19 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE PROGRESS AT CAMBRIDGE, O. “Opry House,” and the leading hotel occupies one of the other corners. The flag is red on white with enough blue stars around the heart to represent the members of Cambridge lodge in the service. Bro. MacLeod designed the flags, and the mothers of the boys represented by the stars stitched it together. It was properly dedicated by appropriate ceremonies at which Civil War Veterans were featured and was carried in a local patriotic parade in which it was the feature. MacLeod is no ,v conducting a membership campaign in Zanesville, Ohio, and is meeting with success. With kindest regards and best wishes. Fraternally, WM. N. ROBSON, for John H. Risbeck. PROGRESS AT CAMBRIDGE. Nov. 7, 1918. Mr. Rodney H. Brandon, Supreme Secretary, Mooseheart, 111. Dear Sir and Brother:—I am sending you under separate cover a photograph of the service flag raising at Cambridge, Ohio, which I thought you might like to sse in the Mooseheart Magazine, because of its novelty. The man on the extreme left of the picture is W. G. MacLeod, one of Mr. Risbesk’s deputies who conducted a successful membership campaign in Cambridge. The picture is taken in front of their home, which for the size of the lodge is one of the finest in Ohio and located in one of the most prominent corners of Wheeling Street, the main street of the town. The building in the background is the Moose Murdered An article appeared in the November Magazine of a murder near Belleville, 111., body unidentified, except for a Moose signet ring, initials “B. E. to T. E.” Supreme Secretary’s office received a letter from Brother Edward Earnhart, of Flat Rock, 111., a member of Robinson, 111., Lodge No. 1369, who read the account in the Magazine, and upon investigation proved to be his Brother, Thomas J. Earnhart, of Augusta, Kans., who also was a member of Augusta Lodge No. 1394. Brother Thomas Earnhart was returning to Kansas in his Ford Touring car after paying a visit to relatives in Illinois. He was held up and murdered by someone unknown near Belleville. The Ford Touring car was also stolen. Brother Ed. Earnhart would appreciate any information leading to the arrest of the murderer, or the recovery of the stolen car. He also desires to thank the Magazine Department for the publication in the November issue. DESCRIPTION OF CAR Ford Touring Car, 1917 model. Engine No. 2262368, with Kansas license No. 58782. Left front fender and running board bent under. Front axle and radius rods slightly bent, with a deep scratch on right side of bed running lengthways. Brother Moose, make every effort possible to apprehend murderer and locate car. Any clue, notify the Supreme Secretary’s office or communicate direct with Brother Edward Earnhart, of Flat Rock, 111. Save one-tenth of your December ׳ income—Buy W, S. S. The allied forces must remain under arms until peace is permanently established. Lend your savings—Buy W. S. S. Thrift Stamps An appeal to the members of the Order for Thrift Stamps to build a Thrift Building at Mooseheart, continues to meet with an enthusiastic reception from the membership. The following is a list of donations since last report: Lodge No. 3—Jas. S. Rotchschild-------------$ .50 67—Sam Young -------1------------- .25 314—Robert J. Godfrey________________ .25 400—M. A. Cress______________________ .75 991—C. J. Maguire____________________ .50 766—J. T. Highsmith__________________ .25 300—J. H. Sharp, Dictator___________ 5.00 26—Geo. F. Sauer_________________ 1.00 1332—Octave Chab.ot __________________ 3.00 63—E. G. Woo lever_______________ .50 1030—Arthur Wold----------------------- .50 1030—Lars Tokheim---------------------- .50 386—W. F. Devoe------------------ 1.50 1030—Arthur B. Sheley----------------- 1.00 43—Chas. G. Platt__________________ .25 Paul Hanisch __________________ .50 B. H. Browne__________________ .25 M. Schmncker-------------------- .25 Fred Papcke -------------------- .75 Matt Hackett ------------------ '.75 Frank Harshen __________________ .25 J. W. Foley__________________ .25 A. Lawrence -------------------- .50 A. C. Reynolds_______________ .50 L. C. Frazien______________ .25 Jack Welch _____________________ .25 W. R. Downey__________________ .25 J. Crawford __________________ .25 John Massion ------------------- .25 1068—0. M. Barnes__________________ 1.00 310—F. J. Doyle ------------------- 5.00 828—Chicago Heights Lodge-----------20.00 366—H. R. Patterson_____________ 1.00 948—Jas. S. Gilman___________________ .25 167—Clement Allison ________________ 2.00 211—C. Backinger ---------------------- .50 259—John Drummond, Rex Andrus, A. Halles, C.