MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 14 News From the Lodges Trenton Lodge No. 164 has a beautiful home which cost $125,000. The Lodges who do not have their wives, mothers, sisters and daughters organized are certainly overlooking a bet. Warren, Ohio, Lodge has a first class publicity man. The Chronicle there deserves thanks for its co-operation. Knoxville, Tenn., Lodge gave a Christmas dinner to five hundred children. Supervisor Elliott is making things hum in the south. Elizabeth, N. J., Lodge had a big bazaar in December and made an at-(Continued on page 17) FREE TRIAL We ship the famous Oliver Typewriter — brand new — direct from the factory to you for free trial. If you want to own it, pay us at the rate of $3 per month. Or return it. You are your own salesman and save $43 this new way. Before our direct־to־you plan the Oliver price was $100, now it is $57. All the saving comes from our economical distribution. Write for details of plan and our new book, “The High Cost of Typewriters—The Reason and the Remedy.’* Then you may have an Oliver for 5 days free trial. Write today for details. The Oliver Typewriter Co. 352 Oliver Typewriter Bldg. Chicago, III. (31.07) Delivered vou FR 1819 MODELS NOW REA*bY TO SHIP No other concern will offer you such values or such ■׳■" ־*״— terms. Make your , choice from 44 styles colors and sizes la the famous **Ranger•* line of bicycles freight prepaid to your town. Sent on ap* proval for 3 0 DAYS’ (FREE TRIAL. From our Oew big catalog select the particular style of RANGER bicycle you desire. Wo pay return charges If you decide not to keep it. You get one month Tiding test at our expense. LOW FACTORY PRICES direct to you from the largest, oldest and most successful bicycle concern in the country. TIRES Lamps, Horns and parts for all bicycles a t half usual prices. Send No Money but write today for this b i g free catalog, also full particu-, lars of new 30•day free trial offer. Do not buy until you receive it WRITE NOW. Electric Lighted RANGER Motorbike We want. Ri.'er Agent"' in Every neighborhood CYCLE COMPANY Dept. H-141 Chicago MEAD TABLETS FOR Grippe Cold in the Head Headaches Neuralgias Spanish Influenza Women’s Aches and Ills Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains Ask Your Druggist for A-K Tablets Sold in Convenient Pocket Packages Dozen Size 25c Small Size lOc See Monogram Ж on the Qenu Th. Antlkamnl. Remedy Company St. Loula, Mo. was the first Lodge in that State to report for the Dec. 31st quarter. W. H. Jones, D. D. S. D. for Northern Michigan, keeps the Lodges in that territory lined up. Almost 100 members of Honolulu Lodge No. 800 were in military service when the armistice was signed. J. D. Reed has recently been elected Secretary of Norfolk, Va., Lodge No. 39, succeeding J. V. Davis, resigned. Ward Rock Lodge No. 902, located at Logan, West Virginia, was the first Lodge in that State to report for the Dec. 31st quarter. F. 0. Rogers, Deputy Supervisor, is in the midst of a whirlwind membership campaign in Tacoma, Wash., one of the best Lodges in the West. Springwells Lodge No. 1620 located at Detroit, Mich., was the first Lodge in that State to report for the Dec 31st quarter. Mooseheart Lodge No. 00 was the first Lodge to remit the 1918 War Contribution in full—several others were just a day late. There never is enough snow in Alaska to stop those Lodges from remembering the Mooseheart kiddies at Christmas. Rocky Mount No. 1328 (N. C.) removed the rocks and initiated 461 members during the first five months of their existence. “Doc” Cochran is still boosting at Atlantic City. Madison, Wisconsin, had a fine Christmas party. B. Harvey Smith is the new Secretary at Sellersville, Pa. John J. Strehr is the new Dictator at Steubenville, Ohio. Davenport, Ohio, had its usual Christmas dance. Colorado Springs is making a big drive for five hundred members. Pikes Peak Legion is helping. Passaic, N. J., Lodge held open house all day New Years and everybody had a good time. Davenport Lodge, Davenport, Iowa, co-operated nobly in the War Savings Stamp campaign. Fond du Lac, Wis., sent thirty-two candidates to the Legion meeting at Appleton recently. Atlantic City Lodge recently held an entertainment at which over five hundred were present. Benton Harbor and Niles Lodges have been visiting back and forth, which is always a good sign. The Lodge in Shreeveport, La., played Santa Claus as usual and made many children happy. The Lodge in Marion, Ohio, is inaugurating a ninety days campaign to reach the one thousand mark. Bob Chalmers’ Minstrel troop from Akron, Ohio, has been boosting things in that state and in western Pennsylvania. Bob is hard to beat. Peoria, Illinois, Lodge is beginning to show signs of growth. A class of twenty-six was initiated the other night. If anybody has a notion there is no Moose Lodge in Galesburg, Illinois, let him change his