^1ШЕШ1ЩЕ BUSHES The Wonder of the World •I Japanese Rose Bushes bloom all the year round. Jus| B think of it. Six weeks after planting the seed, the plants will be in full bloom. It may not seem possible, but we posi-tively guarantee It to be so. They will bloom every ten weeks. Summer or Winter, and when three years old the fbush will be a mass of roses, bearing from five hundred to fa thousand roses on each bush. The flowers are in three shades —white, pink, and crimson. The plants will do well both in and' outdoors. We guarantee at least three bushes to grow from each packet of seed. Price, 10c packet, 3 pkts. for 25c postpaid. Chinos« Fragrant Tro• Fan Weather Plant NATURE'S,WEATHER PROPHET V By mysterious changes that take • I place,this remarkable plant accu-W rately forecasts the weather ■ many hours in advance. Will p grow anywhere all the year I around. An interesting house • plant. Bears large, fragrant,. T pink, butterfly shape flowers. Seeds, 15c packet, 3 for 40c, postpaid Just introduced; noted for Its rapid growth. An exceptionally pretty ornamental plant. Foliage is rich dark green. Forms grand pyramidal bushes about 6 feet high. Branches very desirable for decorative purposes, wreaths, etc. Seeds 15c pkt., 3 for 40c. GROUND ALMONDS Amazingly Prolific—Easily Grown From Soed !^©Ground Almcmd has a flavor that is MOST EXCELLENT, resembling the eocoanut. The meat is snow white, covered with a shell or skin of brown color. It grows close to theYurface from 200 to 300 Almonds may be x ’ ־ itever and anything _________________ expected from a single nut. There is__ ״ in growing anywhere and in any kind of soil. May be any time, and in eight or ten weeks from time of manrimr you will have an ENORMOUS CROP of the MO^T np i CIOUS ALMONDS YOU EVER TASTED. Seed¿ 15c Pkt. SENSITIVE PLANT Marvel of the Philippines. Leaves curl¿ fronds droop when 1 touched. Apparently ... resents interference. A handsome shrub for house or, garden; very curious and interesting. Seeds, 15c pkt., 3 for 40c. Japsrt«*• Nast Egg Gourd | Very curious. ! Produces fruit same size,; shape and color of n e a t j eggs. Matured fruit does not, crack. Will-serve for years as a nest egg, stocking darn-' er, ornamental purposes,, etc. Seeds 15o pkt.,:3 pkts. for 40c. Perfume Plan I the most delightful scented fragrance for quite , . ״. _ a distance. Causes mucn comment. For house or garden. Also valuable because of rare perfume made from it. SEEDS, 10c pkt., 3 for 25c Calabash or Pipe Gourds A luxuriant and rapid growing climber; thrives any-wh ere. Produces ¡the orna-¡mental 1^ourd whichthe famous , . , , ״ African calabash pipes are made. Grow this interesting vine and make your own .Seeds, with instructions, 15c pkt., 3 for 40c. Mammoth Peanuts Peanuts can be easily cultivated. Their culture is very simple and exceedingly interesting. Mammoth Peanuts grow to an astonishing size. It is a good producer, very prolific, and the giant nuts have a thick, ..........bed protecting shell. The plant is very attractive, the leaves being of odd shapfe and __ade, tinted through the center with white. You will derive much pleasure cultivating 3SS The CONJURER’S 'CASKET - " Apparatus and Directions fer a Number »1 Mysterious Tricks — Enough for an Entire Evening’• Entertainment ANYONE CAN DO THEM It Is great fun mystifying your friends. Get this Conjurer’s Cabinet, and you will be the cleverest fellow In your district. It contains the apparatus for seven first-rate tricks, including The Disappearing Rose, that, when placed on the lapel of your coat, vanishes from sight at will; the Magic Vase and Ball Trick (a Wooden Ball is Ïlaced inside, and upon replacing the lid has disappeared and is ound in someone else’s pocket); The Magic Nail with which you can apparently cut your finger almost in two; the Wonderful Card Trick ׳ J’s placed in an envelope, and when opened an entirely differ- altogether is found) ; The Disappearing Coin Box (a coin is nomination) ; The Famous Mesmerized Penny that defies the law of oravîf-ntîîSi01׳?,^Tu0**1e.r ^e-the hand, nose, cheek, wall clothing, etc.); The Glass Goblet and Va^fshi^g Coin Tnc^^coïï 1!s^roDDed S 5™ water, and when the water |, poured out the coin has vanbhel). With tte sXn teSS-8fn־lfaJLprVnted lnstructions for performing each trick, so that anyone can readily per-Î;ilooof their , ends or the Public. Any boy of ordinary intelligence, with this Cabinet of Tncks in his possession can give a parior entertainment not Inferior to some regular !,״il «!?,¡♦״h1,e Cabinet, there are twenty-five other feats and illusions fully explained with full printed instructions, for which you can easily make or procure the necessary apparatus. ------e, a■״.