lack of iron in the blood not only makes a man a physical and mental weakling, nervous, irritable, easily fatigued, but it utterly robs him of that virile force, that stamina and strength of will which are so necessary to success and power in every walk of life. It may also transform a beautiful, sweet-tempered woman into one who is cross, nervous and irritable. To help make strong, keen, red-blooded Americans there is nothing in my experience which I have found so valuable as organic iron—Nuxated Iron. It often increases the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, run-down people in two weeks’ time.” Nuxated Iron is now being used by over three million people annually, including such men as Ex-Governor of Iowa; former United States Senator and Vice-Presidential nominee, Charles A. Towne; United States Commissioner of Immigration Hon. Anthony Caminette; also United States Judge, G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washington and others. The manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory re־־ uIts to every purchaser or they will refund your money. Nuxated Iron is dispensed by all good druggists. in A 0₪p We revise poems, write ll\ n Oullu music and guarantee to secure publication. Submit poems on any subject. BROADWAY STUDIOS, 134-D^itzgeraid Blog., New York wind and set watch, guarantee!! ----*------iw~j 25 art and relig- pkgs. pest cards your choice. GATES HUS. CO., Dept. 438 Chicago We Buy And Sell Old Coins. $2 to $500 Each Paid. Send 10c for New Illustrated Price List 4x6. Get posted at Once. You may have valuable coins ClarkeCoin Co. Box 129, LeRoy, N.Y. OLD MONEY WANTED üüiMACHtiüFREE о umir nwn**movie1 e your own movie »me, A wonderful moving picture jna* e,complete with gas generator and 3 seta , ail different (99 views I. Powerful lena ¡ne pictures large And clear. Given for ig ‘¿6 art and religious pictures or26 pkga card־ at 10c each. Order «hoice g. is MFG. CO., Dtpt. 1330 CHICASO HANDSOME LACE CURTAIN^ for selling only 30 packs Vege• per large pack. Also easily Write attuice юг bigsanu pie lot. WE TRUST VOU л seeds sold. AMERICAN SEED CO., 8L i Lancaster! Pennsylvania, Get This! Gar And the AGENCY Bn YOUR Territory Drive a new 1919 Birch 3UPER - FOUR and make E1 KrfM guaranteed. Prompt*shipments. Write quick for full information. BIRCH MOTOR CARS c h'i c a¿oa-E'i'll INofs MOOSE Song Books Every lodge should have a supply of these books. Nothing has ever been produced so satisfactory for lodge, assembly, or community singing. Contains 22 complete songs and choruses of 55 of the nation’s most popular songs of the day,‘ and music for 31 of these songs. This book regularly sells for 15c per ^opv out ;hrough an arrangement with u.eo Feist inc, we are able to sell this special edition at a reduced rate to mem-oers of che lYLoose ano to rodges oi the Order. PRICE IN Quantities !nr Ob 30 OR MORE Sena 10c tot sample copy. —Order from— COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC INFORMATION Division on Lodge Service MOOSEHEART, ILL.