׳ A. Jolley, P. Valentine, S. M. Taylor, J. E. Murphy, T. M. Howell, A. F. Moore, T. H. Hayes, Sergt. J. Mulpeter, Van Cleve Scott, Amos Hall, G. C. Hoffman, Jos. Ungerman, Billy Hayes, N. J. Thomstorff, H. Mayho, Alfred Smithen, F. C. Schlegel, H. U. Walters, W. L. jLreweK, uie Aimerauii, ¿x. xv. Clark, Wm. M. McCarthy------25.00 26—George F. Sauer—--------------- 1.00 63—Joseph Eveslage ---------------- .75 401—Irman Justin Burkett------------- 1.00 160—Frank E. McCormick--------------- 1.25 985—A. F. Schulze__________:________ .50 Now that the war is over it will be possible for the membership to make this fund grow more rapidly than heretofore without great sacrifice. Let us make it boom. Priscilla Pattern Co., Batavia, Illinois CATALOGUE NOTICE AT -Send 12 cents m silver or stamps for our Up-to-Date FALL and WINTER, 19181919־ CAT-550 desi^ns of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Patterns, a CONCISE AND COMPREHENSIVE ARTICLE ON. DRESSMAKING, ALSO SOME POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE (illustrating 30 of the various, simple stitches) all valuable liints to the home dressmaker. 2675—Ladies' House Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Size 38 requires 6% yards of 36-inch material. With at lower edge is about 2§ yards. Price 12 cents. 2700—Child’s Set of Short Clothes. Cut in 5 sizes: 6 months, 1 year, 2, 3 and 4 years. It will require for the Dress, 2% yards of 36-inch material. For the Drawers, % yard. For the Slip, 11/2 yards, for a 2 year size. Price 12 cents. 2697—Ladies' Apron. Cut in 4 sizes: Small, 32-34 ; Medium, 36-38 ; Large, 40-42 ; and Extra Large, 44-46 inches bust measure. Size Medium will require 4^4 yards of 36-inch material. Price 12 cents. 2685—Boy's Suit. Cut in 4 sizes: 3, 4, 5, and 7 years. Size 4 will require 3 yards of 44-inch material. Price 12 cents. 2704—Girls' Coat and Cap. Cut in 5 sizes: 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Size 8 will require 2% yards of 44-inch material for the coat, and % yards of 27-inch material for the cap. Price 12 cents. 2684—Ladies' Combination. Cut in sizes: Small, 32-34; medium, 36-38 ; Large, 40-42, and Extra Large, 44-46 inches bust measure. Size Medium requires 2% yards of 36-inch material. Price 12 cents. 2694—Girls' Dress. Cut in 4 sizes. 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Size 10 will require 3^ yards of 40-inch material. Pricel2 cents. 2681—Girls' Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Size 12 will require 3% yards of 44-inch material. Price 12 cents. 2706—Girls' Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 12, 14 and 16 years. Size 14 will require 4^j yards of 36-inch material. Price 12 cents. 2683—A Youthful Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 14, 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 16 will require 5 Ya yards of 36-inch material. Width of skirt at lo’-’er edge is about 1% yard. Price 12 cents. 2721—A Simple Day Dress. Cut in 6 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, and 44 inches but measure. Size 38 requires 5 V2 yards of 36 inch material. Width at lower edge is about 1% yard. Price 12 cents. 2693-2701—A Good Business Costume. Waist 2693, Cut in 7 sizes : 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Skirt 2701, Cut in 7 sizes : 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches waist measure. For a medium size the waist will require 2% yards of 36-inch material. The skirt will require 3% yards of 44-inch material. Width at lower edge is 2% yards with plaits drawn out. TWO separate patterns 12 cents FOR EACH. In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash or two-cent stamps for each Pattern you want. Address order to PATTERN DEPARTMENT, PRISCILLA PATTERN CO., Batavia, Illinois. Send money,. if possible, but if more convenient, send two-cent stamps.