mind. Dan Huff is making things hum down there. Pueblo, Colorado, recently initiated a class of fifty under the supervision of Tom Howell and his good deputy, R. R. Richards. Supreme Lecturer Giles had a big audience in Annapolis recently. The Naval Academy Orchestra furnished music. The Lodge at Haverhill, Mass., has undertaken the construction of a Club House and that fine Lodge of 1200 members will certainly succeed. Anderson, Indiana, Lodge No. 1 has initiated 173 so far in its last- campaign. It looks like the old Lodge would pass the one thousand mark. Liberty Legion, which centers about Cincinnati, is doing ■ wonderful things for the Moose in the Miami valley. Two hundred new Moose were made in Norfolk, Virginia, in November in spite of the “flu.” Kalamazoo Lodge has been entertaining the soldiers from Camp Custer. Wilmington, Delaware, Lodge is just under the two thousand mark. Let’s put it over, hoys. Bluff City Lodge No. 1155, Mt. Carmel, 111., was the second Illinois Lodge to make complete Dec. 31st report. Here’s a record: Durham (No. Carolina) Lodge No. 1371 initiated 1031 members in four months. Frank Anderson, Secretary of No. 2 at Cincinnati, always makes good reports to the Supreme Lodge. Illinois has passed New York in number of members. What say, “Empire Staters”? Over 3,000 members were initiated in North Carolina from April 1st to June 30th. Kingsport (Tenn.) Lodge No. 489 Every Moose- Should Read This T F YOU want information relating to By-Laws, Sick Benefits, Funeral j¡ I expense. Special Dispensations of any character. Club Permits, Elec- p! Ц ־*־ tion of Officers, Charges, Interpretation of Existing Laws, you should }¡i| |;i| write direct to the General Dictator, Mooseheart, 111., as the General Laws |j ■{j provide that he shall pass upon the same. !! To do otherwise causes confusion and delay. Secretaries will greatly {¡1 *״■ oblige by following this rule. Ш IF YOU FIND TEE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, ASK S i (• YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT- •• INC COMMITTEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE. H ׳: IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY H. BRAN- M •• DON. MOOSEHEART, ILLS., AND HE WILL. • Я _ —!05—106—110—121— -:126 — 166 — 178—193 Щ 1 207-—220—239—247—260—305— -330—349 — 353—374 — 378 — 385 И I!».. -419— — — —496—498—500—504 -—¿531 — -535—540!:[ 1 548—553—558— —580— —594— -620 — 633 — 65.4 — 662 — 668 iili 4- 675—688—690—691—703— —r709—713—717 — 722 — —739 — 742 И — :—780—782— —797—846—850—879 —885 —900919— 917—׳ i;1 a .. —949—1015— '.—990—966—957־— _____■'i —. 1065— —1069 !..! —1075—1078—1101—. —1130—1135 — 1143—, 1154 — 1163 1172—1173—1174^-1177—1188—1189—1200—1218!—1222 — 1223 — 1228 П i, 1232—12.13—1210—1242—1244—1253—■1270—’ — —1293 — 1294 I! —1306— ,— -1350— . — , -1379 —1391 — 1393 —1397 !;1 И 1399—1405—1422—1426—1428—1429—1430—1443 — 1462—1464^.1466 1 •• — 1608 — 1597 — ־—1573—1543—1537—1515— —1499—479[ •• |S 1631— —1657. Beloit, Wisconsin, has a new home. Coal Creek No. 1649 is a new Lodge in Tennessee. Welcome! Lima (Ohio) Lodge No. 199 is numbered among the best in the Order. District Supervisor Reynolds is doing effective work in Florida. Good progress is reported from Pueblo, Colorado. Buffalo, New York, Lodge is making progress. Clinton, Illinois, Lodge recently took on a big class. Phoebus, Virginia, is going to buld a $20,000 Club. we will tell you about their earnings—assets—liabilities—equipment- dividend possibilities — where incorporated-how managed—amount of production^etc. _ If you have bought or contemplate purchasing oil securities get our reports—furnished free. of companies properly managed, safe guarded and free from debts make attractive investments. SMITH-MARTIN CO. Stocks and Bonds 208 S■ La Salle St. Chicago DONT WEAR A TRUSS After Thirty Y’ears Experience I Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. I Send It On Trial. If you have tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail is where I have my greatest success. Send attached coupon today The above is C. E. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance, who cured himself and who is now giving others the benelt of his experience. If ruptured, write him today, at Marshall, Mich. and I will send you free my illustrated book on Rupture and its cure, showing my Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It gives instant relief when all others fail. Remember, I use no salves, no harness, no lies. I send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are the judge and once having seen my illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It’s well worth your time whether you try my Appliance or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON Mr. C. E. Brooks, 130G State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. 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