BE A CERTIFICATED YOU MEN LISTEN The country needs more trained, graduate Electricians. Thousands have gone into the Government service and there is such an unusual demand for competent electrical men that I am making a wonderful offer at this time. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! I want to send you my splendid offer now. Don’t hesitate because of age or experience. Young men, boys and old men must now fill the gaps and keep business going. DO YOUR PART. Prepare yourself for a real position, by my Home Study Course in Practical Electricity. I am Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works. I have trained thousands of men and can help you better than anybody else. We also have large, splendidly-equipped shops ■where you can come at any time for special instruction without charge. No other correspondence school can give you this. SPECIAL OFFER: Right now I am giving a big, valuable surprise that I cannot explain here, to every student who answers this ad. Write today! 46= TO *lOO— A WEEK Go after some real money. Qualify for one of the thousands of splendid positions open. All you need to start is a few months snappy, practical instruction from a competent engineer. Enroll with me—NOW. I’ll give you my personal care to ensure rapid and efficient progress. My course is intensely practical. It is highly condensed, simplified, up-to-date and complete. I am so sure you will make a splendid success in this study, that I will Guarantee Under Bond to return to you every cent paid for tuition, if you Sire not entirely satisfied when you receive your Electrician’s Certificate granted you as a graduate of my school. FREE= Electrical Outfit and Lessons=FREE Send me the Free Outfit Coupon at once. Do it now! For a limited period I am making a slashing cut in the cost of tuition, and giving each new student a grand outfit of Electrical Tools, Material and Instruments—in addition—Absolutely Free. I will also send you—free and fully prepaid—Proof Lessons to show you how easily you can be trained at home to enter this great profession, by means of my new, revised and original system of mail instruction. Act Promptly Get the full benefit of this great offer. Send the Coupon or a postal for free information without delay. Do it now—before my free offers and guarantee are withdrawn. CHIEF ENGINEER COOKE Chicago Engineering Works 441 Cass Street Dept. 92 CHICAGO, ILL. Use This “FREE OUTFIT” Coupon CHIEF ENG. COOKE, Dept. 92, 441 Cass Street, CHICAGO, ILL. SIR: Send at once—fully prepaid and entirely free—complete particulars of your great offer for this month. Name Address.:. I. ax? xlc