■. -״I.-O'. iota ut VOl Uh, ill« UlHWll ivUTa, 1H6 Mat Tbrouah a Table Ore Cent Knbbed into Two To Find the Number fhouaht of,־Mrsterlois Widdlns Kin¿", :. We also sen d_ the secret ofjierfornungjhree wonderful stage h — ״׳׳״:־-־> *■- « --™׳ £--- he Disapp! _ _ PRICE COMPLETE ONLY 50 CENTS! ״i.mjotonuui vveuu.ng o״״-■;״ ~—־.,MI follows: The Act of Cremat- Room, and the Disappearing Lady, together with an article on “ , ...vt, i ww 1 ״ mm uib lvumuer 1 nouf - i also send the secret of performing three wonderful stage tricks mg a Woman, Walking on the Ceiling of a Room, and 1־V ־ - legerdemain and valuable hints to amateur conjurers. ITCHING POWDER This is another good practical joke; the intense discomfiture of your victims to everyone but themselves is thoroughly enjoyable, All that is necessary to start the ball rolling is to deposit a little of the 8. . - > to do the rest. The result is a vigorous scratch, then some more scratch, and still some more. 3 Boxes for 25c. Sent only by express. (Must order at least One Dollar’s worth of other merchandise.) ANARCHIST BOMBS Consists of a little glass ____ __ glass vial, containing in liquid form a chemical which will produce a most horrible odor. One dropped in_ a room full of people will cause more consternation than a limburger cheese. The smell will entirely disappear in a short time._ 3 Boxes for 25c, m Dollar’! shipped by express only with worth of other merchandise. INVISIBLE INK VANISHING INK Writing written with this remarkable ink vanishes entirely in a few weeks (sooner if desired), leaving the paper QUITE BLANK. 15c p. pd. innmmCTn£«wi?« affiPvx b& 5 ROOM; writing shir.es like fire. Quite invisible at daytime. Very remarkable. 15o bottle; 3 for 40c postpaid. JOHNSON SMITH & CO. Newest Novelty Aeria Bal •Japan•*• Climbing Cucumber ■ г a• -Jfeje-—- Unusually strong and vlg-r orous growing-vine . Attains, twice the size-of ordinary varieties. Grows readily on fences, poles, trellises, etc. One hill will heavily ribbed protecting shell. The plant is very ״*tractive, the leaves being of odd shape and handsome green shade, tinted through the ---iter with white. You will derive much pleasure cultivating this interesting species. Seeds 15c pkt., 3 pkts. for 40c. Shorn Fly Plant A very remarkable Botanical curiosity you should have. Though quite odor-, flies will not re- ___in in a room __ where it is grown. Bears very pretty blossoms; blooms summer and winter. Grows rapidly from seed. SEEDS 15c packet, 3 for 40c, postpaid. 9ПО« «Щ.. UMBRELLA PALM THE Git EAT JAPANESE _____________ A Graceful House or Conservatory Plant, Quite Easily Cultivated. Easily Grown from Seed, Summer or Winter The Great Japanese Umbrella Palm is a semi-aquatlc plant. It is easily grown from seed either in a bowl of water or in very damp soil. Probably the most usual, as well as the most interesting method, is to cultivate the plant in a bowl or jardiniere filled with water, with two or three inches of good garden soil at the bottom. The seeds Boon commence to germinate, and the plant shoots up stems two or three feet high and rapidly assulhes a most ׳. The tops of the stems pretty palm-like appearance, as shown in the engraving. decidedly novel. The Umbrella Palm is ideal for table or window for the L.. servatory, and indeed for all decorative purposes, fish bowls, aquarium, etc. We will send a package of this seed, with full instructions for culture, for only 15 cents, or three packages for 40 cents, postpaid. JOHNSON SMITH & CO. Butterfly’s Own Bush This plant is a veritable refuge of ha-Iven for butterflies, and it attracts al I the most beautiful types of butterflies to the neighborhood. Bees, too. are very fond of it. It is a pretty plant bearing׳ p e r f e c ty e flow«•!