Recommendations UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA—SULPHUR SPRINGS VALLEY DRY FARM FUND 1922-23 Estimate 1921-22 192CP21 Funds Available Balance $1,150.00 $1,000.00 $250.00 ’""300׳.ÒÒ 450.00 $5,000.00 $1,800.00 1,775.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 . 25.00 450.00 700.00 $130.00 $130.00 $3,220.00 $1,500.00 800.00 100.00 820.00 $1,150.00 130.00 3,260.00 1919-20 Balance Appropriation Expenditures ........I..... , $4,490.00 .......... 1918-19 Expenditures $4,500.00 $6,000.00 $14.04 $4,540.00 $926.83 $94.33 ׳ 832.5Ò׳”' $221.67 $221.67 $3,327.46 $976.66 1,527.31 43.70 3.54 77.74 71.93 ....89.61 191.55 110.51 16.58 218.33 $4,475.96 $4,490.00 $16.74 $134.78 $120.00 14.78 $874.91 $343.08 531.83 $3,585.26 $1,249.92 1,223.68 217.57 2.20 ...ÏÏÏ33. 60׳58 ■ 423.62 295.34 $4,594.95 Description Funds Appropriation ................... $4,611.69 EXPENDITURES Capital .................- .״״. .״.״״. New Machinery...״״...........״״״״. ״.״״....... Furniture ....................... Live Stock״״.....״״״...״......״״״..״..״. ״״. Buildings ״.״.........״״.״.״״״״..״״״״״ . Maintenance״״....״״״.״.״״״ Machinery Repairs׳ and Replacement ——״—.״.״״ ״״״ ................. Building Repairs״״״......... ״״״״:״״״ Operation .......״....״״ ״״-....״״...״.״. Salaries ..................................... Wages ................-......................״ Traveling Expense...............— ... Stationery and Supplies ״.״—- .......... Telephone and Telegraph.............. ......״ Freight and Drayage״״״.......״״.. '...... Printing .............—.........- .״״.״.—.,״ Heat and Light, etc.״״..................... — Feed ......:.״................... -....... Seed, Plants, etc״..........״.... —— Insurance .................... ............... Miscellaneous ................ - .... $4,611.69 t