SUNDRY CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS Authority Chapter 82, Laws 1919 ' ‘ . ' - 1921-22 $7,000.00 1922-23 $7,000.00 Chapter 82, Laws 1917 14,000.00 14,000.00 Par. 379, R. S. 1913 Sufficient *100.00 *100.00 Par. 279196־, R. S. 1913 Sufficient *75,000.00 *80,000.00 Par. 185, R. S. 1913 Sufficient *550.00 *550.00 Par. 1773, R. S. 1913 Sufficient *1,000.00 *1,000.00 Par. 242, R S. 1913 Sufficient *10,000.00 *10,000.00 Chapter 61, Section 3, Laws 1917 Sufficient *250.00 250.00* ־ 30,000.00 30,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 ־ 1,000.00 1,000.00 3.600.00 3,600.00 ,32,038.76 '32,038.76 1.250.00 1,250.00 • ׳ \ - ״ ׳ ׳ 550.00 550.00 • 25,958.90 25,958.90 2.500.00 2,500.00 2.500.00 2,500.00 $213,797.66 $208,797.66 Name County Scholarships.—.——״...............״...... County Fair* Assistance—............—..——״ Court Commissioners—............. High Schools and Normal Schools—To encourage Vocational Pursuits—״..........״..״.—״ Premiums on Bonds of State Officials״״״.......... Printing Reports of Supreme Court.......״——.— Printing Reports, State Officials״״״״..״״......— Superior Court Judges—Expense while acting as Supreme Judge״״״״״״״״״................... Interest on Registered Warrants........ Interest on St. Louis I Exposition Bonds....... Asylum for the Insane, Interest.״...״״...... Capitol Building, Interest״״״״״״——.......... Interest on State Funded Debt.—.—״״״״״.......... University of Arizona,, Interest (1901) .... University of Arizona Interest (1903) ״״.״.״ Redemption Fund, State Funded Debt............ Redemption Fund, St. Louis Exposition Bonds Redemption Fund, U. of A. Bonds.—.............. «!asm׳ bf iujri־״¿ L MAY I 1 ]£2! Estimated Amounts 127 —