• red and pink, lilac and other delicate shades. Packet 10c, 3 for 25 cents. CROWN OF THORNS A very curious and remarkaole window plant, can be trained over any desired form. Bright acarletflow-ers. An object of rare and striking beauty, easily grown. It grows wild in Judea, and it is aaid that it was from this plant that the crown of thorns was made which was worn by our Saviour. Packet, 10c, 3 Packets for 25 cents THE TREMBLING VINE A beautiful annual climber with lovely feathery foliage,that trembles in the breeze, showing masses of pretty star-shaped flowers of scarlet, pink and white. The effect is moat charming, the tubular flowers contrasting effectively against the bright, delicate fern-hko leaves. For training upon a light trellis the Trembling Vine cannot be excelled. For window decoration, or ornamental work of every description it is very pretty indeed. Packet, 15 cents, 3 Packets for 4(^cents, postpaid._________J• S• & Co. This splendid ornamental t is a native China, and called the Tree of Heaven, account of great beauty. Very hardy, thrives in any soil, no matter how poor, and grows from 6 to 10 feet high from seed the first summer. The leaves are from 5 to 6 feet in any length, giving it a grand appearance. Nothing outside the tropics can rival it ior lawn decoration. Large panicles of bloom, followed in season by great clusters " colored seed pods, make the tree _ continual thing of beauty. Packet. 15c, 3 Packets for 40 cants, postpaid A Few Other Seed Novelties You Should Cultivate—10c Pkt Japanese Hop Vine Emerald Isle Kale Castor Oil Plant Famous PassionFlowerVIno Ornamental Cotton Fuchsias Job’s Tears (Great curiosity) . ׳"' Cathedral Bella ” Tiger” Flower DEVIL’S CLAW An ornamental E* which are succeeded by large seed pods that, when young.are fine for pickling. They are delicious in soups, stews, etc., and make find pickles Packe 3 packets for 25 cents. Bi Musk Meion A vinoless Musk Melon, grows in bushes. and thus cap be cultivated in the smallest garden. The fruit is of the popular ‘,Jenny Lind” type, but larger, averaging 5 inches in diameter. The flesh is-very deep, edible almost to the rind and is colored light green, flushed with salmon toward the center. The quality is superb, lusciously sweet and juicy. Packet of seeds, with full directions for culture, 15c, 3 Packets for 40c Flies grac» fully In or outdoors. This is the VERY LATEST SENSATION IN BALLOONS. A brightly colored balloon that measures sixteen inches lohg is blown up in the usual way, and. when released, the air pressure sends the balloon SOARING UPWARD,־ the 3 1-2 inch propeller SPINNING AROUND AT A LIVELY RATE. The effect is startling. It is a graceful flier that makes the youngsters WILD WITH JOY. May be used repeatedly indo rs or outdoors. An immensely interesting toy. Price 10c each, 3 for 25c. postpaid. Johnson Smith & Co., Chicago. ords every time you Makes its own ink. ___cheaper than foun- . pens. Writes a long letter with one dip in plain water._ No trouble--no bother—no muss. A pleasure to use. With Nickel Plated Reversible Holder ID CENTS, 8 for 25c. The most confidential messages can be written with this Ink, for the writing MAKES NO MARK. Cannot be seen unless you know the secret. Invaluable for many reasons. Keep your postals and other private m! orandums away from pr_______ _ eyes. Great fun for playing ” practical jokes. Only 15c Bottto GOOD LUCK RINCÄ’ A VE,tY ' it and . Design — _______ sinking and uncommon ring, made of gunmetal. Skull and crossbone design, with two brilliant flashing gems sparkling out of the eyes. A never failing object of interest. It is said by many to bring Good Luck to the wearer, hence its name Good Luck Ring, apd whilst we will not positively ily a very unique ring wearing. They were guarantee that, it is certainly that you will take a pride in w!--------- ---- made to sell at 50 cents, but as a special bargain we will supply them to customers mentioning this paper, at HALF PRICE, viz., ONLY 25 CENTS, POSTPAID. JOHNSON SMITH & CO. INKLESS E) Writes fashionable violet color. Better and cheap ibw _____ tain pens. Writes a long letter with one dip in pit Trim Your Own Hair With the Utility Safety Hair Cutter Cuts the Hair Any Length, Short or Long— Saves Its Cost First Time Used. Price Only 35c Ext^ilaJes If you can COMB your hair you can TRIM your own hair with • marvelous invention. The UTILITY TRIMMER will cut k Jlhair ?1*y 1,ength you desire, short or long, finish the job as nicely as any barber and in one-fourth.the time before your own mirror. The ladies can cut the chi'dren’s hair at J home m a jiffy; can be used as an ordinary razor to shave the face or finish around the I temples and neck. Sharpened like any razor; can be carried In the vest pocket ready L for instant use and will last a lifetime. To use it, stand in front of a mirror, if neces-I sary. and use the UTILITY TRIMMER like you would a comb. Push it through the hair, | downwa d, in the direction the hair lies, but Never Upward. To cut long hair, first u moisten the hair and comb