Ъу C.7-i. Stephen Fair ■monument,th.it lifts tlty stately head Above the fertile valley of ttie Fox! Where, loving Riae in. sweet coateatraeat tread. O’er verdant slopes,and, where the featltered flocks la toaes of gladness ска at their melody! How beauteous thy eavironraeats, and still Thy buildings miaule with the harmony As if Dante Nature placed thee oa that hill. The fraudeur of thy architecture çileaias Oa thy surroundings, as if to write The work, of Nature with the little dream. Of raaa's coaceptioa of the Iafiaite. Each block that teads to make thy massive walls. Each little detail of thy well wrought plia, Proclaim the message thru time’s aacieat halls Of raaa’s devotioa to his fellow man״?. In love’s cemeat each block securely rests On the fouadatiou of true brotherhood. The orphaa’s welfare claims thy interests. Thy efforts lift the load of widowhood.. Thy classrooms are a democratic seat Vheace emanate the laws of moral lidht. ly shops the rowing And fitted for its place ia marts of trade. From orphans, once by circumstances chained, Your methods useful citizens have made. O midhty forest ! formed of $!ant oaks Raised from the acorns of benevolence, Thy branches reaching Heavenward invoke God’s biessind, upon man’s beneficence. Spread forth thy sheltering branches to protect The children of my brotner ׳gfone from earth Aad by thy moral influence connect The orphans, to the cause that $ave thee birth It is beyoud the mind of man to ^naçfe The limits of thy coolind friendly shade, or the effect upon the future ade Of this, God planned asylum, man his made. When those, who shall have toiled to decorate The face of nature with thy queenly smile Have passed beyoud time’s aou-recedind date , There wil, t, thon stand, a monument worth while. A monument that lovind hearts have raised Unto the Author of the thoudht sublime A mighty anthem of eternal praise To echo through the corridors of time, That underlying scheme of God’s drea-t Plan-Mans lovind kindness to his fellow mam.