SUMMARY ALL DEPARTMENTS pi 1920-21 Estimate p , . Balance Funds Available 1921-22 1922-23 Recommendations ....... $218,082.50 .... ........................... $14,000.00 $12,500.00 1,500.00 ■ Ï2,’50000׳ l׳2״m(X) • $15,700.00 $12,500.00 1,250.00 650.00 800.00 500.00 $319.454.00 $227,890.00' 24,600.00 5.350.00 3.455.00 1.710.00 2.144.00 2.130.00 200.00 650.00 850.00 1.750.00 2.900.00 3.460.00 2.200.00 4.750.00 1.200.00 1.150.00 2,000.00 1.650.00 ' 1.995.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 1.660.00 760.00 $347,654.00 $15,700.00 $12,500.00 1,250.00 650.00 800.00 500.00 $316,454.00 $225.890.00 24,100.00 , 5.250.00 3.455.00 1.710.00 2.144.00 2.130.00 200.00 650 00 850 00 1.750.00 2.900.00 3.360.00 2.200.00 4.650.00 1.200.00 1.150.00 1,900 00 1.650.00 1.895.00 5.000.00 20.000.00 1.660.00 760.00, $346,154.00 I ) $218,082.50 UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA—MAINTENANCE FUND Funds Expenditures Balance Appropriation Ex^E°res $215,312.27• ................ ........ $218,082.50 ............ 21,675.28 $28,041.20 $40,352.07 $2,323.79 450.00 550.00 950.00 15,746.50 3,035.24 4,685,67 300.00 $7,789.88 900.00 1,620.00 3,600.00 12,405.85 9,749.18 3,737.16 550.00 Description Appropriation .......... Other Receipts.......... EXPENDITURES Capital New Buildings—.......... Grounds—Improvement ... Fencing .....-.......... Sewer and Pipe Lines......... Furniture and Fixtures.. Equipment .......... Books .... Archaeological Collections. $16,332.45 $16,331.11 Maintenance $11,149.15 990.60 1,660.80 1,901.50 630v40 $10,020.44 1,203.50 2,459.80 2,023.66 623.71 Building Repairs..—c..״״״״....״ Sewer and Pipe Line Repairs״״ Furniture, Replacements———— Equipment Replacement........... Books, Binding...—........... $195,384.13 $158,628.55 Operation $120,950.28 21,148.90 3,632.67 3,251.99 1,508.92 2,026.45 2,049.85 200.00 520l00 834.20 1,407.07 2.308.51 912.95 1.849.52 3,546.72 1.185.63 1,023.42 1,358.22 1,646.95 1,560.00 4.154.18 15:643.77 1.657.49 1,006.44 $80,247.35 16,396.06 3,028.25 2,606.38 1,376.28 1,496.46 • 2,124.53 18,670.16 725.00 323.60 1,030.93 1,027.95 546.80 3,725.15 928.25 1,298.73 1,307.82 1,093.94 1,619.20 2,732.81 13,202.87 1,214.48 1,905.55 Salaries ——.......——....... Wages .................... Traveling Expense————. Stationery, etc.........״״—.. Postage —.......—.... Telephone and Telegraph.... Freight and Drayage״.......... Frinting and Publications״״. Special Training........... Lectures and Concerts״——... Commencement ———.........— Publicity and Advertisement. Insurance ...... Field Work........״...... University. W ork... ....״... Laboratory Supplies״.—..... Small Tools............... Stable Account......... Auto Expense.—״.....״״״״״״. Janitor Supplies.——............ General Supplies........ Light and Power............ Fuel ......................״. Electrical ,Supplies.—.... Miscellaneous ............. $239,757.78 $239,757.78 $215,312.27 $215,311.73 — 98 —