it, so it will lie close to the head, then start cutting with downward cuts, as high as you desire; evenly all around the head. Finish around the neck and temples with a square cut, like a barber. It is impossible to leave any ‘‘nicks” or ‘cat steps” in your nair with this device, as the handle guard guides the cutter blade , evenly over the scalp. To cut very close, push the blade until the cutting ed e is even 3 with the guard teeth. To shave the face or neck it can be us d as an ordinary razor by reversing the blade In the holder, the cutting edge being to the back of the holder, , exposing the entire blade, except each corner. To none, pi !ce the blade in the holder j with the cutting edge to the back, moving the blade out until the cutting edge is clear of the back of the holder. Then hone in the usual manner; finish on a strop as with an ordinary razor. Johnson Smith & Co., Dept. M 2 54 W, Lake St., Chicago © most wonderful and In Oenious Camera made It is but little larger than a watch, which it closely re-Be™ble8. You can carry the Expo about in your pocket and take pictures without any one being the wiser, One Cent a Picture The Expo loads in daylight with 25 Exposure Films, costing 25c, thus the picture taking part of a whole day’s outing may be had for the nominal sum of 25c—One cent a picture. J Exposure Films also obtain-9. It is simplicity itself to operate. Takes pictures through the tem. where the Rapli' zated. The photos (I enlarged to any size. OUICK AG A FLA^H Time •nd Instantaneous shutters; w H F! weighs but 8 ounces ; nickel plated. Endorsed by amateurs and professionals the world over. Thoroughly practical-printing and developing of films just thesame as ordinary cameras-^-in daily use by beats have ___ Produces clear. __r________________ market, size or price notwithstanding. Expo Watch Camera QO Eft FILMS, 10 Exposures 15c, 25 Exposures, 25o Posiage 10c Anywhera VsivU leather Pocket Carrying Case, 35c JOHNSON SMITH & CO.. Deot. M2 54 W. Lake St.. CHICAGO “The Baby” “i.-S.״.?!•.'״״ Revolver] A Handsome and Most Effective Weapon. Measures But 4*4 Inches Long. Takes Regular .22 Calibre Cartridges g geft The new Baby Double Action Kammerlexs R•- volvor has been produced to meet the ever increasing demand for a revolver that would combine small size and light weight with the essential features of Efficiency and Practicability. It is small in size, yet is |f-— just as effective and serviceable as the most expensive weapon you can buy. Everyone, should have arevolv _safety act! _ ___ accidental dis• quite safe for young men ,׳־ ־ ־־׳־־‘־־־־‘־־־ lea of safer or better___ __ this. A great feature it that guards against ׳ ing it qui _____________________ !1 plated fluted barrel of cylinder, and it weighs only 4>6 ounces. The price of the Baby Revolver Is only $5.50. ■•nt by mail, p.pd. to any address. JOHNSON SMITH & CO., Dept. M 2 54 W. Lake St.. CHICAGO STAGE MONEY! Sneezing Powdei With a bunch of these bills, it is easy for each person of limited means to appear rjrosperous. By flashing a roll of these bills at the proper time and peeling qff e genuine bill or two from the outside or the roll, the effect created will be found to be all that can be de-Bired. Price*, postpaid: 15 Bills lOc, 50 Bills 25c, 125 for 5uc, or $3.50 thousand. > sneeze without knowin: marks, as they never Buspect the real source, but think they have caught it one from the other. Between the laughing and sneezing you yourself will be having the time of your life. For parties, political meetings, car rides, or any place at ” ' are there is a gathering of people, e greatest Joke out. Price 12c or 3 for 39c. JOHNSON SMITH & CO. NEW BOOK ON ROPE SPLICING! Useful Knots« Hitches, Splices, etc. IIow Different Knots Are Made and What They Are Used For. Knots to Use and Knots to Avoid. A most practical handbook giving complete and simple direction for making all the mo3t useful knots, hitches, rigging, splices, etc. Over 100 i lustrations. All about wire rope attachments, lashing, blocks, tackles, etc. 37 Heraldic Knots illustrated. Of great value to mechanics, riggers, campers, boatmen. Price 20i postpaid. JOHNSON SMITH & CO., Dept. M 2 54 W. Lake St.. Chicago THE “LITTLE GIANT” TYPEWRITER! A First Class Writing Machine For SI.25 A perfect little writer for $1.25. * are thousands c sons who would use a typewriter but whose needs and business do not warrant the expensp attached to the purchase and use of a fifty or seventy-five dollar machine. To such persons