AS AMERICA’S foremost poultry expert 1 predict that eggs are going to retail for a dollar a dozen this winter. Right now the retail price is from 50c to 75c per dozen in some of the large cities. At a dollar a dozen poultry raisers are going to make tremendous egg profits. You, too, can make sure of a big egg yield by feeding your hens a few cents’ worth of “More Eggs” tonic. This product has been tried, tested and proven. It is acknowledged the best and most successful egg producer on the market today. Every day that you don’t use it means that you are losing money. Don’t delay. Start with a few cents * worth of “More Eggs” tonic now• Got 117 Eggs Instead of 3 That’s the experience of one poultry raiser who wrote me. A. P. Woodard of St. Cloud, Fla., writes: “I get from 40 to SO eggs a day now. Before using ‘More Eggs’ I was getting only 8 or 9 eggs a day.” Here are the experiences of a few others of the hundreds who write me: “48 Dozen in One Week” Dear Mr. Reefer: Woodbury, Tenn. I can't express how xnach I have been benefited by answering your ads. I’ve got more eggs than I ever did. I’ve sold 42 34 dozen eggs last week, set 4 dozen, ate some and had 1 ’34 dozen left. From your friend, MRS. LENA McBROON. “Selling Eggs Now” E. J. Reefer: Hebo, Oregon I was not getting an egg when I began the use of the ״,More Eggs” Tonic. Now I am Belling eggs. MRS. J. F. BRINK. “Gets Winter Eggs” E. J. Reefer: Wilbnrton, Kan. It is the first time I got bo many eggs in winter. When I began using *'More Eggs” I was only getting from 1 to 3 eggs per dav and now I am getting 11 to 13 eggs per day. MRS. JULIA GOODEN. 18 Hens—12 Eggs a Day E. J. Reefer: Luray, Va. Six weeks ago I began giving "More Eggs” Tonic and I was not getting an egg from 18 hens, and now I am getting 10 to 12 every day. You can quota me as saying that it is the best chicken tonic in the world. R. L. REYNOLDS 160‘״ Hens—125 Dozen Eggs” E. J. Reefer: Waverly, Mo. 1 have fed two boxes of More Eggs Tonic to my hens and I think my hens have broken the record for eggs. I have 160 White Leghorns and from March 25 to April 15 I sold 125 dozen eggs. MRS. H. M. PATTON. “15 Hens—310 Eggs” E. J. Reefer: Turner Falls, Mass. I used your More Egg Tome and from December 1 to February 1, from 15 hens, 1 got 310 eggs. Your remedies are just what you claim them to be MRS. G. R. STOUGHTON. *‘More Than Doubled In Eggs” E. J. Roofer: .... , Mendon, 111. I am very much pleased with your More Eggs'״ Tonic. My hens have more than doubled up in taeir eggs. L. D. NICHOLS. 126 Eggs In 5 Days E. J. Reefer: Salma, Okla. I wouldn t try to raise chickens without * More Eggs," which means more money. I use it right along. I have 33 hens and in days have gotten 1034 dozen eggs or 126. MRS. J. O. ~ * *- 44Doubles Egg Production” E. J. Reefer: ¡Paradise. Texas, I have been using: More Eggs Tonic 3 or 4 weeks and muet say it is fine. M> egg production has been doubled.:] J. C. KOENINGER. "Increase from 2 to 45 Eggs a Day” Reefer’s Hatchery: Derby, Iowa Since I began the иве of your More Eggs Tonic 2 weeks ago 1 am getting 46 eggs a day, and before I was only getting 2 or 3 a day. Youre truly, DORA PHILLIPS. “37 Eggs a Day” E. J. Reefer: _ . . Elwood, Indiana "Increases from 8 to 36 Eggs a Day” E. J. Reefer: Shady Bend, Kansas. I am well pleased with your More Eggs Tonic. I was only getting 8 or 9 eggB, now I am getting S dozen a day. Yours truly, WM. SCHMIDT. tonic. More Eggs Makes Layers Out of Loafers! This is a concentrated tonic, not a food. It consists of every element that goes toward the making of more eggs. A perfect regulator, aids digestion, stimulates egg production and builds firm bones and strong muscles. The fore, most authorities in America and poultry raisers from every state endorse Reefer’s “More Eggs’ A Million Dollar Guarantee Absolute Satisfaction or Money Bade Results Guaranteed! bh Here is the facsimile of the guarantee of a million dollar bank that "More Eggs” will produce results. The million dollar bank guarantees to refund your inoney if you are not satisfied. You run no risk. So don’t delay. Every day you wait you are losing money. National Bank of the Republic CACITit $500.000. '' *iiwws mo raonrs •103.000. , MNSAsem.H^ iTOlmOM IT MAT CONCERN:' , I hereby guarantee that Mr.־ Reefer will carry out his agreement ★ * * and this bank further agrees to return to the customer the total; amount cf his remittance, lfi Ur. Reefer fails to do as ha !agrees. Very truly yours, fSoltat, Order Today Send a dollar today for a full- sized package of “More Eggs” tonic, or better yet send $2.25 at extra special discount, and get three packages. Three packages is a full season’s supply. Don’t put it off. Order now and start your hens making money for you. Remember, you run no risk. A Million Dollar Bank will refund instantly if you are not entirely satisfied. If you don’t order your More Eggs now at least mark on the coupon for Mr. Reefer to send you, ABSOLUTELY FREE, his valuable poultry book that tells the experience of a man who, himself, has made a fortune and is helping others to make money out of the poultry business. Act NOW. Don’t wait. Pin !.25 which will guarantee your winter’s egg supply. Send for this bank-Todayt It has helped thousands of others and will help you, too. dollar bill to the coupon. Or send guaranteed egg producer NOW. E. J, Reefer, sooi Reefer Bldg., Kansas City, Mo־ E. <1• REEFER, 300! Reefer Bldg. Kansas City, Missouri Enclosed find $_...... Send at special discount price, with all charges prepaid, .... packages of More Eggs Tonic. Send this with an absolute Bank Guarantee that you will refund all my money if this tonic is not satis* factory to me in every way. Name.. Address.. IMPORTANT: If you don’t want to try this Bank Guaranteed tonic, at least mail the coupon for my Free valuable poultry books FREE.