we confidently recommend our Little Giant. It is strongly made, but simple in construction, so that any one can quickly learn to operate it and write as rapidly as they would with pen and ing. The letters or the alphabet most frequently used being so grouped as to enable one to write rapidly, the numerals, 1 to 10, and the punctuation marks being together. With this machine you can send your best girl typewritten love letters, address envelopes, make out bills, and do almost any kind of work not requiring a large expensive machine. With each typewriter we send a tube of ink and full printed instructions for using the machine. Price complete $1.25 by mail postpaid. tne ume oi cal meetini all where tl for830c.*r6 GREATEST TOY SENSATION OFTHE DAY! FIGHTING DREAGNAUGHT 2ST SENSATIONALLY REALISTIC ! i ! Here is a model of Uncle Sam’s fighting monsters. Eight big guns, each of which flashes, at correct intervals, from twelve to twenty times. Extra ammunition always obtainable. Absolutely harmless. Can be operated indoors or out. Now. boys! Here’s your chance to see a battleship in action, and the best of it is you can OWN the ship and command the firing yourself! By having two or more Battleships, you can arrange EXCITING NAVAL BATTLES in your own home. Price of Warship and Ammunition, 15c, three for 40c, ora fleet of 12 ships for $l.SO postpaid. Extra Ammunition, S cents per pkg. SQUIRT if¡ l¿ c You may have a lot of fun with this Sparkling Gem Squ.rt Ring. It consists of a handsomely plated ring, attached to a rubber ball, so ar- Eged that the latter is te out of view when ring is in the proper position. Such anattra׳•-tiye looking ring r.s this — cannot fail to be the | center^of attraction. While the victim is absorbed inge tingacl ser view, you ;just squeeze the rubber ball and ihe ooserver experience • a very great surprise. PRICE 20 CENTS, three for 50 can.*. Postpaid. J. S. &. CO WoitderfillX-Ray Tube A wonderful little instrument producing optical illusions both surprising and scarding. Wi:h it you can see wha\v. is apparently tha bones of your fingers, the lead in a lead pencil, the interior opening in a pipe stem, and many other similar illusions. A mystery that no one ha s been able to satisfactorily explain. Price 10 cents; 3 for 25 cents; 1 dozen. 75 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid. va wumh.iiuoiiimiu. j. o. a. wu ״ J -.uuo. ocut ил׳ шоп. iwawoiu. MUSICAL KAZOO MAGIC FLUTE Wonderfully Sweet Toned and Musical CIGARETTE ROLLER] MIDGET ILLUSTRATED BIBLE A TREE OF HEAVEN Diend al tree i»d Й Groat Curiosity ** The Smallest Bible in tha World The Midget Bible is a perfect gem, and a work of art. It is Ornamental Gourds Bouquet, or Red Cluster s-Sfg? or Oyster Plant White Velvet Okra PAGES of the NEW TESTAMENT, profusely illustrated. This little Bible is a wonder. It is said to bring good luck to the owner. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price, only 12 cents, three Bibles for 30 cents; one doxan Bibles for $1.00 or 100 for $6.00. Good money can be made selling these Midget Bibles amongst friends, church acquaintances, Sunday schools, bazaars, etc. Send for a few and try it. SIMPLEX TYPEWRITER ONLY $2.50 Cheap But Good. So Simple a Child Can Use It. We Guarantee the Writing, followed in season Though so marvelouely cheap, this machine is a of colored seed po thoroughly practical Typewriter. We positively ° guarantee it lo produce writing equal In every respect to that of any $100 machine. It does not seem possible at the price, but let us send you a specimen of its work and you will be convinced. With reasonable care it will last a lifetime. It is so simple that a child just able to read can write with it. You can learn all there is to know about it in five mlnutea, and an hour’s practice will make expert operator. Every business man must Very neat and handy. !;Weighs less ^ than a quarter of an o u n c e. It makes better cigarettes than you can buy and makes them easily and quickly. You can use just the tobacco yoti prefer and thus have nicer “smokes” than ready-made, and more of them besides saving about half of your money. Just try one and make your cigarettes just to your own liking. Price only 10c er 3 for 25c postpaid, with full instructions for use. JOHNSON SMITH & CO. Kudzu Chinese Balloon Flower Purple Feather Grass(0r-namental) Curious Ferns (grow® from seed) Bird of Paradise Flower 1 Snake Cucumber Nittn’c plant ft Flnuuar Fnnri changes ill-nourished plants into Luxuriant flllio S riani